
3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

In modern society, whether working or living, language expression ability is becoming more and more important. However, many parents do not know that in fact, when the baby is born, the golden age of language cultivation has quietly begun.

Jingjing is three years old, and her parents have been busy with work since she was born. Therefore, Jingjing is taken care of by her grandparents a lot of times, and recently Jingjing's parents have gradually realized that Jingjing usually speaks with a slurred, logical confusion, and always uses "this" and "that" to express. When encountering the other party's incomprehension, Jingjing will always hide behind her grandparents with a red face.

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

Over time, Jingjing slowly stopped playing with the children, and when adults asked questions, they only bowed their heads. Jingjing's parents took her to the children's psychological clinic, and the doctor found that Jingjing's language ability was lower than that of children of the same age after testing.

It turned out that because of the negligence of parents, Jingjing missed the golden period of cultivating language ability, and her vocabulary and language ability were left behind.

Children have important "learning tasks" in each period of time from birth, and these "learning tasks" determine the child's future ability and development in many cases. So, how should parents cultivate language skills?

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

* Seize the critical period of your child's language development!

Some parents believe that newborn babies or children aged one or two do not understand anything, let alone the development of language skills, but in fact, this perception is wrong.

During the critical period of children's language development, the core is actually under 2 years old.

Parents should grasp this golden 2-year-old to lay a good foundation for the development of children's language ability, so how do we cultivate it?

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

Phase 1: 0-9 months, providing a good language environment

In addition to the daily sleep and feeding needs of newborn babies, they often begin to practice some reflex movements, such as grasping, sucking and so on. So, is it that children in this period have nothing to do with language training?

In fact, parents played a key role in this period, and creating a good language environment is the primary task of parents. When your baby is energetic, you can smile and have a conversation with them, or sing some nursery rhymes. Although they can't understand the meaning, they will gradually be infected by your emotions and tone of voice.

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

Stage 2: 9-13 months, talk to your child in time

You'll find that babies at this time have begun to speak their "Martian language", and even some parents will be surprised to find that the baby seems to start to make some "ma" or "ba" tones. At this time, you should seize this opportunity in time to respond to the baby's vague pronunciation, such as repeating the response to tell him "Yes, Mom, Dad", and you can deliberately slow down the pronunciation so that the baby can clearly hear the accurate pronunciation expression.

At this stage we must pay attention to the "here and now" principle, for example, when the child is playing with the car, he may make a "che" or "zou" tone, parents should respond in time to him saying "this is a car" or "yes, the car is gone".

Never respond to your child's other unrelated words, such as when your child is playing with a car and you respond to him that "the clouds are beautiful." In this way, children cannot correspond to the things in front of them and words, and over time, they will have a sense of confusion.

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

The third stage: 13-24 months, language bombing of children

If parents grasp the second stage of their children and do a good job of language response training, they can promote the early appearance of their children's vocabulary outbreaks. But if parents regret ignoring it does not matter, 13-20 months is the child's vocabulary outbreak period, we also call the child's language learning golden 8 months, this stage we have to talk to the child as much as possible, bombard the child with words, let them receive more vocabulary.

If you have expectations that your child has a second language, then 1 and a half years old to 2 years old is also the best time for children to start learning a second language, and generally there are two language communication environments at home that can promote children to learn languages.

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

During this period, some parents like to buy story machines for their children, and every day after opening the story machine for their children, they play with their mobile phones on the side, which is undoubtedly a waste of a good time to cultivate children's language skills.

For children aged 0-3 during the language initiation period, we can read parent-child picture books with them, which can improve children's language ability on the one hand, and cultivate children's good habits of reading on the other hand.

My child can accurately say any of his needs at the age of 2, and can associate related things and express them in accurate language, because I used the language enlightenment picture book of "Happy Baby Learning to Speak" to stimulate the child's language development and let the child's language erupt more rapidly.

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

For example, I will follow the prompts in the book, step by step to the child's language prompts, when I read a page of content with the child, I will guide the child to expand the word, such as "orchard - an orchard - a beautiful orchard - a beautiful orchard with full fruit", so that the words and sentences, slowly expanded, in line with the baby's language cognition, but also in line with the baby's language development rules, so that the baby is more acceptable, more sense of achievement.

Through the book "Happy Baby Learns to Speak", I also found a better way to communicate with my baby.

"Happy Baby Learns to Speak" this set of language enlightenment picture books has a total of ten volumes, which are divided into basic and advanced parts.

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

There are five basic texts, including "Language Games", "Lianxiang Sound Words", "You Ask Me and Answer", "Everyday Words", and "Interesting Words", which are more in line with the physical and psychological development of children at a young age, first purposefully let the children contact, and then slowly let the children accept.

The advanced part is just to let the child master a certain vocabulary on the basis of language modification.

The content includes "Word Expansion", "Understanding Pinyin", "Learning Sentences", "Three-Character Children's Songs", and "Looking at Pictures and Telling Stories".

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

We can see from the title of the book that this part of the content subtly keeps up with the knowledge learned after kindergarten, so that children can master certain language skills and sentence applications in the early stage of language enlightenment, laying a good foundation for kindergarten communication and preschool knowledge accumulation.

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

Bean Mom's Message:

During the rapid period of children's language development, the following points are the key points that parents need to pay attention to during this period:

1. Take your child to active communication

We know that any language is trained in communication, parents in addition to consciously communicating with their children at home, let the children form the habit of active communication, no doubt to bring them into the "fast lane" of language training.

Parents can also take their children to participate in group activities, such as theme parties, summer camps, etc., and you can encourage children to communicate with others and interact with other children more.

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

2. Try to avoid electronic products

Studies have shown that electronic products cannot cultivate children's language ability because they cannot respond and communicate with children in a timely manner, and electronic products may also expose children to violent and terrifying pictures, induce their violent tendencies or sow the seeds of fear in their psychology.

3. Cultivate your child's reading ability as early as possible

If you want your child to enjoy reading, then at the age of 0-3 you should start consciously cultivating your child's reading ability. Some parents may think that my child is not literate, how to read?

3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

In fact, the child's reading ability needs to be cultivated by parents together, parent-child reading is a good way, especially the aforementioned language enlightenment picture book, if you have a 0-3-year-old baby, it is strongly recommended that you prepare a set for him, long-term reading, the child will definitely return you a surprise, the link is attached below, parents in need can click to pick up.

Cultivating children's language skills is not an overnight job, but a task that requires long-term persistence, and it is more critical to grasp each stage of the child's growth path. After a long period of language environment and vocabulary bombardment, children can well establish their listening and speaking skills, so that they can better learn to "listen, speak, and talk" in their future growth.

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3 golden periods of language development for 0-2 year old children, seized, children's language explosion

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