
Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

Young people, it is when they are studying.

A child who often reads poetry can see thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in poetry and song, can have a broader spiritual world, and can be better nourished physically and mentally.

Author | summer

Recently, a cattle herder named Cui Simin caught fire.

At the age of 9, he took his 6-year-old brother to participate in a variety show "Little Masters of Chinese Studies".

In the show, he is smart and confident, calm and calm, and his analysis of ancient poetry is in place, which makes countless netizens feel ashamed of themselves.

When asked, which ancient poems have they memorized.

Cui Simin said that he had carried Su Dongpo's "300 Japanese lychees, and he was a Lingnanian", but he had never eaten lychees or Dongpo meat.

The host said distressedly: "Then after recording the show, my brother invited you to eat, okay?" ”

Cui Simin refused.

Thinking that the little boy was worried that the festival was too late, the host suggested: "If you think tonight is too late, then I will treat you to eat tomorrow?" ”

Cui Simin explained: "No, because your money is not blown by the wind." ”

One sentence made the host instantly break the defense.

Netizens in front of the screen were also moved to tears for the boy's sincerity.

Some people ask: How did this child, who grew up in the mountains, grow into a warm, confident and sensible teenager in a life of scarcity?

I think this must be inseparable from the edification and nourishment of poetry.

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

Familiar with poetry, I have seen the world

Hemingway once said: Through reading, we can jump out of our own limitations, travel through time and space, and discover more unknown beauty.

9-year-old Cui Simin has never stepped out of the mountains, but his heart has long been open.

He had never eaten lychees, but he felt the deliciousness of lychees from "300 lychees in the sun, and he did not hesitate to be a Lingnanian";

I have never eaten Dongpo meat, but I feel the deliciousness of Dongpo meat from "do not urge him when he cooks himself, and he is beautiful when he is full";

I have never seen a waterfall, but I feel the majestic beauty from "flying down 3,000 feet, suspected to be the Milky Way falling for nine days".

Although he is deep in the mountains, his heart is inclusive of all things.

He chanted while herding cattle:

"Riding a bull near and far past the front village, the piccolo blows horizontally through the rumors."

"To cook sheep and slaughter cattle for pleasure, you will need to drink three hundred cups."

"Bamboo cane mango shoes light victory over horses, who is afraid? A cloud of smoke and rain for life. ”

He has no colorful after-school life, except for reading poetry and helping his parents with farm work, but his heart is never lacking.

He would say mischievously when his father told him to study well: "The black hair does not know how to study early, and the white head regrets studying late." ”

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

He would teach his younger brother to recite it: "Meritorious cover three points of the country, the name becomes eight formations." ”

And explain to the younger brother what the "eight formations" are, what is the "sharp corner".

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

In his own words, poetry allowed him to see the lights of ten thousand homes and let him enter the colorful world.

Mo Yan once said:

"Reading poetry is a pleasure in my life, it can make me feel the beauty of life and the wonder of the world.

Through reading poetry, I can understand the life experiences and emotional experiences of different people, and at the same time, my heart becomes richer and deeper. ”

Therefore, poetry is the lowest cost for children to see the world, and it is also the most cost-effective wealth.

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

Familiarizing yourself with poetry can nourish your mind

Cui Simin's love of poetry came from a toy that his father bought him at the entrance of the hospital when he was 2 years old to listen to ancient poems.

There are only 5 poems in this toy, but it ignites his love of poetry.

He read poems while herding cattle and sheep, read poems in trees, and taught his younger brother to read poems.

He filled almost all his free life with poetry.

He never complained about the hardship of family conditions and the boredom of life, but said that his life was full of poetry.

He also quietly planted a seed of dream in his heart: "When I grow up, I want to be a teacher, and I want to bring more children out of the mountains and live a happy life." ”

He proudly said in the program: "When people don't know Ling Yunmu, they wait for Ling Yun to start high. ”

Poetry can nourish the mind.

The philosophy and wisdom contained in the poems, as well as the pride and ambition, can stimulate children's fighting spirit.

Remember Lei Haiwei, who defeated the talent of Peking University and won the championship of the "Chinese Poetry Conference"?

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

He lives in a small county town in Hunan Province and his family is poor.

