
"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

"Dear Child" Fang Yinuo and Xiao Lu divorced, Xiao Lu can't understand why Fang Yinuo is so determined, he is tired and tired to make money to support his family, but it is to give her and her daughter the best living conditions, why only made a mistake, Fang Yinuo refused to give a chance, to do things so desperately.

Xiao Lu didn't understand, in his opinion, he had only made a mistake once, but in Fang Yinuo, he had already been beaten into the cold palace and would never be reused.

First, from Fang Yinuo's return to confinement after giving birth to the child's first birthday, four major events occurred in the family:

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

1. The child was jaundiced, the first time he was hospitalized, Xiao Lu stood at the end of the sister-in-law

After giving birth, the sister-in-law came home, and the mother Fang Yinuo did not get much care, and the baby was not taken care of satisfactorily, but it was Bao Dad Xiao Lu who was particularly optimistic about the sister-in-law. Because after the sister-in-law came, he did not have to eat takeaway, and when he returned home, someone left a meal and someone poured hot tea for him. Rushing to this concern, Xiao Lu instinctively turned to Yue Jie.

Hehe's skin was visible to the naked eye, and Fang Yinuo's intuition was not right, and he wanted to take the child to the hospital to see. Sister-in-law Yue was dissuaded by experience, and Xiao Lu helped her to say that it was all right.

When Hehe's skin was more yellow, forcing Fang Yinuo to be anxious, Xiao Lu and Yue Sister-in-law reluctantly took the child to the hospital, and as a result, they were detained for hospitalization photos as soon as they were examined. The doctor asked, why did it come so late?

Xiao Lu hurried home to take the things he needed to use for hospitalization, Fang Yinuo couldn't stay still, followed to the hospital, and saw the child struggling in the blue light room, and his heart was like a knife.

Back at home, in order to ease the atmosphere, Xiao Lu said the "breast milk jaundice" that Yue Sister-in-law had heard hearsay, and at the same time recognized that Yue Sister-in-law secretly fed milk powder, he blamed the child's jaundice on Fang Yinuo's breast milk.

In order to keep YueYi and enjoy the care brought to him by Yue Jie, Xiao Lu stood opposite Fang Yinuo.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

2. It was found that the mother-in-law smoked, and Xiao Lu concealed the truth

After the sister-in-law ran away, Xiao Lu invited her mother-in-law to the house without consultation. The mother-in-law's mouth is not exquisite, and there are two problems, that is, smoking and playing mahjong, in addition to which it is not bad, people are diligent and happy, and they are really towards children. At present, he and his children need people, and Fang Yinuo did not resist.

But the contradiction soon broke out. When the mother-in-law walked back, Hehe's clothes were stained with the smell of smoke, and Fang Yinuo was sure that the mother-in-law smoked.

Xiao Lu volunteered to do the mother-in-law's ideological work. The mother-in-law told him clearly and clearly that she did smoke, but when he came back, he told his wife that his mother did not smoke.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

When Fang Yinuo found out that her mother-in-law smoked again, she broke with her mother-in-law in person, but her mother-in-law said that she had already confessed to Xiao Lu about smoking. Fang Yinuo was slapped in the face: "So Xiao Lu has always known that you smoke." ”

For the sake of harmony between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Xiao Lu chose to deceive Fang Yinuo.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

3, the mother-in-law accidentally fell the child to play mahjong, Xiao Lu invited the little uncle to the house

After jaundice hospitalization and mother-in-law smoking in front of the child, Fang Yinuo became more and more worried about the child. After walking the baby for a while, she felt uneasy and came out to look for the child.

At this moment, I saw a scene of panic and collapse: the mother-in-law was addicted to mahjong, and her hand let go of the stroller, and everyone was immersed in good luck, but they accidentally touched the stroller. The stroller ran faster and faster down the slope, and when it stopped, it fell to the ground, and Hehe fell out of the stroller.

The mother-in-law decided to retire early to take care of the children, but Xiao Lu did not persuade the mother-in-law to leave, and there was a dilemma of two mothers under one roof.

Xiao Lu didn't know whether his ability was really not good, or whether it was not a big deal to see the hilarity, and even let his useless brother Xiao Xu find a way to invite his mother, and as a result, Xiao Xu was at home.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

The mother-in-law is somewhat faulty, but in the end it is the person who does things, but Xiao Xu is different, delicious and lazy, poor upbringing, and loves to cause trouble, so he made a guarantee that he would no longer smoke in the toilet, and hid in the bedroom to smoke, and also burned the curtains, and lit up the resentment and anger of a big family that was already full of contradictions.

In the chaos, Xiao Lu still wanted to be a peacemaker, let Fang Yinuo endure, Fang Yinuo could not help the fire in his heart, and arched out the matter of his mother-in-law and uncle eating his granddaughter's placenta.

