
Zhu Shuzhen: I would rather hold the incense sticks and grow old, rather than dance with the yellow leaves and the autumn wind

Zhu Shuzhen: I would rather hold the incense sticks and grow old, rather than dance with the yellow leaves and the autumn wind

Author: Pei An Ge, Source: Tang Poetry Song Ci Ancient Poetry (ID: tsgsc8)

Speaking of the female lyricist of the Song Dynasty, Li Qingzhao's reputation can be described as a household name, her elegant and extravagant style, and her romance and sadness written with her life have made readers many years later admire and strangle it.

However, in fact, in the same era, excellent female lyricists are not only Li Qingzhao, they also have a different literary style from ordinary people, but for various reasons, they have not left too many works, and even the year of birth and death, life experience is not very clear, Zhu Shuzhen is one of them, she is talented, born rich, but her life is quite tortuous.

Zhu Shuzhen is not a traditional woman who is willing to be restricted by feudal shackles, boldly pursuing ideals and wishes, but whether it is emotion or poetry creation, she did not get what she wanted until her death, she seemed to be alone, walking in that era that was not recognized.

Since Zhu Shuzhen's works are mostly based on depicting her own life, we can understand her life and experience to a certain extent through the few works she has left behind.


There are various theories about Zhu Shuzhen's place of origin, but it is basically certain that she is an official lady who has been well-fed since she was a child, and she has been reading poetry since she was a child, which can be said to be carefree, which can be seen from her early poems describing life.

Slightly cool to the west of the moon painting building, the wind sends lotus incense to blow on the face.

First of all, there is no heat in Guitang, and the Kan people sing the words of Xuetang.

——Song Zhu Shuzhen, "Na Liang Gui Tang Ii Song · Part I"

This is Zhu Shuzhen's depiction of being with her family in the family at the tang court. The night is charming, the breeze is cool, looking up to see the moon and the pavilion standing high together, looking down to smell is the fragrance of lotus flowers in the wind, it should be a hot summer, the Zhu family has a summer Guitang in their own house, a big family here to talk about the moon, happy and harmonious. This scene can be seen that Zhu Shuzhen was very rich in terms of life and material conditions when she was young, so she also wrote this kind of poetic work that expressed comfort and comfort in her early years.

Zhu Shuzhen: I would rather hold the incense sticks and grow old, rather than dance with the yellow leaves and the autumn wind

Crooked, new year crescent hook han jade.

Hook Han jade, phoenix shoes are small, and green eyebrows are broken.

Moth snow willow adds makeup, candle dragon fire tree scrambles.

Scramble, the Lantern Three-Five, not as good as the first six.

——Song Zhu Shuzhen, "Remembrance of Qin'e, The Sixth Night and The Moon of the First Month"

This song "Remembering Qin'e" describes the scene of Zhu Shuzhen going out to play on the sixth day of the first lunar month. At the beginning of the new year, there is a clear and curved moon hanging in the sky, shining like jade and as small as the jade shoes of the girl on the ground. Every woman is happy, laughing and her eyebrows are transmitting joy, everyone is dressed up, the festive mood shines in the snowy night, so many people are chasing each other on the street, running, changing the habit of not being able to get out of the door in the past, and enjoying this lively time. In Zhu Shuzhen's view, such a first six is even more fascinating and loved than the Lantern Festival.

From this poem, it can be seen that Zhu Shuzhen's depictions are activities that only ladies of high-ranking officials and nobles can participate in, which further proves that she once lived a life of fine clothes and jade food. At the same time, it also reflects that she prefers these lively and lively days with her personality, and does not want to be constrained, which also lays the foundation for her bold pursuit of ideals that are not recognized by the world in the future.


Although Zhu Shuzhen has poems describing the simple and beautiful life of her childhood, most of her works are filled with sad and depressed emotions, which are closely related to her marriage experience, she married an official, and her unfortunate life began.

