
To deal with pregnancy syndrome, these methods expectant mothers should pay attention!

Usually, the scope of activity of pregnant mothers who raise a fetus at home is limited, and there are relevant examples to prove that pregnant women live in a small and fixed environment for a week, and half of them may have dizziness, pregnancy hypertension, depression, irritability and other phenomena and behaviors, commonly known as "pregnancy syndrome".

How to deal with pregnancy syndrome cracked

Most women experience mood swings during pregnancy. There are two main reasons for emotional fluctuations: on the one hand, physiological reasons, caused by hormone levels and endocrine changes in pregnant women; on the other hand, because physical changes bring psychological problems, such as physical discomfort, thinking that they are ugly, worrying about their husbands' dislikes, etc.

To deal with pregnancy syndrome, these methods expectant mothers should pay attention!

Why is there always flatulence?

From the second month of pregnancy, the progesterone in the body gradually increases, resulting in a decrease in gastric acid secretion, a decrease in the normal peristaltic function of the gastrointestinal tract, and an increase in gas, which causes flatulence in the gastrointestinal tract.

Relieves flatulence Tips

1. Eat less flatulence foods on the diet, such as beans, soy milk, beans and a lot of sucrose and other flatulence foods, eat more fiber-rich vegetables, fruits and coarse grains.

2. Develop the habit of defecation every day, adhere to appropriate exercises, such as walking, pregnant women's gymnastics and pregnant women's yoga, etc., to avoid the formation of constipation.

3. Avoid eating too much at each meal, and you can take the method of eating less and eating more, especially in the middle and late stages of pregnancy.

Why do expectant mothers always feel tired?

I used to be energetic, but I often feel very tired after pregnancy, even if I sleep a lot, my memory is not as good as before. This may be related to having just become pregnant and not being able to fully adapt physically and mentally. Especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, the enlarging uterus will make the pregnant mother's body become heavier and heavier, and it is easy to make the pregnant mother feel tired.

Eliminate tiredness Tips

1. Frequent tiredness after pregnancy is normal. Pay attention to rest and reduce work pressure every day, it is best to sleep at noon and avoid overactivity during the day, especially in the third trimester.

2. Pay attention to the intake of sufficient nutrients, especially B vitamin-rich foods, such as peanuts, soybeans, liver, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes and not too fine flour, buckwheat noodles, etc., to nourish brain nerve cells and reduce fatigue.

To deal with pregnancy syndrome, these methods expectant mothers should pay attention!

Why do I often have a faint pain in the lower abdomen?

After the second trimester of pregnancy, due to the enlargement of the uterus day by day, the ligaments around the uterus will be pulled, especially a pair of round ligaments located on the front side of the uterus is pulled, so it is easy to cause pain on one or both sides of the lower abdomen, which is manifested as vague pain or dull pain, especially when walking a long distance or walking for a long time and changing position.

Get rid of the hidden pain Tips

1. Abdominal pain caused by the pulling of the round ligament of the uterus is physiological and does not need treatment, and more attention is paid to changing the position in life, which helps to relieve pain.

2. Pregnant mommy usually tries to avoid walking long distances or walking too much, and it is best to stay in bed when there is hidden pain in the abdomen.

Why do I get leg and foot cramps at night?

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, many pregnant moms may wake up in their sleep due to sudden spasms in the calf or foot muscles. This phenomenon occurs, on the one hand, the fetal baby takes more calcium from the pregnant mother's body, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the pregnant mother's blood; On the other hand, it is caused by the growing uterus pressing on the nerves in the calves or feet.

To deal with pregnancy syndrome, these methods expectant mothers should pay attention!

Avoid cramps Tips

1. From the second trimester of pregnancy, pregnant mommy supplements calcium tablets and vitamin D preparations every day according to the doctor's instructions, and pays attention to the intake of calcium and vitamin B1-rich foods in the diet.

2. Pregnant mommy should pay attention to walking less, the heel height should be appropriate, and pay attention to the warmth of the legs, especially when the weather is cold.

3. When the leg and foot muscles spasm, immediately straighten the leg, the soles of the feet upturned in the direction of the body, or let the husband pull the foot in the direction of the body to relieve the spasm as soon as possible.

Why does my breathing become short?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus lifts the diaphragm upwards, resulting in a smaller chest cavity, which affects the activity of the heart and lungs; At the same time, the increase in blood volume also increases the heart burden on pregnant mothers, and pregnant mothers' breathing becomes short. However, after the fetal head enters the pelvis, this phenomenon will be alleviated.

Relieves shortness of breath Tips

1. Pregnant mothers should pay attention to wearing light, loose corsets, underwear and outerwear, do not eat too much when eating every time, and avoid going to places where the air does not circulate.

2. When lying on the bed, it is appropriate to take the left recumbent position, if you feel that it is difficult to breathe, you can take the semi-lateral recumbent position, and you should see a doctor in time.

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