
Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian

Chasing light animation tears the Tang weather into the movie, which is of course a great thing. When I went to the cinema to watch "Chang'an 30,000 Li", I found that there were many children. It shows that parents still hope to take their children to see a cultural feast.

The overall score of "Chang'an 30,000 Li" is okay, and the Douban score is 8.1 points, which is worth watching.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

However, there are several historical mistakes in several places, such as a crow in the throat, not spitting up. Let's just code one yard.

The first is to talk about the description of Li Bai in the film, the degree of smear is too great, and the most unbearable thing is to describe Li Bai as the son of a businessman, and he is a son-in-law, relying on his daughter-in-law to ascend to power.

This is really a big misunderstanding.

After identifying Li Bai as a businessman, it basically comes from Guo Moruo's book "Li Bai and Du Fu" and Chen Yinke's article "Doubts of Li Taibai's Clan". Guo believed that Li Bai was the son of a merchant, while Du Fu was a poor son; Chen believed that after Li Bai was a Hu person, it was Hu Shang who changed his surname.

Let's start with Guo. You must know that "Li Bai and Du Fu" was published in 1971, which was the peak of Wenge, when all politics came first, and there was no pure academic research. Historians at that time were either branded as "Youfaction" in labor and "reforming" or criticized as "reactionary academic authorities." Even the scholars who have not been affected for various reasons are frightened birds who dare not speak casually, let alone publish their research results and publish them into books. Guo Moruo was also affected in the early days of Wenge, and then he was a man with his tail between his legs, and even relied on flattery to survive, which has been criticized by many people so far. In such a period of time, how dare Guo Moruo have to publish pure academic research results? It was not for the sake of flattery, in order to curry favor with the peak, his so-called academic judgment and determination served the requirements of politics, conformed to the atmosphere of criticizing Li Yangdu at that time, and should not be true.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Extraordinary arguments in non-academic settings do not have to be taken seriously. However, it is quite sad that some people take it seriously, and the influence is still so far, and people continue to believe it now. It can only be said that Brother Wen is poisonous and has harmed it so far. Alack!

Also, the thesis that Li Bai was born in the city of broken leaves in Kyrgyzstan is also from Guo Moruo's "Li Bai and Du Fu". Li Bai's ancestor was exiled to broken leaves, which is not Guo Ruomo's original, but is recorded for Fan Chuanzheng, who repaired Li Bai's tombstone. Fan Chuanzheng's father Fan Wei ( often mistaken as Fan Lun ) was an old friend of Li Bai , and Fan Chuanzheng said that " often found in the text of the first doctor , see the public "Xunyang Night Banquet Poem". It is a pity that the poem did not survive. But Li Bai wrote "Xunlucheng North Fan Jushi Lost Dao Fell Cang's Ears See Fan Zhijiu Picking Cang's Ears", the "Fan Jushi" here is Fan Yu, Li Bai said, "Suddenly remember Fan Savage, idle garden to raise a secluded posture... Get started and smile, put the arm for whom... He also poured four or five thoughts and chanted the words of the tiger. Ten days of fun in the near future, far away from a thousand years", which depicts the relationship between the two well, and it takes 10 days to meet and play together. Moreover, Du Fu also wrote "Seeking Fan Ten Retreats with Li Twelve Bai", which is actually the same thing, that is, what happened during Li Bai, Du Fu, and Gao Shi during the Liang and Song dynasties, they went to find Fan Yi together, and talked about wine and "made ten days of joy". The "Miscellaneous Notes of Tang Poems" also says that Du Fu's poem is the same thing as Li Bai's poem, Du Fu poem: "Happy to start." Li Baishi said: "Get started and smile." Du Fu wrote: "I don't want to talk about the wat, and the vicissitudes of the sea." Li Baishi said: "It is a thousand years away, and the wind is windy." "Different poems, but very similar in meaning, should have been written at the same time, written about the same thing." "Fan Jushi" and "Fan Shi" both refer to Fan Ji.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