His father, who only had a high school education, wrote ancient poems on the kitchen wall and told him, "I want you to become a cultured person who hides mountains, rivers, lakes and seas in your heart." ”

His father's enlightenment and high hopes have increased his dedication and love for poetry, and also given him more confidence in the future and life.

He had mediocre grades, only graduated from secondary school, worked as a telephone salesman, a construction site worker, a road salesman, a car washer, a security guard... No matter how he crawled at the bottom, whenever he saw a poem he liked, he would take the time to read and memorize it.

There was no way to buy his favorite books home, so he hid in the open space of the bookstore and read them repeatedly, memorized them repeatedly, and then copied them on paper according to his memory.

In this way, Lei Haiwei accumulated thousands of ancient poems and learned to write his own poems.

When he delivered food in Hangzhou, whenever he had time, he took out his poetry book and read the well-known poems, imagining how poets hundreds or thousands of years ago dipped in pen and ink and wrote these timeless and profound words.

In 2018, he received an olive branch from the third season of "Poetry Conference", and rushed from an inconspicuous 100-person group player to the ring in one fell swoop until he defeated "Peking University talent" Peng Min and won the third season championship.

When he was a child, poetry shone a light into Lei Hai's life of poverty and deprivation, and when he grew up, he changed his life with this light.

The most important thing for children who are "fed" by poetry is the love of life and the determination to overcome suffering.

Because poetry contains endless wisdom and power.

It will help children open their eyes, increase knowledge, temper their hearts, and let them find the direction they work for and the meaning of life.

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

Familiarize yourself with poetry and talk about yourself

Some time ago, a homeroom teacher read a student's essay and was so angry that he threw the text.

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

Students describe their teacher in their essays as follows:

"My head teacher is fat and fat, and his legs are like Luban No. 7."

"Although my homeroom teacher is young, his hair is as breezy as a dandelion."

"My homeroom teacher looks a bit like a high-quality male online."

The popular memes in these compositions seem funny, but they are actually not nutritious and have no beauty to speak of.

On the contrary, those children who are rich in poetry are amazing.

Seeing the sunset, the child with poetry in his belly blurted out "The sunset and the solitary crane fly together, and the autumn water is the same color for a long time."

Instead of "wow, the sunset is so beautiful".

Seeing the fallen leaves withering, they think of "falling leaves return to their roots, spring mud protects flowers".

And not "oh, the leaves have fallen".

I agree with this sentence:

"The boundary of language is the boundary of your world, the texture of language is the texture of your world, and the poverty of language is the ultimate poverty."

A child with a mouth full of popular terriers, even if he feels something, he can't stop talking.

And a child who was nourished by poetry has long integrated the magnificence of poetry into his soul.

Children who read poetry and children who do not read poetry, the temperament is completely not on the same level.

Zhang Lu, known as the "legend of the translation industry", not only has a solid foreign language level, but also has a surprising poetry talent.

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

In 2011, she fluently translated the ancient poem quoted by Premier Wen on the spot, "Even if you are good in your heart, you still have no regrets despite nine deaths", as follows:

For the idea that I hold dear to my heat, I’d not regret a thousand times to die.

(I follow the will of my heart, and I don't regret even if I die a thousand times.) )

The accurate translation amazed everyone present, let people from all countries feel the beauty of ancient poetry, and also let us see how powerful the profound cultural heritage can bring to a person's ability to express.

Confucius once said: Poetry and Song, Yongyan.

Poetry is a condensed essence, a secret to getting rid of superficiality and boredom, and a weapon for us to express our thoughts and inner emotions.

The so-called: there is a poetry in the belly.

A child infiltrated with poetry has ink in his chest and mountains and rivers in his mouth.

Why is the 9-year-old boy who came into the city from the mountains so powerful?

Dong Qing once commented on Lei Hai:

"Any time you spend reading a book will reward you at some point.

I feel that all your rushing and hard work in the sun and rain, in the wind and rain, all the poems you secretly recited in that bookstore, all bloomed in a particularly dazzling brilliance at this moment. ”

In the same way, every poem a child reads and memorizes, like the meal he has eaten, will melt into his bones and blood, and cultivate lifelong character and heritage.

Give it a thumbs up, recite ancient poems with your children, and enrich your family's future with the best culture.

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