
"Super careful dad" is on fire, the head wrap plastic wrap kisses the newborn, and the baby's expression amuses netizens

This article is original by Tu Ma Ai Na Na, all rights reserved, infringement will be investigated

In the impression of many people, when it comes to taking care of children, mothers are definitely more careful than fathers, especially for newborn babies, many mothers will choose to do it themselves, afraid that their husband's clumsiness will accidentally hurt the baby.

But in real life, there are many careful fathers, they are even more attentive than their wives when taking care of their children, and it is really the luck of the baby to meet such a father.

Not long ago, a "super careful father" from Nanjing caught fire on the Internet, and after watching his divine operation on the baby, many netizens directly called out admiration.

Super careful dad wrapped plastic wrap kiss baby, the child's expression amusing netizens

For newborn babies, many parents can't restrain the urge to kiss their children, after all, human cubs can't let go of how they look.

"Super careful dad" is on fire, the head wrap plastic wrap kisses the newborn, and the baby's expression amuses netizens

But people with medical knowledge know that kissing the baby mouth-to-mouth is a health risk for the child, because adults will pass the bacteria in the mouth to the child through kissing, and the baby's resistance is weak, and a little carelessness will be infected by bacteria.

Because of this, the father from Nanjing thought of a clever trick, he wrapped his head in the family plastic wrap, and then he was relieved to kiss the child through the plastic wrap.

"Super careful dad" is on fire, the head wrap plastic wrap kisses the newborn, and the baby's expression amuses netizens

Seeing his father kissing himself in full armor, the baby also showed a surprised expression, and seemed to have some "dislike" for the strange-looking father.

After the father's "god operation" was exposed on the Internet, it immediately got a lot of likes from netizens:

"This dad is so loving, and the mother and baby are so happy."

"Good attentive dad, can do this shows that he has understood the relevant baby care common sense, but also shows that he is attentive enough."

"Now there are indeed many fathers who are more attentive than their mothers, and my colleague's baby has been worried about his father since birth, eating, drinking, and sleeping, and everything is very thoughtful."

"Super careful dad" is on fire, the head wrap plastic wrap kisses the newborn, and the baby's expression amuses netizens

Coincidentally, in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, a father came up with the same magic trick.

In the face of his son who is not yet a month old, the father loves the baby and especially wants to kiss his white and tender little face, but the family said that the child's skin is delicate and the resistance is poor, and kissing the baby is easy to pass on the germs to the child.

In a hurry, the father went home and tore a piece of plastic wrap, and then wrapped himself tightly from head to neck, and after the operation, the father finally held his son and got his wish.

In the face of this fierce kiss, many netizens are crying and laughing.

"Super careful dad" is on fire, the head wrap plastic wrap kisses the newborn, and the baby's expression amuses netizens

The one who made a similar operation was the following dad.

Although the child is no longer a newborn baby, Bao Dad pays great attention to hygiene, and before interacting with his daughter, he wraps his mouth in a plastic bag before picking up the child and entering a happy father-daughter time.

In the eyes of Bao Dad, wrapping his mouth can not only avoid bringing bacteria in when he kisses his daughter, but also prevent his beard from poking into his daughter's tender skin, and everything can be based on the child's health first, which can be seen that this is a very careful and good father.

"Super careful dad" is on fire, the head wrap plastic wrap kisses the newborn, and the baby's expression amuses netizens

What are not advisable when caring for a newborn baby?

First of all, parents do not pinch the baby's face, do not kiss the baby mouth-to-mouth, pinching the face will make the baby's parotid glands be squeezed and cause drooling, and kissing the baby mouth-to-mouth, it is easy to spread the germs to the child.

Secondly, do not let the baby sleep in the middle of the adult, the child sleeps between the parents, looks safe, but the air around him is not enough circulation, which is not good for the child's brain development.

Finally, parents do not bathe the baby frequently, the baby's stratum corneum is very thin, frequent bathing will wash away the oil that protects the skin, but will reduce the skin's defense ability.

"Super careful dad" is on fire, the head wrap plastic wrap kisses the newborn, and the baby's expression amuses netizens

Mom's message

In real life, many people treat the impression of fathers with babies is careless and unreliable, in fact, fathers with children will also have a lot of careful times.

As a family, we should give dads more opportunities to take care of their children, trust them more, and affirm them more, rather than taking care of everything themselves.

Is your dad an attentive dad? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

I am a mother, there is a cute baby at home, every day to record and share a temperature, height, depth of parenting experience and interesting talk, pay attention to me, at any time to get scientific and reliable parenting dry goods! Feel free to leave a comment or tell me what you think in the comments section!

(The pictures in the text come from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete, thank you)

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