
Excellent boys, need careful watering from their parents, have you done these points?

In this society, there are always more expectations for boys, because they have to take on more responsibilities, whether it is family or society. Therefore, the parents of boys always want them to excel, become excellent people in the future, be able to take responsibility, and be a person of integrity and bravery.

But boys, it seems that they are more lively by nature, they are naughty and active in their bones, and they like to break into trouble. Compared with girls, boys seem to be more difficult to discipline, often causing trouble and trouble for their parents. The neighbor's family is awesome, although he is only four years old, but his mother has already "cleaned up" him countless times.

Looking at the child who is gradually "crooked", the mother can still worry about his future, afraid of doing more outrageous things. Therefore, you can only ask the people around you for advice to see what parenting secrets can help the child to "reborn", so that his personality and way of doing things have changed.

Just how to raise boys? That's what parents worry about the most.

Excellent boys, need careful watering from their parents, have you done these points?

First, cultivate children's self-confidence and be willing to call

For boys, the most important thing is self-confidence, the smile on their faces, the persistence carved in their bones, and all this requires enough self-confidence. In fact, children are easy to satisfy, self-confidence is also easy to cultivate, mainly depends on whether parents give opportunities, children who are arranged, counted, and denied will never be confident.

Therefore, we must be willing to call the boy, let him do what he can, slowly accumulate experience, and thus become confident. Only by doing what you are sure of and completely right can you inspire a sense of inner self-confidence. And everything starts with the "summons.".

Excellent boys, need careful watering from their parents, have you done these points?

Second, cultivate children's bravery and be willing to "wrestle"

"Manhood" is the best evaluation of boys, indicating that they are brave and responsible, but there are many boys, they are cowardly, and even some "showy", and bravery has nothing to do with it. In the future, society will encounter many thorns and disasters, and it needs a brave enough psychology as a support that cannot be ignored by parents.

The best way to make your children brave is to wrestle and get them to get up again and again in a difficult situation. The so-called wrestling is not really scolding children, but let them experience more setbacks and failures, find ways in adversity, and truly achieve more frustration and courage.

Excellent boys, need careful watering from their parents, have you done these points?

Third, cultivate children's responsibility and be willing to make mistakes

In the eyes of many parents, children should not make mistakes, so plan for them to avoid all mistakes. But in fact, there has never been a smooth life, and making mistakes is the scenery that life should have. Isn't it paradoxical to want children to become responsible and responsible, but not allow them to make mistakes?

The so-called responsibility is the ability to bear mistakes and responsibilities, if there is not even a chance to make mistakes, how to show the side of responsibility? Therefore, not only to allow children to make mistakes, but also to be willing to let them make mistakes, as long as they have the courage to bear the consequences, it is a kind of progress.

Excellent boys, need careful watering from their parents, have you done these points?

A warm reminder to Dad:

On the way to educating boys, the most important thing to be absent is the father, because he will become an example for boys to learn. What the mother gives the boy can only be a delicate emotional education and a care of life. But dad is different, he will give the boy more spiritual education and influence, especially the influence of responsibility, bravery and responsibility.

No matter how busy you are, please take time, even if you just tell stories with the boy before going to bed, you will also get a different scenery. Most importantly, in the future, boys will also become people like dads, which is the transmission of the so-called "family style".

Excellent boys, need careful watering from their parents, have you done these points?

Written at the end: On the road to education, please give the boy more tenderness and let him feel the warm breath. Only boys who grow up in love will become kind and attentive and keep their original intentions.

Disclaimer: The pictures in the text are from ins, the blogger is @kidzootd, if you also have your own unique insights in the process of educating and parenting, or encounter problems that confuse you, welcome to explore yo ~ together

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