
Most women are afraid that you will use these tricks to toss her, and even the coldest women are afraid of being attracted to you

Love scenes are like battlefields without smoke, so it is necessary to pay attention to tactics and strategy, after all, there are no single women who can't catch up, only men who can't chase single women. Men with low emotional intelligence will be helpless even if they meet women who are not high-cold, after all, IQ cannot replace emotional intelligence, if the emotional intelligence is high, high-cold women will still be unable to escape the woven love network.

Most women are afraid that you will use these tricks to toss her, and even the coldest women are afraid of being attracted to you

Catering to a woman's hobbies or future creates cohesion

Not blindly for women to make changes, but targeted for women to make changes, women's hobbies or what the future is, you need to say and do, during the chat with women, the woman's future as your future, and you have to carry out a sky-high description, presumably women will be fascinated, if you take the woman's future as a goal, subdivide the plan, from the small plan to implement, let the woman see the truth and believe that it is true, the cohesion generated in the future will make the woman not abandon you, The future is the long-term attraction, the common hobby is the attraction of the present, so that women are convinced to follow you orally is just around the corner.

Most women are afraid that you will use these tricks to toss her, and even the coldest women are afraid of being attracted to you

Sprinkle lies full of white lies

Life needs to be real at the same time, but also needs white lies, not the so-called deception, but must have, such as the girl asks you if the clothes look good? At this time, you can appropriately exaggerate a little and tell some white lies, so that the woman will be overjoyed.

Most women are afraid that you will use these tricks to toss her, and even the coldest women are afraid of being attracted to you

Attract bees and butterflies

Attracting women has tricks, as long as you understand and learn to use the strengths and avoid the shortcomings, while you try to promote the strengths as much as possible, cooperate as much as possible to avoid the short, women will be attracted to your strengths, although you are not a 100% perfect man, but you can create a perfect man, your strengths for women's attraction will increase day by day, but where women are close to 100% willing, willing to give hugs will be just around the corner.

Most women are afraid that you will use these tricks to toss her, and even the coldest women are afraid of being attracted to you

Want to get away with it

You and women in the period of getting along, must be as indulgent as possible to indulge women, even if women put forward arbitrary and unreasonable requirements, saying or doing things too much, you also need to go against the grain, over time women will be arbitrary, and strive to make women close to madness, not only will be unusually brutal, but also willful, in addition to you, no man can tolerate women's small nature and accept women's bad temper, women will think that men other than you are unreasonable, naturally you will be able to accept, since you can let you also be able to receive, As the saying goes: to untie the bell, you must also tie the bell

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