
If the elderly who help their children with their babies do not want to be thankless, these 3 points are crucial!

Now the pace of life is so fast, the two children go out to earn money, and the task of bringing children at home falls to us middle-aged and elderly people. According to the statistics of the People's Daily, nearly 70% of the elderly with children feel that this work is not easy to do, because while busy taking care of children, they are complained by their sons and daughters-in-law. In fact, it is not so difficult to help children with babies, as long as you grasp these 3 points, you can ensure that you can easily bring a baby, and the family atmosphere can also be happy and harmonious:

If the elderly who help their children with their babies do not want to be thankless, these 3 points are crucial!

First, leave yourself a little money

In interpersonal communication, the role of money is self-evident. Living under the same roof, it is inevitable that there will be contradictions, money can give us enough security and freedom, a family of four or five, money is the lubricant and necessities in life, the elderly with babies at the same time, but also pay attention to reserve their own savings. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, do not have to put all the money to their children, while caring for the little grandchildren, do not forget to care for themselves.

In South Korea, the elderly with children will be paid, Brazil's "professional grandmother" will also have an insurance monthly salary, the mainland is not very perfect in this regard, more need the older generation to have a financial concept, save a little money on weekdays.

If the elderly who help their children with their babies do not want to be thankless, these 3 points are crucial!

Second, give yourself a little space

When taking care of children, outbreaks of family conflicts are not uncommon, mainly due to the collision and friction of ideas. In fact, children who are tired of life are inclined to let their parents help with their children. But the older generation and the younger generation's views on education are not very different, at least there is a gap of several decades. In the middle, it is not an overnight thing to want to run into convergence and reach an agreement, so the elderly must also know how to reserve some personal space.

Since the concepts and practices are not very similar, many small things can be done by the children themselves, and only when they take care of the children themselves can they feel the hardships and difficulties of bringing children. When taking care of children with their children, they should also learn to let go, and if there are some things that they feel are not very good, they will do as they want, which will also greatly reduce the occurrence of family conflicts.

If the elderly who help their children with their babies do not want to be thankless, these 3 points are crucial!

Third, don't forget your personal life

Elderly people with children mean that individuals spend less time alone. Children go to kindergarten is fine, if you learn to speak or take a long holiday, for the elderly is all day long. Life revolves around little grandchildren and grandchildren, which has become the status quo of most of the older generation with babies.

When the child grows up, the child's parents feel that it is not good to let the elderly always carry it, they have their own education methods, and they want to let the parents who have lived for several years return to their hometown. But for the older generation, this is simply a sudden blow, because a few years have passed, the old man has developed a sense of belonging to this family and children, and suddenly sent himself back, it is inevitable that there will be a huge psychological gap.

In fact, while the elderly are taking children, they should also pay attention to the development of their personal lives. Whatever the situation, learn how to be alone. Don't take your child as the whole of your life and rely too much on your child. After picking up your grandchildren, you can go to the community to play chess, dance, and get along with some close friends. In ordinary life, you can also carry out housework with your daughter-in-law and son, and develop your own interests and hobbies in your free time.

If the elderly who help their children with their babies do not want to be thankless, these 3 points are crucial!

A Grandmother Moses in the United States began painting at the age of 76, and the exhibition she held at the age of 80 was a sensation in the United States. People live for themselves, every node of life can be rejuvenated, we have worked hard for a lifetime, and we must learn to love ourselves well in old age.

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