After Li Bai's death, Fan Chuanzheng, Fan Wei's son, with admiration for Li Bai, decided to bury Li Bai thickly and erect a monument for him. So, he inquired in many ways and sought Li Bai's descendants, so he found Li Bai's granddaughter, but from this granddaughter, he found a handwritten family tree of Li Bai by Li Bai's son Li Boyan, but unfortunately the paper was broken when Fan Chuanzheng got it, and many words were missing. These were all written by him into the "Tang Zuo Picks Up the Remains of Hanlin Bachelor Li Gongxin Tombstone". This is also the most direct record of Li Bai's life. After Li Bai's death, he was buried in the eastern foothills of Longshan Mountain, ten miles south of Dangtu County, and Fan Chuanzheng, who was a thorn in history, together with Ling Zhuge Zheng of Dangtu County, moved Li Bai's tomb from Longshan to Qingshan. The inscription of "Tang Zuo Picks Up the Remains of Lin Bachelor Li Gongxin" was written by Fan Chuanzheng himself and is also credible. The inscription truly records the process and origin of Li Bai's tomb being moved from Longshan to Qingshan, records Li Bai's birthplace, family lineage, later years and the situation behind him, reflects Li Bai's thoughts, experiences and character characteristics in his life, and is of great significance for studying the formation and development of Li Bai's person and his poetry creation style.

The inscription says: "(Li) The public name is white, the character is too white, and his ancestor is a native of Longxi Chengji. The home of the heirs, it is difficult to find a score. The granddaughter of the gong searched in the box basket, and the deceased son of the gong was loosened by more than ten lines. The paper is missing and cannot be detailed. That's all. The ninth grandson of King Liangwu Zhao. How difficult it was at the end of Sui, a room was sneaked in broken leaves, scattered, and the name was hidden. Therefore, since the beginning of the National Dynasty, it has been leaked from the nationality. Shenlong first dived and returned to Guanghan, because the overseas Chinese were from the county. Father and guest, in the name of the guest. Lying high in the clouds, do not seek Lushi. ”

There are two points here, one of which is ancestry. Li Bai's detailed ancestral home is no longer available, "the house of the absolute heir, it is difficult to find a genealogy", but the inscription clearly records that Li Bai's ancestor once lived in broken leaves, and later moved to Guanghan, Sichuan until the Shenlong period, that is, when Wu Zetian was in power.

The question arises, where exactly are the broken leaves?

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Guo Moruo said that the broken leaves here are the broken leaf city in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, and then it was taken as a foregone conclusion. In fact, the location of Li Bai's ancestor's exile is itself quite controversial. There are at least three theories: one is Xinjiang Hami crushed leaves, the other is Xinjiang Yanqi crushed leaves, and the third is Central Asian broken leaves. From the available evidence, it is relatively unlikely that Li Bai's ancestor was exiled to Central Asian broken leaves, because Central Asian broken leaves were not on the Chinese map during the Sui Dynasty. How could the Sui court exile criminals abroad? Regarding this point, it has long been suggested that with Guo Moruo's knowledge, it is impossible not to know the broken leaves of Hami in Xinjiang. However, Guo Moruo only mentioned the broken leaves of Central Asia and the broken leaves of Yanqi in his article, and focused on the broken leaves of Central Asia, which is obviously intentional.

Why did Guo do this? In fact, it is still out of political necessity. "Li Bai and Du Fu" was published in 1971, and in 1969 the "Zhenbao Island Incident" occurred. At that time, China and the Soviet Union were in the midst of a great controversy, relations were extremely tense, bilateral relations were about to freeze, and military confrontation was on the verge of eruption. In addition to the military confrontation on the border, the confrontation between China and the Soviet Union also had an escalating "war of words". One of the Sino-Soviet "war of words" was that China accused the Soviet Union and its predecessor, Russia, of being aggressive and occupying a large amount of Chinese territory in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, including places we called the Western Regions in ancient times. The Soviet Union sneered at each other, saying that the Western Regions were not China's inherent territory at all, but the result of aggression, and used the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty as evidence that the Western Regions were called "newly occupied territory".

