
What is the standard of happiness in the moment?

Life is busy only for the pursuit of happiness, what is happiness? Everyone's answer is different. What is the standard of happiness today?

1. There is a home in the countryside.

2. There are suites in town.

3. A scooter.

4. There are deposits for living expenses.

5. Parents are in good health.

6. The relationship between husband and wife is harmonious.

7. Children have three positive views.

Happiness 9 word tip: there is home, someone reads, there is food to eat.

Happiness is not "being", but "nothing": no illness, no disaster, no worries.

Lao Zhuang said: Those who have deep lust are shallow in nature, and those who are heavy on the outside will be clumsy on the inside.

What is the standard of happiness in the moment?
What is the standard of happiness in the moment?

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