
Singing the song lyrics| this flower blooms on the tail of spring

Valley rain

It is the last solar term of spring

Rain gives birth to a hundred grains, and everything germinates

Valley rain before and after

It is also the season when begonia flowers bloom

This spring

There are many people because of the epidemic

Missed the spring light of a city

A thousand years ago

There is also a female lyricist

Because one night the wind and rain blew away the begonias

And sigh god hurt

Singing the song lyrics| this flower blooms on the tail of spring

Dream Order · Last night's rain was windy

【Song】 Li Qingzhao

Last night the rain was sparse and the wind was strong, and the heavy sleep did not consume the wine.

Try to ask the curtain people, but the begonias are still the same.

Know it or not, know it or not? It should be green fat red thin.

Singing the song lyrics| this flower blooms on the tail of spring

Li Qingzhao is a Song dynasty poet we are all familiar with.

On a spring night, Li Qingzhao heard the sound of wind and rain outside the window, remembered the begonia flowers in the yard, and must not be spared on such a stormy night.

When he woke up the next morning, although the hangover was not yet fully awake, Li Qingzhao was still full of begonia flowers in the courtyard and asked about the situation in the maid's yard.

The maid rolled up the curtains, took a cursory look, and said that the begonias in the courtyard were still very well open. Li Qingzhao sighed and wrote down this little word.

This is Li Qingzhao's early lyrics

A description of asking about flowers after waking up from a night of drinking

Euphemistically expresses the author's pity for the flowers and cherishes the spring

And the question of "do you know it or not?"

Let us hear Li Qingzhao's youth

That faint hint of sadness

A thousand years later, we can still feel the pity of the female lyricist for the begonia and the love for spring from this little word.

The beauty of Song Ci is not only the dashing heroism of "the great river east goes to the end of the waves", or the lingering lovesickness of "the belt gradually widens and never regrets". What is even more rare is that it has also left a life interest of "green fat red thin".

It is precisely because of this that after a thousand years, we seem to be able to talk to the people of the Song Dynasty through song words and feel their love for life.

Singing the song lyrics| this flower blooms on the tail of spring
Singing the song lyrics| this flower blooms on the tail of spring

Today, we re-read and sing the Song Dynasty, allowing traditional culture to travel through time and reach the heart.

This is not a shallow continuation of poetry, but more importantly, it is hoped to revisit the classics, "innovate in the inheritance, inherit in innovation", awaken the students' inner cultural self-confidence and cultural identity, and make the traditional culture glow with the current value.

Singing the song lyrics| this flower blooms on the tail of spring

To this end, the "Shaowen Lian" of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and the primary and secondary schools in Hangzhou jointly launched the "Children's Voice" Song Rhyme column, using the youngest voice to recite the ancient rhyme of the millennium.

"Jiang chengzi Mizhou Hunting", recited and narrated by the teachers and students of Hangzhou Phoenix Primary School, not only showed us a heroic hunting map, but also told everyone a story hidden behind the poem.

(Click on the video to watch the children's voice recitation pure enjoyment version ~)

Dear students, do you have any song words that you particularly like, or song stories that you want to know? Leave us a message below

Maybe next time, you'll hear the story you want

Executive Producer/Zhu Geqian

Audit/Ying Wu

Editor/Yisha Lee


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Singing the song lyrics| this flower blooms on the tail of spring

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