
How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today

constipation? Belly saving?

When the baby does not defecate for several days, many mothers will begin to worry, whether the baby is constipated or has a stomach. The following is to introduce the baby's belly and constipation related knowledge, be sure to take a good look!

How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today

What is belly saving?

Commonly breastfed babies in 2-6 months, manifested as 3-5 days of bowel movements, or even longer, some babies may not defecate for more than ten days without painful performance, to defecate is still yellow soft stool, not dry and hard, this phenomenon is called "belly saving".

Babies who appear to save their stomachs are mostly breastfed babies, and some babies begin to save their stomachs after the full moon, which is because after the baby's digestion capacity is gradually improved after the full moon, the breast milk can be fully digested and absorbed, resulting in very little food residue produced every day, which is not enough to stimulate the rectum to form a common phenomenon, which eventually leads to a common phenomenon.

How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today

What is the common time of occurrence?

Belly saving: only occurs in babies 2 to 6 months;

Constipation: it can occur at any stage;

How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today

Poop shape

Belly saving: The baby only has less time to defecate, but the nature of the poop is still thin and mushy, so the baby does not have to work hard when defecating.

Constipation: The baby's poop is relatively dry and hard, so it will be more difficult to defecate, and sometimes it can make the face red.

How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today

Mental state

Belly saving: the baby's mental state, food intake, sleep and all other performances are as usual;

Constipation: the baby may also have unsteady sleep, easy to cry when defecating, irritability and other bad emotions;

How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today

What should I do if my baby has a belly?


Raise your child to bowel regularly

Because the phenomenon of belly saving generally begins to appear in the baby around 2 months, training the baby to defecate regularly at this time (such as urinating every morning and evening) can make the baby form a good bowel habit very early.

How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today


Insist on massaging your baby's belly every day

a. Gently rub your baby's abdomen with the palm of your hand, centered on the navel, rotate from left to right and massage 10 times to rest for 5 minutes, massage another 10 times, and repeat 3 times.

b. The baby lies on his back, grabs his legs to do flexion and extension exercises, that is, stretch and flex a little, a total of 10 times, and then flex and extend one leg 10 times. This will help your baby's bowel movements and facilitate the passage of stool.

How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today


Drink plenty of water appropriately

For fat babies, you can feed some boiled water between the milks twice a day, and add complementary foods after 6 months to completely solve this stool condition.

How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today


Increase milk volume

If the child's stool is reduced and the weight gain is not ideal, it may be because of insufficient breast milk, you can add some formula to the baby in time; if the baby has been more than 4 months old, you can also add a little rice soup, which can better improve the condition of the stool.

How exactly do you tell if your baby is constipated or in the stomach? Let's reveal it today

Treasurer reminder

Do not use laxatives for constipation in young infants (medication may cause diarrhea). When your baby has too much stool buildup, you can use a soap head to insert it into the anus to stimulate defecation, or inject it into the anus with a decongester to help with the lubrication of the glycerin. However, these mechanical methods should not be used commonly, and poor mastery can cause damage.

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