Under these circumstances, Guo Moruo's suggestion that the broken leaves born of Li Bai were located in Central Asia was of great significance, ironclad evidence that "the Western Regions have been our inherent territory since ancient times", and a "weapon" that was enough to give an important blow to "Soviet revisionism", so it was immediately recognized by the central authorities. However, looking at it from the current perspective, it can be understood that Li Bai's birth in "broken leaves" is a political necessity.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Therefore, from a purely academic point of view, whether the broken leaves born in Li Bai are Central Asia or Xinjiang should at least be doubted, and Guo Moruo should not be trusted.

The "Tombstone of Li Gongxin, Bachelor of Tang Zuo Collecting Forest Remains", also mentions that Li Bai is "the ninth grandson of King Liangwu Zhao". What does it mean? This is after a proper eunuch. Guo Moruo said that after Li Bai was a businessman, his political intention was to lean on the class theory, and the merchants of the Great Tang Dynasty basically belonged to the petty bourgeoisie, and after the eunuchs, they were at least the landlord class. Guo Moruo said that Li Bai was a petty bourgeoisie, obviously wanting to praise Li Bai, which was exculcating him.

As for Chen Yinke's statement that the Li Bai family is a Hu merchant in the Western Regions, it is even more unconvincing. After all, the Li family was relegated to the Western Regions from the center of gravity of Han rule, and the Han blood has naturally always existed. As for the process of surviving in the Western Regions, intermarrying with women from the Western Regions and joining the bloodline of the Western Regions, it is possible. But this does not mean that Li Bai is a Hu person, and denies the Han blood that has always flowed in him.

Regarding Li Bai's family lineage, there are also Li Bai's contemporaries Wei Hao's "Li Hanlin Collection Preface" and Li Yangbing's "Caotang Collection Preface" can be corroborated. Wei Hao is Li Bai's friend and "fan", "Li Hanlin Collection" was personally commissioned by Li Bai to be compiled by Wei Hao, and it is also the only personal poetry collection when Li Bai was alive, Li Bai must have seen "Li Hanlin Collection". And Li Yangbing is not only Li Bai's friend, but also Li Bai's nominal uncle, he is the person Li Bai turned to and relied on in his later years, and before Li Bai's death, he accepted Li Bai's instructions to sort out his works and integrate them into the "Caotang Collection".

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

In the "Preface to the Caotang Collection", it is mentioned that "Li Baizi is too white, a native of Longxi Chengji." The ninth grandson of King Zhao of Liangwu. Winning the Jue group, the world is remarkable. The middle leaf is not sinful, and the branch of the Tan Ju Tiaozhi, the surname and the first name are changed. However, from the poor cicada to the shun, the fifth generation is the master, and the past life is not bright, and you can also sigh. At the beginning of the divine dragon, he fled back to Shu, re-referred to the plum tree, and gave birth to Boyang. On the eve of shocking Jiang, Chang Geng fell into a dream, so he was born with a white name, and the ether was white. The world is called the essence of Taibai, and it is worth it. ”

The meaning of the two texts is that Li Bai is the ninth grandson of Li Xi, the king of Wuzhao of Western Liang. Li Wei was the founder of Western Liang during the Five Dynasties and Sixteen Kingdoms period, and claimed to be the Western Han general "Fei General" Li Guang, and was surnamed Xizhou. Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, also claimed that his ancestral source was after Li Wei, and posthumously named Li Wei as the "Xingsheng Emperor" of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, if you trace the origin, the Li Bai family and the Li Tang Sect should be counted as one family.

But in fact, Li Yuan's grandfather Li Hu was born in Daibei Wuchuan Town, which is today Wuchuan County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, one of the famous six towns of the border uprising in the late Northern Wei Dynasty. Li Hu's family has been grassy martial artists in Wuchuan Town for several generations, and has never had anything to do with Longxi Chengji. Therefore, the Tang Dynasty clan clinging to Li Xi was unreasonable in itself. Whether Li Bai is attached or not, because it is "difficult to find popularity", it is no longer possible to verify.

