
In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

Today's children are stressed to study, have a mountain of homework every day, have to deal with various tests, and accept the ups and downs of grades. Especially after entering junior high school, children's learning will enter a state of tension, and they will not dare to relax for almost a moment. But it is not only the children who are hard, but also their parents, and parents have done their best in order for their children to go to school better.

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

Many junior high school parents said that they are accompanying their children through the junior high school stage, because at this time the child's learning style will change, and it is about to enter puberty, there will be changes in psychology, many children will become rebellious, bored with school, so that parents have a headache, so after the child goes to junior high school, there are many things that parents should pay attention to.

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

Junior high school parents share their experience of accompanying students, and the heartache in it can only be understood by those who come over

Before that, a junior high school parent shared his experience of reading with his children. When his child first entered junior high school, his academic performance was still very good, always in the top ten of the class, so the parent was very satisfied with his child. He hopes that the child Donu will work hard to enter the top five, so that he is more likely to enter the key high school in the future.

In order for their children to learn and improve, parents have enrolled their children in many cram schools. After the child returns home, the parents will also urge the child to learn. But what I didn't expect was that these behaviors of parents forced the child more and more tightly, and the child took on more pressure. Finally, one day, the child broke out and said to the parents: "Why do I work so hard, you still force me."

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

Regarding the child's questioning, the parent was very angry, so he quarreled with the child. And this farce ended at the moment when the child locked the door. In the days to come, children's academic performance has dropped rapidly and has fallen out of the top ten. The teacher also repeatedly reflected to the parents that the child did not listen to the lecture in class, the learning attitude was not correct, and even quarreled with the subject teacher.

Especially after the second year of junior high school, the child's life is focused on the parents, the more the parents do not let him do anything, the more he wants to do, like to buy some strange clothes, but also keep the hair very long, even delete the parents' WeChat, and do not want to talk to the parents after school, as soon as they come home, they shut themselves in the room.

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

Seeing such a situation in the child, parents are very anxious, mainly worried about the child's academic performance, but no matter how the parents say good things to the child, the child just does not listen, and the academic performance has not improved at all. Until one day, the parent said to the child: "In the future, your study, you will take care of it yourself, and I will not force you again." You say I put you in so many cram schools regardless of your feelings, but you spend time and I spend a lot of money."

"So not only are you sad, I'm sad too." Now that you're about to enter junior high school, you're a big kid and can decide your own business, so I'll give you the choice. Later, the child took the initiative to ask parents to register for a cram school for himself, because the classmates all reported, and he was worried that he would fall behind. Although in the third year of junior high school, the child's learning tasks are aggravated, and there is no time to communicate with parents, but the child's attitude towards learning has changed significantly.

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

1. Parents guide their children correctly

No one is born to become a qualified parent, so during this time as a parent, we also need to continue to learn and improve, and grow up with our children. As a parent, you should understand the growth rules of your child, figure out your child's habits, personality, etc., so as to give your child the correct guidance. Especially when accompanying children, do not always nag, but to communicate well with children.

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

2, parents should control their emotions

Parents' emotions also have a great impact on children, a parent who can control his emotions can educate a child with a lively personality, if the parent's emotions are unstable, then the child will become insecure, and sensitive and introverted. In the process of educating children, parents will inevitably have a lot of negative emotions, but no matter what, please don't say ugly things to your children

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

3. Help children develop good habits

Academic performance actually depends on whether the child has a good habit, especially after junior high school, the learning task is aggravated, the time is compact, then parents must let the child have a planned learning, so as to improve the learning efficiency. Especially during the holidays, we should make good use of this time to let children read more extracurricular books, see more about the outside world, and expand their knowledge.

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

4. Pay attention to the changes in your child

Most children who enter junior high school are about to usher in puberty. Affected by physical changes, the child's psychology will also have some changes, such as the production of reverse psychology, at this time parents should pay special attention to all changes in the child, and to respect the child, tell the child some physiological knowledge, and timely guide the child's psychology, so that the child knows more about himself.

In the three years of junior high school, parents can do several things in order to accompany their children with high quality

When their children enter junior high school, many parents feel anxious because they worry that they will not be able to cope with the rebellious children of adolescence. In fact, don't worry about it, as long as parents calm their minds, they can actively guide their children. In the process of educating children, parents should set an example for their children, and help children find the most suitable learning method for themselves, and let children see the exam as a challenge, even if they fail, do not be discouraged, so as to help children grow better.

"Ten thousand tall buildings and flat ground", six years of primary school, is not only a stage, but more like a level. The three years of junior high school are the most problematic periods in a child's life, and these problems of rebellion, jealousy, loneliness, inferiority, resistance, and precocious puberty will come naturally!

Tens of thousands of parents' word-of-mouth "Accompanying Children through Six Years of Primary School and Three Years of Junior High School" aims at the psychological characteristics of children of different grades and breaks through the problems of education: 1-3 grades lay a good foundation, 4-6 grades pay attention to physical and mental development, and primary schools do a good job of supporting children at the beginning of the primary school. The first year of the first year to help the children lay a good foundation, adapt to the junior high school living environment, the second year of the junior high school to improve the grades, find the correct learning method, the third grade to the children to drum up enough morale, together to prepare for the middle school exam and sprint!

No matter how busy you are, it is better to put down your work and read this set of books, so that you no longer yell at your children, no longer only pay attention to grades, and the parents who have read it have said: "Fortunately, I read this set of books early, otherwise I didn't know he would be so sad." ”

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