According to legend, Zhu Shuzhen's husband is a person who has no pursuit of life, and his personal ethics are not a person who keeps to himself. He and Zhu Shuzhen are not at the same level in terms of emotions and life values, in that era of "women without talent is morality", Zhu Shuzhen's husband does not like to be a female red at home and always sings poetry like a man, quite dissatisfied, and her husband's dislike and snub make Zhu Shuzhen miserable.

Sitting alone, singing alone and sleeping alone.

Standing hurt, helplessly touching people with a cold breeze.

Whoever sees this, tears wash the makeup without half.

The sorrow is still the same, and the dream of eliminating the cold lamp is not successful.

--Song Zhu Shuzhen, "Minus Magnolia Spring Grudge"

Zhu Shuzhen's works are mainly describing her own life, after marriage, due to the unfortunate marriage, often wash her face with tears, so the style of writing has changed from the previous lively image, more full of sorrow.

In this song "Minus Magnolia", the author first expresses bluntly that whether it is walking, lying down, quiet or singing, he is a lonely person, although there is a pillow person, but the author is still a single shadow. She stood alone in front of the window for a long time, and the chill made her even more sad and sad. The unstoppable tears made Zhu Shuzhen spend most of her makeup, but she didn't seem to care about this when she was at odds with her husband. I don't know if it is a heart disease that brings about poor health, and Zhu Shuzhen in such a weak state blows every lamp in the cold night and still can't sleep.

Zhu Shuzhen: I would rather hold the incense sticks and grow old, rather than dance with the yellow leaves and the autumn wind

I believe that such a description of life is the norm after Zhu Shuzhen got married, and the indifference of her husband and the discord in the values of the husband and wife have long made this marriage exist in name only, and Zhu Shuzhen has to live alone in an empty house. At this time, in her pen, those scenes that once represented a better life are now all dyed with tragedy. In the cold night of the past, Zhu Shuzhen saw the crooked moon and the laughing crowd, but now on the cold night, she could only feel the cold bed and the sick face of herself.

In such a state of life, Zhu Shuzhen is more and more sad and sad, and everything in her eyes has a sad color. She once wrote this verse in "Sorrow":

Gulls and herons make a pool, and it is necessary to know that the wings are not suitable.

Dongjun is not dominated by flowers, and it is like Hugh Shenglian branches.

The Mandarin duck and even the branches in the poem are typical representatives of the beautiful love that describes the flying together, and in Zhu Shuzhen's description, the mandarin ducks are forcibly rationed to the gulls, and the spring is obviously not considered for the happiness of the flowers, but in vain let it grow the amorous lianli branches. Yes, the misfortune of her own life, the pain in marriage, every scenery that Zhu Shuzhen sees, is telling the sadness of emotional unhappiness and betrayal, and every frame of sound she hears is full of the sad crying and screaming of this world.

Zhu Shuzhen: I would rather hold the incense sticks and grow old, rather than dance with the yellow leaves and the autumn wind

The oblique wind and drizzle make the spring cold, and the front of the honor is remembered.

Once put pear blossoms, lonely tears dry.

Yerba Buena cut off smoke Nanpu Road, and don't tears, look at the green mountains.

Last night, I had a dream, and between the water and the clouds, I was silent.

Jona wakes up, and the grief remains.

The exhibition turned to the air and was annoyed, and it was easy to see the sky, and it was difficult to see Yi.

--Song Zhu Shuzhen, "Jiang Chengzi, Enjoying Spring"

Early spring is often in the hearts of most literati, symbolizes the revival of all things, a hundred flowers blooming, and in Zhu Shuzhen's pen, early spring is still with obvious chills, she recalls the short and small happy times, tears have flowed through her face for the first time, she still remembers the time of separation, she watched her beloved disappear at the end of the line of sight with herbs and lonely smoke, tears made her unable to see the road ahead, and after the tears dried, only the distant green mountain was left in front of her.

Later on, the author often thinks of these few beautiful things in life and the reluctance of the day of separation. People who miss them may be able to meet in their dreams, but when they wake up, they are still accompanied only by sorrow. So at the end of the poem, she actually exclaimed that "it is so easy to meet the heavens, but it is so difficult to meet that person."