At least, the Great Tang court did not recognize it, and in the first year of Tianbao, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang issued an edict ("Ordering Li Yanyun and Others to Enter the True Nationality of the Emperor") so that the four branches of Li Huang's descendants were incorporated into the Zongzheng Temple, which was regarded as a golden branch and jade leaf that recognized them as the Li Tang royal family, but the Li Bai family did not pass the review and was excluded. You must know that Li Yanyun and Li Bai are also old acquaintances, and Li Yanyun is Li Bai's grandfather (grandfather's brother). Li Yangbing's "Preface to the Caotang Collection" records that "the Son of Heaven knew that he (Li Bai) could not stay, but gave gold to return, so he interviewed the ambassador Yanyun from Zu Chen Liu and asked Beihai High Heavenly Master to teach him to the Ziji Palace in Qizhou." That is to say, Li Yanyun was serving as Chen Liu's envoy at the time, and Li Bai left Chang'an to join Chen Liu to join him, and under his introduction, joined Taoism. Such an iron relationship, Li Yanyun did not recognize Li Bai as Li Xi, and did not bring him to the official register, what else can be said.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

But after Li Bai still considered himself a famous family, he talked about his family lineage in three poems.

First, Li Bai introduced his family lineage in the second of his famous work "Gift of Zhang Xianghao": "This family is a Longxi person, first a Han border general. ”

Second, it was Li Bai who said in his poem "Sending Yang Yan to Donglu": "I am a Guhou disciple and a feast of the Holy Lord." ”

Third, Li Bai described his family lineage in the "History Book of Pei Chang of Shang'an Prefecture", and the text said: "Bai Benjia Jinling, Shi is the right surname." Suffered from frustration and hardship, rushed to Xianqin, because the official lived in his home. "The Jinling here is not the later Nanjing, but Jiankang County in Western Liang, and some people say that it is a mistake of "Jincheng" (the ancient name of Lanzhou).

According to Li Bai's own words, he was a famous family, a son of the Longxi clan, a disciple of Guhou, and a descendant of Li Guang. However, Li Bai only mentioned the distant ancestor and did not mention the Jinzong, and it seems that the crime of being exiled to Broken Leaf in the Sui Dynasty has never been overturned. Therefore, the family's relocation to Mianzhou also sneaked in, "sneaking back to Guanghan" ("Tang Zuo Picks Up the Remains of Lin Bachelor Li Gongxin's Tombstone"), "escaped to Shu" ("Caotang Collection Preface"), and was not really recognized.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Fan Chuanzheng mentioned that Li Bai's father was named Li Ke, and it was also recorded that it was Li Ke. Fan Chuanzheng also said that Li Ke had not been an official, "lying high in the clouds and forests, and did not seek Lushi."

However, the "Old Book of Tang Li Bai Biography" clearly records that Li Bai "his father was Ren Chengwei, because of his family". That is to say, Li Ke became a county-level cadre (county lieutenant) in Rencheng (Jining), so the whole family moved there (because of the family).

It was also during Rencheng that Li Bai met Du Fu and Gao Shi, played together, and formed a deep friendship.

It is also around Rencheng, through Li Bai's poems, as well as the poems of other poets, you can see a huge Li family.

In "Chang'an 30,000 Li", Gao Shi is called "Gao Thirty-five", while Li Bai is called "Li XII" among the Tang Dynasty poets. Du Fu has poems such as "Seeking Fan Ten Retreat with Li Twelve Bai" and "Sending Li Twelve Bai Twenty Rhymes", Tang Jia Zhi has the poem "Dongting Sends Li Twelve to Lingling", and Cui Zongzhi has the poem "Gift Li Twelve Bai". The reason why it is called "twelve" is that Li Bai is ranked twelve among his peers in the Li family.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

As mentioned above, his ancestor Li Yanyun served as an interview envoy in Chen Liu (Kaifeng). In addition, there is a poem in Li Bai's collection of poems, "To Xue Fengyu Rencheng's Six Fathers Return to Beijing", and the title of the poem is called "Rencheng's Six Fathers", which is obviously Li Bai's sixth uncle. This at least proves that his own uncle had served as a county magistrate in Rencheng, when the sixth uncle's term expired and he wanted to return to the capital to report on his duties, and Li Bai wrote poems for him at the banquet.

