
In the process of learning to walk, these aspects should be paid special attention to so as not to affect the child's development

As they grow, children unlock different new skills at different stages. If you want to see the outside world, you must learn to walk, and this process is both curious and difficult for children. Because on the way to learn to walk, the face will fall to the head and bleed.

In the process of learning to walk, these aspects should be paid special attention to so as not to affect the child's development

From the initial turning over, to sitting, to crawling, and finally to getting up and walking. In fact, each step is particularly important for children, only by mastering each skill down-to-earth can we walk more steadily in the future and reduce the possibility of wrestling.

When it comes to walking, many parents focus only on results and ignore the whole process. As everyone knows, the whole process of learning to walk has a great impact on the child's feet, legs, and overall development. To put it simply: if you use the wrong way on the way to walk, it is likely to affect your future development.

In the process of learning to walk, these aspects should be paid special attention to so as not to affect the child's development

Speaking of this, many parents subconsciously begin to think back, hoping not to cause unnecessary harm to their children's physical development. Next, I will share some common mistakes, hoping to attract the attention of parents, give children more attention, and protect their feet and legs.

In walking, the most likely to hurt the child's behavior, parents should prevent early

The first: learn to walk too early

Until now, many parents simply think that their children walk early is a manifestation of intelligence. Therefore, from eight or nine months onwards, children will be intentionally trained to walk, which is bound to make them become "geniuses" who win at the starting line. But in fact, it is not a good thing for children to walk early.

In the process of learning to walk, these aspects should be paid special attention to so as not to affect the child's development

Everything has a basis for development, and the same is true for children walking. If you let them learn to walk early, there are really some seedlings to help. Growth and development are things that cannot be rushed, and children need to adapt slowly, from climbing to standing alone to walking independently.

Hazards: If you learn to walk too early, the whole center of gravity will be concentrated on the soles of the child's feet, because their lower limbs and abdomen do not have the strength to support the body's walking. Over time, there will be abnormal walking posture, which will affect the serious consequences of the development of the feet.

The second type: the shoes are not suitable

In line with the principle of not wasting, many parents will prepare larger shoes for their children, thinking that they can wear them for two more years. Or, give your child someone else's old shoes so you can save money on shoes. What seems to be a good habit of saving is actually ruining the child's health.

In the process of learning to walk, these aspects should be paid special attention to so as not to affect the child's development

Imagine: if your shoes don't fit, how can you walk comfortably? If the shoes are small, they will definitely squeeze the feet; if the shoes are large, they will definitely turn their heels. In order to walk better, a series of wrong methods will be taken, just to match these uncomfortable shoes.

Hazards: Misfits will cause a lot of unnecessary friction between the child's feet and shoes, hurt the development of their foot muscles, induce many foot diseases, and if serious, may also cause deformities. In addition, it can also affect the position of the legs and spine due to incorrect walking posture.

In the process of learning to walk, these aspects should be paid special attention to so as not to affect the child's development

I really can't imagine that behind the child's walking, there are so many hazards hidden. Especially for those parents who want to pull up seedlings and promote growth, you can't disregard the health of your children for the sake of "vanity" in your heart. You know, going early is not a good thing, everything must be decided according to the growth and development of the child.

In other words: whether children want to walk or not, their bodies will send clear signals, even if they do not express themselves verbally for a while, they can express their thoughts through behavior and movement.

In the process of learning to walk, these aspects should be paid special attention to so as not to affect the child's development

When the child wants to walk, the parents should receive it in time

1, climb fast

Suddenly, the child climbed particularly fast, up a notch from the previous crawling speed. At this time, it means that the child already has signs of wanting to walk, and it is possible to stand independently at any time. It seems to be just a simple crawl, but in fact, it requires the child's limbs and muscles to cooperate with each other, and the coordination of the body is good enough.

2. Move sideways

Holding on to items such as sofas and dining tables, children can climb up and walk sideways. This sign also indicates that the child has begun to learn to walk, but temporarily needs the help of external objects. It won't be long before the child can let go of the object, step on his "little short legs", and officially start to walk his own life path.

3. Climb the stairs

When a child can climb up and down a staircase, he is qualified to learn to walk. You know, climbing the stairs is particularly laborious and requires a lot of effort to climb up step by step. In particular, the strength of the limbs is very demanding, the legs should be strong enough, and the support of the hands should be very strong.

In the process of learning to walk, these aspects should be paid special attention to so as not to affect the child's development

Written at the end: Only one step at a time, children can learn to walk more solidly. Sometimes being too hasty will not only affect the child's physical development, but also easily develop an impatient personality. Intelligent parents will constantly observe the changes in their children in life, receive their signals in time, and provide corresponding help.

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