
I just don't want to get married, so what?

I want to tell you stories every day

I just don't want to get married, so what?

I think most girls, like me, have an inexplicable fear of marriage.

After getting married, it is no longer the cute, happy, want to buy what, where to go, but also need to integrate into another strange family, including having children is enough to make people afraid.

Afraid of postpartum body shape, afraid of becoming ugly, but also worried about their parents, can guide their children on the right path.

I remember that two years ago, a colleague complained to me every time that she had no intention of getting married, and her mother changed her all day to give her blind dates and introduce boys in various ways.

As soon as she got the chance, her mother nagged in her ear.

"You're almost thirty, and you still don't want someone to marry?"

When she heard this, she directly retorted: "I just don't get married, so what?" ”

Back to her mother was angry enough.

Later, I learned from another colleague that she had randomly found a boy to marry at the urging of her family.

I heard that less than half a year after getting married, I divorced my husband, and now I am barely able to endure it for the sake of my children and continue to live together.

I just don't want to get married, so what?

Hearing such an encounter, they all felt quite sad, and they did not expect that she still walked into the grave of marriage. The people who insisted on not getting married at the beginning did not know how long they could last in this falling apart marriage.

Not long ago, I saw such a passage - the daughter asked her mother: "Is it okay not to get married?" ”

Mom replied: "If there are fireworks outside, the neighbors overflow with food, and the family on the street is holding hands, you can stop crying." ”

However, even if you get married and merge into a family, it is still inappropriate after all....

But because of marriage, whether you are poor or rich, healthy or sick, you will have someone to accompany you to share happiness and hardships in your later life. If you can endure being unaccompanied when you are old, and you can endure the feeling of loneliness and loneliness, of course, you can choose not to get married.

But in case, in case you meet someone who can spend the rest of your life together, fate is always unclear, right?

But, still wish you;

Even if it is a person, it determines a person;

You can also live happily and happily according to your own ideas.

- END -

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