When Xiao Lu could not suppress the crowd, he sold a miserable situation, told him about his difficulties, and forced Fang Yinuo, the new mother of the postpartum baby, to apologize to him.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

4, the child is one year old, the third child openly shouted the first birthday feast

After that big quarrel, the mother-in-law and the little uncle finally withdrew from Fang Yinuo's life, and the family finally restored order, but Hehe was particularly difficult to bring, always crying, crying at night can toss the adults until dawn, torturing Fang Yinuo exhausted, and tianliang still has to go to work.

However, in this process, the most difficult person has become a Xiao Lu who ignores the child. Xiao Lu slept from the master bedroom to the sofa, and gradually developed into a return from work and did not go upstairs in the car, preferring to work overtime and not go home, preferring to accompany customers rather than accompany his wife and children, because no one in this family cared about him who was tired and tired in order to make money and make his wife and children live a good life.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

Fang Yinuo said that she has no special requirements for materials, and now hehe is small, which is the most difficult and the most important stage of the baby's growth, and her expectation for her husband is that when she needs it, he can be around.

But Xiao Lu wants to skip the process of the child's difficulty in taking, and wait until he has earned enough money in recent years to go back to accompany the child to grow. Because of the torture of the child's crying, getting along with his mother-in-law and wife is far less relaxed than his overtime work, and far less happy than his female customers.

Fang Yinuo asked him to tell Hehe a story for one more day, because there was a conflict in her evening self-study schedule, Xiao Lu said that he did not have time, saying that he was relieved when he waited for the "big single to fall" and what came to mind was the happy scene of him and the female customer Zhu Zhu getting along. That simple smile, that simple and bright figure, getting along with Zhu Zhu was far more relaxed than with the wife in front of him.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

He thought that the female client was in full control, and he was running to her for a big order, but he did not expect the anti-Chinese female client's trick: Zhu Zhu gradually secretly agreed with him, took advantage of the drunkenness to get him back to her boudoir, and photographed the evidence of the two people's compromise.

Zhu Zhu went to Hehe's first birthday feast, and in front of a group of relatives and friends, tore open the problem of the relationship between husband and wife that Fang Yinuo had deliberately evaded.

At this point, Fang Yinuo could not avoid it, could no longer bear the weight of marriage, and insisted on choosing divorce.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

Xiao Lu felt that he was very wronged, he worked hard to socialize with customers for this family, drinking and drinking bile were spit out, why did Fang Yinuo have to hold on to the mistake of this only one time and refuse to forgive him.

In Xiao Lu's place, getting involved with Zhu Zhu was a mistake he accidentally made in order to win a big order, and he should be forgiven, and his wife should give him another chance.

In Fang Yinuo's case, the Zhu Zhu incident was only the last straw. Including the previous hospitalization of Hehe jaundice, the mother-in-law smoking, the mother-in-law for playing mahjong to let Hehe fall out of the stroller, the little uncle lived in the family to make trouble, all of which are just straw carriers

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

What gave Fang Yinuo, the postpartum mother," never the sister-in-law, the mother-in-law, the little uncle, and Zhu Zhu, but behind these things, Xiao Lu's standing, deception, PUA, and neglect were the straw itself, one by one, superimposed, becoming her already disappointed heart, unbearable lightness.

Second, what really crushed Fang Yinuo was not these, but before this, Xiao Lu had already used fang Yinuo's performance to accumulate enough disappointment from Fang Yinuo when fang Yinuo was at his most difficult time:

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

1, before the birth of no one, Fang Yinuo found that she gave birth to a child is not as important as his work

Fang Yinuo has always been confident and not afraid of having children, until the amniotic fluid is broken, she can calmly tell the students that she will go to have a child first.

After a long waiting in the hospital, Xiao Lu Company had an emergency, and she also generously and thoughtfully let him deal with it first, and when it was handled, it was only a 10-minute thing.

At this time, Fang Yinuo was confident, because in her opinion, Xiao Lu was credible and reliable. Women are like this, as long as the husband is reliable, it is difficult and terrible to have children, she has the power of love to be more frustrated and courageous.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

However, a terrible contraction pain began, the long-disappeared husband never returned, Fang Yinuo gradually lost her heart, she began to fear, and even begged for a caesarean section.