As for who Zhu Shuzhen is thinking about in this article, different scholars have different opinions. Some people say that she had a young man who was happy with each other before she got married, and then the teenager left his hometown, which made Zhu Shuzhen miss her all her life; some people said that Zhu Shuzhen also had a beautiful love when she first married her husband, and this article is in memory of the husband who was still willing to raise eyebrows with her.

However, no matter who the emotional sustenance in her poems is, we can confirm that she did not see this person who was thinking of twilight in the end, and she had to stay alone in the empty window and loneliness, living a life without happiness day by day.


Zhu Shuzhen later became acquainted with the equally famous female lyricist Lady Wei, who was the wife of the then chancellor Zengbu, who admired Zhu Shuzhen's talent and was very sympathetic to the suffering of women's lovesickness, so she took Zhu Shuzhen to Bieliang to recite poems against Zhu Shuzhen, and Zhu Shuzhen was given a rare opportunity to see happiness again in life. At the same time, it is rumored that she also met the person who made her heart move at the time during this experience.

Regarding the later story of Zhu Shuzhen and this sweetheart, various records are also different, some people say that she did not end her relationship with her husband, but only married a new couple in a marriage that could not see each other for many years and existed in name only; others said that she had boldly taken the initiative to "hugh husband" and claimed to love the newcomer with ZhengDa Guangming.

However, no matter what the real situation of history is, Zhu Shuzhen's behavior was incomprehensible and acceptable in society at that time, and men could have three wives and four concubines, while women could only follow three virtues. Zhu Shuzhen's views that broke through the ethics and morality of the time could not be accepted by even her parents, and even ashamed to give birth to such a daughter. Legend has it that Zhu Shuzhen later returned to her hometown, and after her death, her parents burned all of Zhu Shuzhen's writings because of their shame and embarrassment, which is why her works are so rare today.

Zhu Shuzhen: I would rather hold the incense sticks and grow old, rather than dance with the yellow leaves and the autumn wind

Zhu Shuzhen's life was full of sadness and tears, and her negative emotions lasted most of her life. However, after so many difficult days, it is rare that she still has a heart and faith. She firmly believes that being a person still needs integrity and pursuit, even if these ideals and reality are incompatible, she must not give up, which can also explain why she still has the courage to not be shackled by the world and fall in love with others again after facing the chaos of her husband.

Even the branches and flowers are blooming, and the wind and rain of jealous flowers are urged.

May the Qing Emperor always be the main, and Mo Xie will point out the green moss one after another.

--Song Zhu Shuzhen, "Falling Flowers"

In this poem, the author unusually does not write about the miserable life of a flower, but expresses that although the wild rainstorm is constantly destroying the life of the flower, it is still beautiful and blooming. The author hopes that the gods of this heaven and earth will take pity on this flower and not let it fall into the moss.

In this poem, we can see the author's dissatisfaction with all kinds of unfairness and right in life, and she probably describes herself as the flower, but suffering from various blows brought by the environment. She prayed that Heaven could take pity on her thoughts, and why not hope that this heaven and earth would accommodate those things that are difficult to live but are full of beauty?

Zhu Shuzhen once wrote a poem "Yellow Flower" when she was a little older, which included a sentence that made people read: "I would rather hold the incense sticks and grow old, not dance with the autumn wind with the yellow leaves", she compared herself to a chrysanthemum, preferring to grow old in the branches rather than wither with the wind like dead leaves.

Such integrity and attitude are not a portrayal of her own life, what she pursues and believes, whether it is the emotion of sincere love, or the poetry and painting that has made achievements, is not advocated by the times and the world, and she ultimately paid a lifetime price in order to persist in these. She did not leave much writing and fame in the poetry world, but her talent and courage are also worth reading carefully through her only remaining works.


Pei An Ge, a serious girl who loves words and hot pot.

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