
Come and take a test, answer more than 20 correctly and you are a bully!


Fun Literature Test

Hello, big guy, I'm your pen god. The weekly Fun Literature Test is here! Are you ready!

1. Wang Shifu wrote in the "Records of the West Chamber": Dripping sleeves and crying red tears, wetter than Sima Qing's shirt. Who does "Sima Qingyi" refer to?

A. Sima Xiang is similar

B. Cui Warbler

C. Bai Juyi

D. Du Fu

2. There is such a couplet: Those who have lofty ideals, things can be accomplished, the cauldron is broken, and the hundred and two Qin Guans will eventually belong to Chu; the bitter hearted people, the sky is not worthy, the salary is lying down, and the three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu. What two historical figures are included in the couplet?

A. Liu Bang, Gou Jian

B. Qin Shi Huang, Fu Cha

C. Xiang Yu, Gou Jian

D. Han Xin, Xiang Yu

3, your good friend Gao Ming came to visit the house, you introduced him to his brother and sister, what should you say: this is.

A. Brother and sister

B. Ling Ai Lingzi

4. The Book of Poetry is the first collection of poetry in the mainland, and Confucius once said: Three hundred poems, thinking innocently. So how many complete poems are included in the Book of Verses?


B: 305 songs

C: 350 songs

D: 500 songs

5. Mr. Wen Yiduo praises a poem: a poem in a poem, a peak on the peak. Please ask this poem is.

A: "Spring River Flower Moon Night"

B: "Shu Dao Difficulty"

C: "Long Hate Song"

D: "Pipa Line"

6. Which traditional festival is depicted in "The head of the willow on the moon, and the person is about after dusk"?

A. Lantern Festival

B: Tanabata

C: Mid-Autumn Festival

D: Spring Festival

7. Mr. Wang sent a new circle of friends: "Celebrate the joy of Langzhang", Mr. Wang's recent happy events are:

A. Newlywed

B. Moving

C. The wife gave birth to a boy

D. Pass the exam

8. The following four verses, which one was written by the male poet.

A. The sky is full of clouds and clouds, and the galaxy wants to turn a thousand sails to dance.

B, look at Zhu Chengbisi, haggard and fragmented for the memory of Jun.

C. When there is poverty at the end of the world, there is only the endless place of acacia.

D, easy to ask for priceless treasures, rare lovers.

9. If one of your five poems is adopted by a magazine, according to the main text of 5 yuan per word, how much do you deserve?

A. 50 yuan

B. 100 yuan

C. 200 yuan

10. Mr. Liu sent a circle of friends: Yu Guizhixi, Zhong Gule. What is this happy event?

A. Gave birth to a daughter

B. Gave birth to a son

C. Daughter married

D. The son marries his wife


Fun Literature Test

11. Now we often use "Yangchun White Snow" and "Lower Riba people" to refer to elegant and popular literary and artistic works, what did these two idioms originally refer to?

A. Article

B, Drawing

C. Music

12. "Don't do it with evil and small, and don't do it with good and small" quotes "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who said this?

A. Zhuge Liang

B. Cao Cao

C. Liu Bei

D. Zhou Yu

13. Which of the following verses does not describe the piano?

A. I want to pay my heart to Yaoqin

B. One string and one pillar Sihua Nian

C. Wave your hand for me, like listening to the pines

D, cold and bitter can not bear to speak, for the Jun to play silk tong

14. Xiao Wang imitated the ancients to fill in a word, after writing it found that the main text was just 100 words, what kind of word plate did he use?

A. Man TingFang

B. Rain bells

C. Nian Nu Jiao

D. Water Dragon Groan

15. If you want to borrow an allegorical book from the library, which of the following books should you choose first?

A. "History"

B. The Analects

C. "Zhuangzi"

D. "The Left Transmission"

16. In the following four sentences, the meaning differs from the other three:

A. The wood of the embrace was born at the end of the millimeter

B. The platform of the ninth floor starts from the soil

C. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

D, a day's trip lies in the early morning

17. Xiaoming came to the library and wanted to learn about the story of "The Sun Chasing the Father", so which book should he borrow?

A. "History"

B. "The World Speaks a New Language"

C. The Classic of Mountains and Seas

D. "Zhuangzi"

18. On this day, Li Bai was bored, and wanted to find a few friends to drink and chat to see the moon, who could he never find?

A. High fit

B. Du Fu

C. Wang Changling

D. Yang Wanli

19. The Football World Cup is in full swing on TV, and the host introduced: This is the "final battle" of this World Cup, how many games is this?

A. The first game

B. The second game

C. Second game

D. The last game

20. Why did Confucius "not know the taste of meat in March"?

A. Read a good book

B. Hear a good piece of music

C. Make a friend

D. Receive a good apprentice


Fun Literature Test

21. In the TV series "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", Ziwei once read a poem: The grass is as tough as silk, and the rock is not transferred. Which poem is this sentence from?

