
After seeing the warmest scene in the restaurant, I understood that the happiness of children is a small thing

The most heart-warming scene to see in the restaurant

I understood that the happiness of children is a small thing

The so-called happiness is hidden in every bit of life

Parents want to fill their children with happiness, they must create a good family atmosphere for their children, starting from the details

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Last weekend the two kids were arguing for pizza, so I took them to Pizza Hut

As a result, I saw a very warm scene

Sitting in the seat next to us sat a father-daughter pair, and the girl looked to have just turned 7.8 years old

When the waiter took the menu and let the two order, the father did not make his own decisions, but also gave the child a menu

So the father and daughter each chose their favorite dishes

Then they started talking to each other and laughing

So I thought, it should be that the child's mother is not at home, so the father took the child out to eat

Unexpectedly, not long after, my mother also rushed over

Just at this time, the dishes they ordered were basically complete, so the family of three began to eat and chat happily

At this time, I realized that today was the wedding anniversary of the parents

So the father took his daughter early to eat at this restaurant near her mother's company

This big meal is not a father and daughter to improve their food, but a surprise of love that belongs to the whole family

Looking at this happy family, I couldn't help but start thinking

Where does a child's happiness come from, and is it the respect of parents for their children? Is it between parents and children who push each other like friends? Or is it the emotional harmony between husband and wife?

What kind of parents can create happiness for their children?


The stronger the parent, the lower the "happiness" of the child

Not long ago, I saw a news story about a mother who saw her son playing with his mobile phone

He angrily grabbed it and threw the child to the ground

The child had an emotional breakdown and climbed directly to the top of the building, indicating that he wanted to jump off the building to commit suicide

In desperation, my mother could only call the police

Although assisted by firefighters and police, the boy was successfully rescued

But in the face of his mother, the boy was still very hurt, and when he returned home, he refused to communicate with his mother

For children, the parents are overbearing

Undoubtedly, they are very disgusted, and even cause the parent-child relationship to break down

This leads to a lack of trust and dependence on the child for his parents

What is even more frightening is if parents always put their authority above their children's self and dignity

Then the child's heart is bound to become full of shadows and terror, and finally become a lack of happiness

The mother played by Liu Tao in the TV series "Holiday Warm Yangyang 2" is very strong

She was bent on hoping that her daughter would excel, so she forced her daughter Doudou in various ways

Force her daughter to study and enroll her in various training courses

Even eating requires my daughter to follow her nutritious recipes

In the end, the daughter not only did not get better. On the contrary, he and his mother went farther and farther away, and their hearts still grew

The thought of "I would be happier without my mother"

As parents, parents should not always control and suppress their children from above

You know, this kind of education will only accumulate more and more negative emotions in the child's heart, and finally lose happiness


The more peaceful the parents, the higher the "happiness" of the child

My son's tablemate was a very cute little girl

Although the results are not particularly good, the personality is very cheerful and confident

Every time I went to pick up my son and see her, she was happy

It seems that there will be no time for sorrow at all

Later, I became acquainted with the girl's mother

Only then did I find that the reason why the girl was so happy and optimistic was because of her mother

It is said that after the birth of her daughter, the mother resigned to take the child at home

Although the family's financial conditions have become a little tighter, the relationship between their husband and wife has always been very good

And the girl's mother did not give up on herself

In the past few years at home, she has not only kept her home in good order every day

He also dressed his daughter and husband very delicately and decently

In addition, she also learned to bake, occasionally taking small orders to supplement the family

Similarly, she was not overly anxious about her studies

Every day will spend time with her daughter to study, sometimes the daughter does not do well in the test, she always patiently corrects the child, never blames the child

Because of this, her daughter can become a "little sun" and be happy every day

When encountering anything, they are particularly stable in their mentality, and the whole person looks full of happiness

For children, the emotions of parents and the atmosphere of family

Often determines their happiness

Parents have a peaceful personality and a good family atmosphere, so that children can feel full of security

Only in the heart will be solid, optimistic, and happy

I once saw a group of photos about "happiness" on the Internet:

In a small restaurant, a father takes his daughter to dinner

Maybe it was Daddy who told some special joke, and the little girl smiled with her head up and her mouth closed

In the city at the beginning of the lights, Mom and Dad snuggled up to the happy than "Yay"

Opposite, their children, a few years old, pressed the shutter in a similar way

At sunset, father and mother hold the child's hand, and the family of three strolls on the beach by the sea

The scenery is beautiful, and their mood is even more beautiful

For children, happiness is not the first place nor does it have a lot of money

Happiness is every moment of happiness with parents


The three happiness indices that determine a child's happiness

A child's happiness comes largely from the parents

Then these three indexes that determine the happiness of children, parents must be careful

Parents' language

There is an old Chinese saying that a good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June

Many times, vicious language is often like a sharp knife

Always piercing the heart, the knife sees blood

As parents, parents should pay special attention to their own language in the process of educating their children

Communicate with your child in happy, peaceful language

Be less harsh and hard-hitting, so that the child will be full of happiness

Emotional intelligence of parents

The same thing, people with different emotional intelligence, deal with it differently in different ways

For children, the emotional intelligence of parents not only determines the daily feelings of children

It can also affect your child's thinking patterns

Parents with high emotional intelligence are often more able to provide their children with a sense of security and trust

Let the child be full of happiness and become confident and sunny

Olympic champion Gu Ailing is loved by many people

On the one hand, it is inseparable from her own strength, on the other hand, it is also the blessing of her character

Although he is only 19 years old, Gu Ailing is very generous and decent

At all times there is a great general's wind

She seems optimistic and positive, very positive, and the reason why she can become like this

It's because she has a mother with high emotional intelligence!

Not only has he respected Gu Ailing's interests since childhood, but he has always been able to guide her from the front!

The boundaries of parents to their children

Actor Fu Seoul once said such a case in a variety show

On her son's 12th birthday, the child made a testimonial in the circle of friends

He also chose to shield his mother Fu Seoul, and was surprised when Fu Seoul knew

Her son later explained to her that he was only doing it because he didn't want to be overly concerned by his parents

Indeed, for children

Especially for adolescent children, their sense of independence often becomes very strong

Therefore, it is very necessary for parents to maintain boundaries with them

As parents, we must have more respect for our children and take the initiative to guard this boundary

In this way, children will experience more happiness in freedom

Remember, a child's growth is inseparable from the nourishment of happiness

Only when children are full of happiness in their hearts, they will become confident, secure, positive and optimistic

Only when the personality is sound can the body and mind be healthy

Only when they are happy can they have a better understanding and grasp

Well, today's content is here, see you in the next issue

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