
3-6 years old is the golden period for cultivating children's living habits and living ability, and parents must read it

We take the "Guide to learning and development of children aged 3-6 years old" issued by the Ministry of Education as a reference to see what aspects are included in the development of children's living habits and life ability, what the development rules of each aspect are, and what the corresponding recommendations are.

The development rules of other aspects of the ability are shown below, click to directly:

What are the rules of a child's social development? When will I start teaching social skills?

Self-examination form for the physical and mental development of children aged 3-6 years, and a guide to recommendations for educational improvement

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Goal 1 Have good living and hygiene habits

3-6 years old is the golden period for cultivating children's living habits and living ability, and parents must read it

Educational Recommendations:

1. Let children maintain a regular life and develop good work and rest habits.

Go to bed early, get up early, take a nap every day.

Eat on time, eat good breakfast etc.

2. Help young children develop good eating habits.

Arrange meals reasonably to help children develop the habit of fixed-point, regular and quantitative meals.

Help young children understand the nutritional value of food, guide them not to be picky, eat less or do not eat foods that are not conducive to health; drink more boiled water and drink less.

When eating, do not be too urgent, remind young children to chew slowly, and do not play while eating.

3. Help young children develop good personal hygiene habits.

Brush your teeth in the morning and evening and rinse your mouth after meals.

Frequently bathe, change clothes, and cut nails for young children.

Remind young children to protect their facial features, such as not digging their ears and nostrils, and maintaining a distance of about 3 meters when watching TV.

4. Stimulate children's interest in participating in sports activities and develop the habit of exercising.

Prepare a variety of sports activity materials for young children and encourage them to choose their favorite materials to carry out activities.

Often play outdoors with young children, and encourage young children and peers to carry out physical activities together.

Watch sports games or TV shows about sporting events with young children and develop his interest in physical activities.

Goal 2: Have basic self-care skills

3-6 years old is the golden period for cultivating children's living habits and living ability, and parents must read it

Educational Recommendations:

1. Encourage young children to do what they can, affirm their attempts and efforts, and do not do it because they are not doing well or slowly.

2. Guide children to learn and master the basic methods of self-care in life.

For example, the correct way to wear and take off clothes, shoes and socks, wash your hands and face, wipe your nose, and wipe your butt.

3. Provide conditions conducive to children's self-care.

Provide some cardboard boxes and boxes for young children to pack and store their own toys, books or daily necessities.

Children's clothes, shoes, etc. should be simple and practical, so that they can be easily put on and off by themselves.

Goal 3: Have basic security knowledge and self-protection capabilities

3-6 years old is the golden period for cultivating children's living habits and living ability, and parents must read it

Educational Recommendations:

1. Create conditions and opportunities to promote the flexible coordination of children's hand movements.

Items such as hot water bottles, medicines, matches, knives, etc. should be placed out of the reach of young children; balconies or window sills should have safety protection measures; and safe power outlets should be used.

In public places, we should pay attention to taking care of young children; children should be accompanied by adults when riding and taking the elevator; do not leave young children alone at home or in the car.

2. Carry out safety education for young children in combination with the actual conditions of life.

When going out, remind young children to follow adults closely, not to stay away from adults' sight, not to walk with strangers, not to eat things given by strangers; not to play by the river and on the side of the road; to obey traffic rules.

Help young children understand the unsafe things in their surroundings and not do dangerous things. If you don't move the kettle, don't play with matches or lighters, don't touch the power socket, don't climb the window or balcony, etc.

Remind young children not to play with sharp tools such as scissors, and to put them back in place after use. Create a safe living environment and provide the necessary protective measures.

3. Teach young children simple self-help and rescue methods.

Remember your home address, phone number, parents' name and affiliation, know to ask an adult for help if you get lost, and be able to provide the necessary information.

In the event of a fire or other emergency, know to call 110, 120, 119, etc. for help.

Books, audio-visual and other materials can be used to educate young children in escape and distress, and to use play to simulate exercises.

Kindergartens should regularly conduct escape drills for natural disasters such as fires and earthquakes.

Health refers to a person's physical, psychological and social well-being. The early childhood stage is a period of extremely rapid physical development and functional development of children, and it is also an important stage for forming a sense of security and optimism.

A well-developed body, pleasant emotions, a strong physique, coordinated movements, good living habits and basic living abilities are important signs of children's physical and mental health, and are also the basis for learning and development in other fields.

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