
Jiang Kui's partridge heaven is evaluated as "infinite grievances, all in the void", ending in an ethereal spirit

Most of the time, he lived a life of wandering and sending people under the fence, so when Jiang Fu met those unfortunate people, he always showed a kind of sympathy of "the same fallen people in the end of the world", which may be the reason why Jiang Fu is willing to write poems and fill words for some unfortunate strangers!

The following poem "Partridge Heaven · Self-Unitary Autumn Amaranth Creek Record See" is Jiang Kui in the Song Xiaozong Chunxi ten years, in the Amaranth Creek for a woman, Jiang Kui and this unfortunate woman acquaintance, listening to her story of her bumpy life, can't help but shed tears, so with deep understanding and sympathy, wrote this poem full of pity.

Jiang Kui's partridge heaven is evaluated as "infinite grievances, all in the void", ending in an ethereal spirit

Words can portray those who have true feelings, and only then can they have a realm. Although the word Jiang Kui reads a little hazy, the sympathy and pity for this unfortunate woman throughout is a true feeling, so although there are many bright-looking words in the whole word, it does not have the slightest sense of lightness when read, but it has a far-reaching meaning, elegant style, and sympathy.

Partridge Heavenly Andi Unitary Autumn Amaranth Creek Chronicles


Jingluo is a unique generation, why did the wind fall on Xijin? Cage shoes shallow out of the crow's head socks, known to be Ling Bo's body.

Red smile, green long cheeks. With whom to spend the poor spring? The Mandarin duck stayed alone and turned into a wisp of cloud in the West Building.

The first sentence overflows with praise, saying "Jingluo is a great man", Jingluo originally refers to Luoyang, Henan, because the King of Zhouping built the capital here, and the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty is also here, so it is called "Jingluo", and posterity thus extends the meaning of the capital, so the Jingluo here is the guide to the Song capital Lin'an. The word "wind" is not a pejorative meaning, but refers to the woman's super-elegant character, so the lyricist said that she is a "peerless person", a beautiful person, a relict and independent, noble birth, unparalleled appearance, is the lyricist's direct evaluation of this woman, which shows the infinite praise of the lyricist.

Jiang Kui's partridge heaven is evaluated as "infinite grievances, all in the void", ending in an ethereal spirit

Then, the writer asked, "Why did the wind fall on Xijin?" Why would such a beautiful person of the past drift down to the ferry of this Amaranth Creek like a feather in the wind? Willow follows the wind, completely involuntary, and no one pities it, and the lyricist describes this beautiful woman with the wind fluttering, which is undoubtedly full of sympathy. The lyricist's question is enough to make people feel shocked, the bustling Jingluo, and the current desolate Xijin, in stark contrast, then the "story" of this woman must be tortuous and pitiful.

Jiang Fu did not write it explicitly here, but instead wrote her specific appearance, about like a fairy, and all focused on the shoes and socks, "cage shoes shallow out of the crow's head socks, known to be Ling Bo's body", cage shoes are a kind of shoes with a wider upper, crow's head socks are socks that are separated from other toes by thumb fingers, the lyricist will focus on shoes and socks, no doubt want to use Cao Zhi's "Luoshen Endowment" in the "Ling Bo micro-step, Luo socks are dusty" allusion, Cao Zhi's Luoshen is noble and ethereal, the woman in Jiang Fu's pen, Undoubtedly, it also pinned on the praise of the lyricist to her.

Jiang Kui's partridge heaven is evaluated as "infinite grievances, all in the void", ending in an ethereal spirit

However, such a beautiful and noble woman, but lived an unfortunate life, "red smile, green long cheeks; with whom to spend poor spring", red, referring to vermilion lips, green, referring to the beauty of the blue daisy; at first, means short, long, and opposite to the first, such an explanation, we know that this woman, is very rare when laughing, frowning eyebrows more often, we can know that this woman's heart is sour, unhappy. Six words, highly condensed, bring people unlimited imagination, long rhyme.

Because there is sorrow in her heart, so even in the face of infinite spring light, she is sad, the beautiful scenery of the day, who can spend it with her? There is no one, only a lonely self. Jin Sehua nian who with the degree, this question, people feel pitiful and painful. Perhaps, she also had a good time with her lover, but now she is alone and lonely. Although the lyricist does not describe her misfortune in detail, because of this subtle emotion, the context of the word becomes infinitely charming.

Jiang Kui's partridge heaven is evaluated as "infinite grievances, all in the void", ending in an ethereal spirit

The last two sentences are even more divine strokes, written ethereally and ethereally, with an infinite aftertaste in sadness, "Mandarin ducks stay alone and are used to it, turning into a wisp of clouds in the West Building." The ancients compared the Mandarin Duck double residence to the love between husband and wife, but now, there is only a share of solitude, which makes it difficult for her to adapt, and that kind of mental pain torments her, so the lyricist writes imaginatively that she turns into a wisp of cloud, like a goddess of Wushan, pursuing her own happiness. The attachment to love, the nostalgia for the past, and the misery of the present situation are all reflected in these last two sentences.

The words are heavy and subtle, and this word of Jiang Kui, in the subtlety, is also ethereal and clear, from the perspective of a "bystander", showing us the lonely heart of this unfortunate woman, ethereal and exquisite, ethereal and clear, making people sigh, no wonder some lyricists comment on this word, saying that there are "endless grievances, all in the void". In fact, Jiang Fu wrote a word for this woman, which has the feeling of "the same is the fallen person at the end of the world", so the taste in the word is also Jiang Fu's own inner feelings, and it is precisely because of this that this word can be written so vividly and sincerely, which is touching.

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