
Sleeping in January, crying in March, saving belly, mastering this "parenting code", mothers can easily take the baby

I thought that the baby would be relaxed after birth, but in fact, after birth, it is really "not easy"!

Especially in the first three months after childbirth, in addition to recovering their own body, they must also learn to be a mother and learn to take care of the baby, and there are many parenting problems at this stage, which makes many mothers feel very anxious.

There is a folk parenting saying that "sleep in January, cry in February and save your belly in March", which refers to the general development law of the baby in the first three months of life.

How to understand specifically, and what "parenting codes" are hidden in it? Let's take a look at it with Jing Mama, and after reading it, I will understand how many phenomena are going on.

January sleep: Babies in the confinement love to sleep

"The baby in the confinement spends most of his time sleeping, and sometimes he has to wake up when he is breastfeeding, is it not normal?"

"Babies who are less than a month old can sleep 20 hours a day, is that the same in your family?"

Becoming a mother for the first time, without common sense and experience, will ask: Why do newborns always sleep?

If the new mother records the baby's daily sleep time, she will find that the baby in the confinement can basically sleep 16-20 hours a day, during which they feed 8-10 times, and the baby who eats breast milk even more times.

Newborns sleep longer and have irregular schedules than adults, but this is normal.

Because the newborn baby needs to gradually adapt to the "new world" outside the womb, it needs to meet the needs of rapid physical development.

As the baby grows older, the sleep time will gradually shorten, and the work and rest will gradually become regular.

2-5 months of birth, the baby can sleep 15-18 hours a day, 6-12 months of birth can sleep 14-16 hours a day, the daytime awake time increases, and some babies can sleep all night at night.

During the confinement period, watching the baby always sleeping, new mothers often have a tangle:

Will the baby always sleep and will not have enough to eat?

When it's time to feed but the baby is still asleep, do you want to wake up and feed?

At this stage, the baby pays attention to "on-demand feeding", as long as the baby wants to eat, feed the baby to eat.

In addition, you can also refer to the feeding time, the baby in the month will basically eat once in 2-3 hours, then the mother can record the time of each feeding, to the next feeding, if the baby is still sleeping, you can not wake up the baby, gently stimulate the baby with the nipple, he will "wake up to eat milk".

But there are also special circumstances, and the mother should be able to judge:

Experience a period of sharp rise: on the 7th to 10th day of life, the 2nd to 3rd week, and the 4th to 6th week, the baby will experience three sharp rise periods, when the baby becomes able to eat, and may have to breastfeed once every hour.

Abnormal sleep state: If the baby is in a drowsy state, sleeps for more than 4 hours continuously, and even difficult to wake up, it is necessary to be careful, if necessary, to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

February crying: Every day like an alarm clock " fixed point crying" until the whole family will collapse

Before I met a mother, I asked: "February crying" is calculated from the beginning of the full moon or from the beginning of the full two months?

This is the "second month after birth", which is calculated from the full moon.

After many babies are full moon, they begin to become difficult to bring, may often spit up milk, long eczema, red farts, and even some babies cry significantly worse, and it is a "fixed time" crying, every day will make a fuss, so that parents have psychological shadows, to the point began to be nervous.

For small babies, "crying" is a way to express needs, hungry to urinate will cry, uncomfortable in the heart will also cry.

At this time, it is a test for new parents: no matter what the need is crying, you need to accurately judge what kind of demand it is, fortunately, after experiencing the confinement, most mothers have already explored some experience.

This month the baby has become crying, there may be several reasons:

In the soaring period, there will be a period of sharp rise in the 4th-6th week of life, and rapid growth will bring certain stimulation to the body and bones, making the baby feel uncomfortable.

Incomplete neurodevelopment makes the baby very sensitive, when encountering strong light stimulation in the external environment, louder sounds, etc., it will stimulate the baby's jumping reflex, disturb the baby's sleep, and he will make him unhappy, and even cry.

Flatulence and colic, which is the most important reason, because there is flatulence in the stomach "strange", so that the baby's stomach is swollen and uncomfortable, and when he tries to relieve it himself (full body force, leg kicking, stiffening, etc.) after ineffective, he will cry.

▲ After understanding what is going on, parents should respond correctly and help the baby alleviate it.

Let the baby eat enough + do passive exercises.

After experiencing the soaring period, you can feed more according to the baby's needs, and at the same time help the baby to do touch massage, passive exercises, etc., to alleviate physical discomfort.

Wrap gently in swaddling or wearing a sleeping bag.

The startle reflex is a normal manifestation of newborns, but in order to make the baby sleep more steadily, you can wrap it in a swaddle or wear a sleeping bag, but the premise is that the baby's limbs are not bound.

Do a good job in the prevention and relief of flatulence/colic.

For example, correct feeding, reducing the baby to eat too much air, not overfeeding, correctly helping the baby to exhaust (do exhaust exercises, massage the stomach clockwise, etc., you can refer to the method below).

March Belly: Is the baby constipated in seven or eight days?

By this month, this problem is the most common, the baby does not defecate for a few days, and the mother waits anxiously every day, worried that the baby is constipated.

In fact, it is more likely to be saving belly.

By 3 months, as the baby's gastrointestinal digestion ability gradually increases, the number of stools will decrease, and sometimes there will be no bowel movements for a few days, especially for babies who drink formula, it will be more common but this is not necessarily constipation.

So how to tell if your baby is stomach or constipated?

A look at the baby's daily eating and sleeping performance: eat well, sleep well, good mental state, in addition to the small number of stools, there is no other abnormality, it should not be constipation.

Second, look at the state of the baby when defecating: if it is constipation, the baby will have a lot of effort to defecate, and even the face is full of red, the stool is dryer than before, and the baby's stomach will touch the harder lumps.

In short, there are "exclusive development characteristics" in different months of age, if the mother can understand these "parenting codes" in advance and master the correct way to cope, it will be much easier to take the baby, and it is not easy to fall into the pit.

Sleeping in January, crying in March, saving belly, the development of your baby, is it in line with this law? Welcome to share your experience with moms!

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