A. "Strange On Sang"

B. "Peacock Flying Southeast"

C. "Long Song Line"

D. The Book of Poetry

22. Which of the following four groups of characters is not father and son?

A. Li Jing, Li Yu

B, Su Xun, Su Rui

C, Cao Cao, Cao Zhi

D. Du Zhenyan, Du Fu

23. If The Voice of China had crossed over to the Tang Dynasty, which musician would not have appeared in the show?

A. The Year of the Li Gui

B. Liu Caichun

C. Li Yannian

D. Wang Wei

24. Whose experience is Li Baishi's lament that "Israel does something good for others, how long can it be good"?

A. Chen Ajiao

B. Wei Zifu

C. Ban Jieyu

D. Zhao Feiyan

25. Who is the "I" in "Peach Blossom Pond, Thousands of Feet Deep, Not as Deep as Wang Lun Sends Me Love"?

A. Li Bai

B. Du Fu

C. Li Shangyin

D. Bai Juyi

26. Whose calligraphy characteristics does the idiom "into the wood three points" describe?

A. Zhang Xu

B. Huang Tingjian

C. Zhao Mengfu

D. Wang Xizhi

27. What are the Bada Shan people?

A. Zheng Banqiao

B. Zhu Yun

C. Qi Baishi

D. Jin Nong, Zheng Xie, Huang Shen, Li Kun, Li Fangyi, Wang Shishen, Luo Ping, Gao Xiang

28. Which of the following idioms speaks of Lü Buwei's story?

A. A thousand words

B. A promise of gold

C. A meal of thousands of dollars

D. Throw a thousand dollars


Fun Literature Test

29. The Ming Dynasty Yang Shen praised a poem by Li Bai, saying: "The wind and rain and the weeping ghosts are gods!" "Which poem is he praising?"

A. "The Hut Is Broken by the Autumn Wind"

B. "Liangzhou Words"

C. "Out of the Jam"

D. "Early White Emperor City"

30. Forty times in "Dream of the Red Chamber", Dai Yu said: "I don't like Li Yishan's poem the most, only like his sentence: 'Leave the lotus to listen to the sound of rain.'" Who is this poem from?

A. Li Shangyin

B. Li Bai

C. Li Yi

D. Li Ji

31. "Two sentences and three years, one chant and two tears", "words are not surprising and endless" are the self-conditions of which two poets?

A. Meng Jiao, Li Bai

B. He Zhizhang, Du Fu

C. Jia Dao, Du Fu

D, Mengjiao, Land Tour

31. In "Dream of the Red Chamber", Jia Baoyu's psychic treasure jade is engraved with eight big characters, namely:

A. Don't forget, Xianshou Hengchang

B. Do not abandon, Fang Ling will continue forever

C. Wooden stone former alliance, golden jade good luck

D, do not forget, do not abandon

33 Which two poets are referred to by the "Seven Sacred Hands" and "The Great Wall of Five Words"?

A. Wang Changling, Li Bai

B. Wang Changling, Liu Changqing

C. Li Bai, Wang Wei

D. Du Fu, Wang Wei


Refer to the answer



3、A。 Younger siblings are younger siblings who are called by others. Ling Ai Lingzi is the daughter son of the other party.

4、B。 There are 311 poems in the Book of Poetry, of which 6 are poems with only titles and no content.


6、A。 The original title of the word is "Sheng Cha Zi Yuan Xi". New Year's Eve is the Lantern Festival.

7、C。 "Shijing Xiaoya Sigan": Naisheng man, the bed of the bed, the clothes of the clothes, the Zhang of the lanes.

8、C。 A is Li Qingzhao. B Wu Zetian. C is Yan Shu. D is the fish mystery.

9、B。 There are four sentences in total, five words in each sentence, a total of 20 words. 20 * 5 = 100 yuan

10、C。 Yu Gui refers to the marriage of a woman. "Kindergarten Qionglin": The female marriage is known as Yu Gui, and the male marriage is completed.



13、B。 B refers to the musical instrument Serpent.

14、C。 Nian Nu Jiao, a total of 100 words in double tones, is also known as "100 word order".

15、C。 "Zhuangzi" is beautiful in text, rich in imagination, and good at reasoning through allegorical stories.


17、C。 "Father By Day" is from the "Classic of Mountains and Seas and overseas north classics".

18、D。 Yang Wanli was a Song Dynasty man, and Li Bai could not find him.


20、B。 "Analects of ShuEr": "Zi is hearing "Shao" in Qi, and March does not know the taste of meat." "Shao" is Shao Le.

21、B。 "Peacock Flying Southeast": Jun as a rock, concubines as a reed, reeds sew like silk, and the rock has no transfer.

22、D。 Du Zhenyan was Du Fu's grandfather.

23、C。 Li Yannian was a musician of the Western Han Dynasty

24、A。 From Li Bai's "Concubine Thin Life": The Han Emperor's pet Ajiao, the golden house of storage.


26、D。 The three points of the entry are from Zhang Huaihuan's "Book Breaks Wang Xizhi".

27、B。 Zhu Yun was a painter of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, known as bada shanren.


29、D。 Yang Shen praised the "Early White Emperor City", and the other three capitals were not Li Bai's poems.

30、A。 From Li Shangyin's "Su Luo Clan Pavilion Sending Cui Yong Cui Gong"


32、A。 "Dream of the Red Chamber": Bao Chao looked at it, and then turned over the front from the new front to look at it carefully, and read in his mouth: "Don't lose it, don't forget, Xianshou Hengchang." ”


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