Until she was pushed into the delivery room, she did not wait for her husband. She went in alone, experiencing a difficult birth, severe physical pain, and the fear that the baby would not cry, and all kinds of emotions were pressed to the brink of collapse. The only thing to do is that the delivery room has a husband waiting outside the door.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

2, after the birth of no one, Fang Yinuo found that she gave birth to a child has not yet sent a placenta to the mother-in-law to be important

But when she endured so much, circled around the ghost door and came back, but there was no husband waiting outside, her emotions collapsed at once, drowned in silent fatigue, gently closed her eyes, the nurse was distressed that she sent her back to the delivery room, and her husband was also quite dissatisfied, the wife gave birth to a child inside, and the husband was tight to deliver the placenta.

I have heard many pregnant mothers say: If my husband did not stay outside the delivery room, I would not forgive him for the rest of my life.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

Fang Yinuo's heart was weaker than this kind of unforgiveness, she even gave up on Xiao Lu, and when she returned to the ward, she was suppressed by xiao Lu's disappointment, and she no longer had the confidence and bravery of the past. Her mother went to buy milk powder and was not around, she wanted to drink water and no longer opened her mouth to ask for help, only stretched out her weak hand, trying to reach the water cup.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

3. The most embarrassing scene in the postpartum ward, Fang Yinuo will remember it for a lifetime

But the woman's postpartum powerlessness is far more than that, and a wave of even bigger critical blows came: Fang Yinuo was incontinent.

Originally, husband and wife were one, and these close things had nothing to avoid, but the previous disappointment made Fang Yinuo become particularly strong in front of Xiao Lu, and she could not expose her weakest side in front of this hateful husband, preferring to wait for her mother to return.

Xiao Lu returned to the ward under the reminder of the old man, held his breath and forcibly gave Fang Yinuo the filth on his body, and Fang Yinuo, who was ashamed and annoyed, was at the mercy of Xiao Lu, looking at his disgust in his eyes and remembering it in his heart.

It is said that husband and wife suffer together, and when Fang Yinuo was at his most powerless, it was just a matter of and urine, and Xiao Lu's disgusted face had been exposed.

After that, Xiao Lu disappeared again for a long time, and Fang Yinuo didn't have to think about it, he dealt with his "dislike", so when the girlfriend asked, she diverged from the topic and did not answer.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

4, after giving birth to the family back to find that she gave birth to the baby is not as important as his drinking

When I returned home after leaving the hospital after giving birth, the moment I entered the house, everything was clear. Fang Yinuo finally understood the truth about Xiao Lu's delay in returning before childbirth: it turned out that when she was suffering from a series of heart-rending severe pains, her husband, in the name of work, hid at home and drank a lot of wine and slept.

It turned out that in the eyes of this selfish man, there was no expectation for the child, and she and the child were not as important as his drinking.

From the breaking of the amniotic fluid to the birth of the child, in just a few days, Fang Yinuo went from incomparable confidence to heart beating, on the surface, it is the sequelae of giving birth to a baby, but behind it is a woman's overall disappointment in her selfish husband.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

Because of the sudden change of identity, because of the pain and change of the body, because of the child's troubles, Fang Yinuo suddenly couldn't understand his state of mind, poured all his mental energy into the baby, and acted like a frightened bird as fragile and anxious. But I didn't notice that her various precautions, easy to be violent and irritable, were all because she had accumulated enough disappointment in her husband.

After the process of taking the child, the occurrence of the sister-in-law feeding milk powder to push away the jaundice problem, the mother-in-law smoking, the mother-in-law accidentally fell on Hehe, Zhu Zhu intervened and other things, can be big or small, but these things let Fang Yinuo have time and opportunity, more fully and truly found his disappointment in Xiao Lu.

"Dear Child" Bao Mama's Pain: How did Fang Yinuo's trust in Xiao Lu collapse?

Third, write at the end

Zhu Zhu was right, even without her, Fang Yinuo and Xiao Lu's marriage would have had problems, because the problems had been laid out as early as the moment of giving birth to the baby. Even earlier, when Xiao Lu finished eating chili noodles outside, went home and said to Fang Yinuo that he would not eat spicy with happiness and bitterness, when Fang Yinuo did not want to watch the ball game, Xiao Lu let her hold the remote control herself with a big belly and could not move, the problem was already posed.

The 4 major events of taking a baby after childbirth are only 4 superimposed straws, which is the unbearable lightness of Fang Yinuo's marital life.

Below the straw, what weighed on Fang Yinuo was the comprehensive and complete disappointment of Xiao Lu accumulated during the pregnancy and childbirth process, and the unbearable weight of Fang Yinuo's marital life.

Why can't Xiao Lu ask for forgiveness? Because he mistakenly thought that as long as he took away the Zhu Zhu incident, he and Fang Yinuo would have nothing to do, but they did not know the Zhu Zhu incident, and even the escape from the whole process of taking the baby and refusing to face the problem directly was not the key - what really crushed his marriage was his selfishness and selfishness, giving Fang Yinuo's disappointment.

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