
What does a woman care about in marriage?

Text\XiaoYi\Picture from the network

If marriage is regarded as a drama, then the man is the male protagonist in the marriage drama, and the woman is the female protagonist in the drama, and the male and female protagonists rely on each other, support and encourage each other to perfectly perform the marriage drama.

What does a woman care about in marriage?

Today, let's talk about the heroine of the marriage drama - the woman. Many men don't know what women care about in marriage, and today I will talk about it, and women care about nothing more than this in marriage

01 is cared for

In marriage, women generally like to be passive, that is, men need to take the initiative, and women need men's care and care.

Women's feelings are more delicate than men's, so they like to be cared for, and they are cared for by their own men, whether it is men's verbal care or strength actions that women need.

For example, on Valentine's Day, anniversaries and other holidays, women hope to receive gifts from their men, which is also a manifestation of women's desire to be cared for.

For example, women also long to be cared for when they are in a bad mood, and women usually desire their men to care about themselves, but not as strong as usual.

What does a woman care about in marriage?

02 Loved

Before a woman is married, her mother's home is her home, and after marriage, her only home is her and her husband's small home, no matter whether she has the love she deserves when she is in her mother's house, but after marriage, she is eager to be loved by her husband.

Especially women who lack love in their original families, after marriage, they are more eager to be loved, although they are eager to be loved, but they are not greedy. Women who lack love are particularly easily moved, so as long as men are willing to love them, they are very satisfied.

03 is needed

After getting married, the woman has also become the hostess of a family, and at this time she has a deep sense of responsibility in her heart, that is, she is needed by the family.

Now, many women are not willing to be housewives, they also want to go out to make money, although it is not easy to be a housewife woman, but the times are different, women also need to show their ability to be outside and improve their status.

Many women can even support a home alone, of course, if you work with men in the future of the family will be more happy.

Women are eager to be needed at the same time as they want men to love and care, after all, they are not easy, before women at home to husband and teach children, and now women still go out to earn money to share the pressure of men. But they rarely complain about it because they think they are needed by their families and have made a great contribution to them.

What does a woman care about in marriage?

04 Conclusion

Most of them want to live a good life with their men and then care about the above points, so if a man encounters such a woman, he must love her well and do not let the women of the Wang family leave you.

You love her, she loves you, you love each other, work together to run a family, and the marriage will be happy.

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