
Learning to "fly a kite" education will make children more and more excellent

Educating children is like flying a kite, if the control is too strict, the child will shrink his hands and feet, but if the parents manage too loosely, the child has no sense of rules.

Parents must give their children a well-regulated and relatively relaxed environment in order to maximize their potential.

On the road of education, parents need to be "free to let go", let go when they should let go, and grasp when they should grasp it.

Learning to "fly a kite" education will make children more and more excellent

Let go and let the child be independent

Parents must not complete what the child can do on his own, otherwise it is depriving the child of the ability to do it. If parents do this, they are undoubtedly telling their children: "You can't do it, you can't do it, I don't believe you can do it well!" "It will not only discourage the enthusiasm of the child, let the child lose the opportunity to practice, but also make the child dependent on the parent." If a child grows up in such an environment for a long time, will he be truly independent in the future?

Practice has proved that if parents give up the cultivation of their children's self-care ability at certain stages, then the child's self-care ability may also show a serious shortage or low situation in the future. Parents need to believe in their children, let go when it is time to let go, and arrange for their children to do what they can, so that children can slowly become independent.

Learning to "fly a kite" education will make children more and more excellent

Let go and let the child try and make mistakes

"If a person is not a sage, who can be blameless", in study, work and life, adults will inevitably make all kinds of mistakes, let alone innocent children? There is no road in the world, only by letting the child try and make mistakes, he can cultivate a strong heart.

It is not necessarily a bad thing to let children try and make mistakes, but rather an opportunity for children to exercise. Making mistakes is actually a process of continuous learning and self-improvement, and parents need to cheer up their children on the side. Failure is the mother of success, and every mistake a child makes gives him a valuable lesson, even if he makes the same mistake, the harvest is different.

Love children, give him the opportunity to trial and error, those who have been forgiven, understood children, in order to seriously look back at their own behavior, in order to correct their mistakes.

Let go and let the kids choose

Practice has proved that children who have been helped by their parents to make decisions for a long time not only lack judgment and the ability to choose when they grow up, but even lack a sense of responsibility and do not know how to be responsible for their own lives.

If parents want their children to have a better future, they need to give their children the opportunity to choose, let him learn how to decide, and learn to take responsibility for the decisions he makes. Whether in learning or life, parents need to respect their children, and when it comes to children, they need to listen to their children's opinions. Even if you do not agree with your child's approach, you need to communicate with your child in a consultative tone, rather than blindly convincing your child to make a choice according to your own wishes. Release the child's nature, give the child the opportunity to choose independently, and appropriately let go to see the child's infinite possibilities.

A qualified parent should guide the child, not make decisions for the child. Knowing how to let go and let children choose for themselves is actually a kind of wisdom, don't always use the excuse of "I am good for you" to deprive children of their right to choose for themselves. Everyone is the master of their own life, have the right to choose independently, as a parent we can not replace the child to make choices, more is to give the child the right to give the right to choose their own life.

Learning to "fly a kite" education will make children more and more excellent

Develop good habits for your child

Habits can shape a person, and developing good behaviors from an early age is crucial to a person's growth.

Parents must start to develop a variety of good habits from a young age, including study habits and living habits! In terms of learning, parents must let their children develop good habits such as pre-study in advance, review after class, plan in advance, concentrate on class, be good at asking questions, and be diligent in thinking. In life, parents also need to let their children develop good habits such as going to bed early and getting up early, doing their own things, being diligent and thrifty, treating people politely, not littering, and not making loud noises in public.

The famous writer Mr. Ye Shengtao said that education is the cultivation of habits, and habits are the behaviors that have been consolidated by repeated repetition and long-term practice and become the required behaviors. Therefore, parents must make rules for their children before they are characterized, and set a good example for their children by example. In addition, it is also necessary to appropriately cooperate with school education and check the formation of supervision habits. Only in this way can the children's habit formation education be implemented.

Learning to "fly a kite" education will make children more and more excellent

Develop your child's abilities

From the moment the child is born, parents begin to develop their child's various abilities: life skills, social skills, learning skills.

Truly capable children, wherever they go, will turn themselves into an iron rice bowl. Indeed, cultivating a good life ability can allow children to learn to take care of their own lives and improve the quality of life; cultivate good social skills, let children make friends better, and be successful in society, not isolated; cultivate good learning ability, so that children can go to a higher level in learning and cultivate interest in learning.

Visionary parents will give their children the opportunity to exercise their abilities when they are young, so that they can survive even if they are separated from their parents.

Learning to "fly a kite" education will make children more and more excellent

Of course, while cultivating these abilities, parents still have to take into account the development of children's nature. It is necessary to leave a free space for children, so that children can feel the joy of growth while exerting their self-awareness, self-respect and self-control ability.

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