In addition, Li Bai's brother Li Mingfu served as the county commander in Zhongdu (present-day Wenshang), the clan brother Li Ning served as the chief bookkeeper in Shan Father (present-day Shan County), the ancestor was the taishou in Jinan, and the recent ancestor Li Fu was the governor of Lu County (present-day Yanzhou), all of which are clearly recorded. When Li Bai was in Shandong, he also wrote poems such as "Lu Zhong sent his second brother to Xijing", "sent his clan brother Ning to Yan Gong's single father thirty li", "gave two songs from his younger brother Nanping Taishou Zhiyuan", "sent his clan brother Ning Zhichu to propose marriage to Cui", "to Xue Fengyu Rencheng's sixth father Rank Man returned to Beijing", "Single father sent his clan brother Shen Zhiqin on the autumn night in the east building", "Answer from his younger brother to become a gift in the West Garden", respectively mentioning Li Ning, Li Zhiyao, Li Shen, Li Youcheng, and so on.

The Li family is so large, there are many eunuchs for officials, Li Bai is caught in it, naturally not a down-and-out son, nor a merchant family, but the second generation of officials, the son of everyone. At this point, it is necessary to correct Li Bai and seriously criticize the setting in "Chang'an 30,000 Li", which greatly dwarfs Li Bai.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Well, I'm sorry that this article is getting longer and longer.

Next, let's talk about Li Bai's problem as a son-in-law, and see if he climbs up with the help of his daughter-in-law. "Chang'an 30,000 Li" repeatedly took this to say that Li Bai really shouldn't be.

Li Bai's emotional experience is that he has married his daughter-in-law twice in his life, and then has had two private affairs. The first marriage took place when Li Bai was 27 years old. In ancient times, men generally began to marry at the age of 16, and Li Bai had no history of marriage at the age of 27, and he was already considered an older leftover man. However, in the poetry circle, he has already met a group of celebrities such as Su Yong, Cen Shen, Meng Haoran, Li Yong, etc., and his status is thriving. In Yangzhou, he met Meng Shaofu, and Li Bai also called him "Mengzanfu" and "Weiyang Menggong", although the name was not passed down to later generations, but he helped Li Bai very much.

Li Bai "went down to Yangzhou" several times in his life, and when he came to Yangzhou for the second time, he fell ill. Li Bai, who was in a difficult situation, received help from "Meng Shaofu". The famous "Silent Night Thoughts" was written in Yangzhou by Li Bai in his illness. Meng Shaofu's help to Li Bai was crucial in helping him find his daughter-in-law. That is the granddaughter of Xu Yuanshi, the prime minister of the former Emperor Gaozong period. Because Xu Yuanshi's son had served as a foreign minister during the Zhongzong period, he had worked with Meng Shaofu's father. Therefore, the Xu family and the Meng family are old friends. At that time, Xu Yuanshi had been dead for many years, and Xu Yuanwai had also resigned and returned to his hometown, but the girl of the Xu family was 26 years old, but she was still waiting for her to be written. Tang Shi girls generally start marrying at the age of 15, and the Xu family girl has stayed at home for so long, Xu Yuanwai is naturally very anxious. So, Meng Shaofu made a matchmaker for Li Bai.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Li Bai, as a son-in-law, settled his family in Anlu, which is not false. Xu gave birth to a son and a daughter for Li Bai, the son is called Li Boyan, and the daughter is called Li Pingyang, and the relationship between the two is still good. Being a son-in-law, of course, feels bad, Li Bai complained in "Young Travel": "It is better to cover the in-laws and even the imperial city, it is better to be yourself." The marriage lasted for 12 years, but Li Bai spent more time traveling abroad to hand over celebrities, and there was not much time when he was really in Anlu. To this end, Li Bai also wrote the poem "Gift Inside" for Xu Shi with guilt:

Three hundred and sixty days, drunk every day.

Although she is Li Bai's wife, He Yi is too often a wife.

(The allusion to "too often wife" comes from Zhou Ze of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which means that the husband and wife have a bad relationship and do not live together.) )

The poetry is that I drink and get drunk, I really can't help you, and you marry me like a widow. Over the years, Li Bai has been out of the ass, and although he has not been able to become an official, he has also met a large number of powerful people such as He Zhizhang and Princess Yuzhen, and has the name of "Immortal", and has a relationship with Tang Xuanzong.

After Xu's death, Li Bai came to Rencheng with a pair of children, defected to relatives, and settled there. Here, Li Bai first met a Liu family and broke up after fooling around for a while. Then he met a Shandong woman, made peace for a while, and bore Li Bai a child, Li Poli. After that, Li Baicai married the granddaughter of Zong Chuke, the prime minister during the reign of Emperor Zhongzong of Tang, and entered the family again.

However, although Li Bai entered the army twice, he did not receive much shade. Because, when he married Xu Yuanshi's granddaughter, the former prime minister had died for many years, and Li Bai's father-in-law's social status was also average. Zong Chuke, who rejoined the company, was a well-known traitor who was killed by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang because of his possession of Wu Sansi and Wei Hou, and his reputation was unsung. When Li Bai entered the Zong family, the Zong family had completely declined with the killing of Zong Chuke. Li Bai, if he wants to rely on the strength of his daughter-in-law's family and rise to the top, it is basically impossible.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Therefore, in "Chang'an 30,000 Li", Li Bai has been used many times to talk about things, but it is not necessary.

Even, Li Bai left his children Li Boyan and Li Pingyang in Shandong, and after Bo Bird fell ill, even the Zong family could not get the money to treat him, and he had to rely on the Zong family to sell his jewelry to scrape together enough money to treat Bo Bird.

Moreover, when Li Bai stood on the wrong team politically, he sat on the side of Yongwang Li Xuan in his later years. As the most famous person under King Yong, when King Yong's army was defeated, Li Bai naturally found it difficult to escape. According to the law, Li Bai should be beheaded.

The New Book of Tang records that Li Bai was listed by the imperial court as a repeat offender who was "condemned to death". The general Guo Ziyi knew that Li Bai was just a scholar who did not know the world, and was by no means a rebellious person, so he came to the rescue, "Ziyi asked the official to atone for it", and asked to atone for Li Bai's sins with his official position, and Tang Suzong saw Guo Ziyi's face and exiled Li Bai to Yelang.

During this period, Guo Ziyi's rescue had the credit of the Zong clan. After Li Bai was captured, he wrote a poem "Sending Zhang Xiucai to High School Cheng", and this high school Cheng is Gao Shi. However, Gao Shi did not pay attention to him. Even, Zong Clan personally visited Gao Shi's mansion, and Gao Shi was closed. Fortunately, the Zong clan rushed around for help, and the activities of Cui Tao, the consolation envoy of Jiangnan, Song Ruosi in the imperial history, Guo Ziyi, the deputy marshal of the Anxi Army, and others, finally relied on Guo Ziyi's hand, and was released by Emperor Suzong.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

When Li Bai was demoted to Yelang, Zong and his younger brother Zong Jing went to see him off, and Li Bai also wrote a poem "Passing Night Lang in Wujiang to Leave Sixteen Jing" to show his gratitude.

All in all, Li Bai's two involvements are not bad emotionally, especially the Zong clan, which is quite good to her. However, Li Bai did not receive much care from Weng Son-in-law, and neither Prime Minister Xu Yuanshi nor Prime Minister Zong Chuke helped Li Bai much. Li Bai's life, tossing and turning, is all on his own.

Therefore, the mistake made by "Chang'an 30,000 Li" is really too outrageous. Moreover, there are many more similar errors.

Li Bai in the middle and later years of the film has a belly with a big belly, which is far from Li Bai in everyone's mind. In everyone's memory, Li Bai, who is arrogant and arrogant, or Li Bai, who is full of affection despite a glimpse in "The Legend of the Demon Cat", played by Xin Baiqing, is the most expressive.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

As for "Chang'an 30,000 Li", although Li Bai occupies the C position on the poster, in fact, Gao Shi, who looks worried about the country and the people, is the main master of the whole story, and he is the male number one. As for Li Bai, Tang poetry fans expressed disapproval, so let's rest.

Pick a thorn for "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Li Bai is not as simple as a son-in-law, but the second generation of officials

Trailer, the title of the next article is: "Gao Shicai did not rescue Li Bai, he saved Du Fu".

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