
The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

Recently, I watched a movie "Young You" without incident, and I also saw it by accident, and it happened that my son was also there, so I watched this movie with me.

After watching it, I pondered for a long time, this plot made me feel very uncomfortable, the heroine in the movie has been bullied, but she can't help it, let people watch it very heart-wrenchingly.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

Suddenly I thought of a former high school classmate, she was often bullied, her textbooks were always disfigured by others, and there would always be stains of one kind or another on her clothes.

This is not the first time that this classmate has been treated like this by others, and it feels like she has become accustomed to it. Even if others treated her like this, she did not dare to tell the teacher, always alone and silently endured this.

In fact, this girl is a very introverted child, usually rarely speaks, the girl's dress is more casual, the hair is always messy, she is relatively fat, the clothes are always dirty, because of this, so this girl is always bullied, always let people look down on her.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

Children who are always bullied by others generally have similar characteristics

1. Don't like to be clean and dirty

Now the social and family economic conditions are much better than before, parents in the health of the children are also more important, so the children are very much in love with tidy, but also very much love clean.

At this time, if some children are always dirty and sloppy, others will hate him very much, and it is easy to bully this child, so parents should develop the habit of hygiene for their children from an early age. In this way, the child will have a relatively good life in school.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

2. Introverted personality, weak temper

Children's personalities are different, some children are more domineering and strong, some children are more timid and afraid of things, school is a collective living environment, children and children are easy to produce some contradictions.

But for those who are more timid and introverted children are generally weaker, so children with such a personality are easily bullied by others.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

3. Unsociable

Some children have a more eccentric personality, always like a person, do not like to make friends, do what is only their own, such a child, generally by other children will be more bullied, because he has no friends, even if others bully there is no ability to fight back, so some domineering children especially like to bully this type of child.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

4. Be different from others

There are all kinds of people in the school, some children are very thin, some children are very fat, some children have a more eccentric personality, or some children are particularly honest, some children have very good families, and some children's families are particularly bad. For those children who are different from others, they are often bullied by those domineering children.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

5. Poor academic performance

In general, children with good academic performance are particularly popular, teachers like it, and classmates will look at them with surprise, but those with bad grades are different, and everyone will talk about it.

Children who feel that poor grades are bad children, and generally these two types of children will hardly become good friends, on the contrary, children with good grades will often bully those children with good grades.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

What to do to let your child be bullied less at school

1. Raise children from an early age to pay attention to hygiene

Now the first impression of people getting along with each other is a person's appearance, if a person is very clean and tidy, then this person is welcomed by others everywhere he goes, because no one wants to be friends with a sloppy person, so it is very important for children to develop the habit of loving cleanliness from an early age.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

2. Don't be overly ostentatious

Some children, especially some children with superior family conditions, will generally be more domineering, more like to show off, in fact, this is not open with the education of parents, in fact, no matter how our family is, we should educate children to be low-key, do not let people think that children are different from others, otherwise they will become the target of being bullied.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

3. Cultivate your child's emotional intelligence

A person's IQ is important, but emotional intelligence is more important, we parents must pay attention to the cultivation of children's emotional intelligence from an early age, because children have a high emotional intelligence, when they encounter some problems, they will quickly solve it, but also let children have good social skills, such children in school is definitely let others look up to which kind of children, so they will not be bullied by others at all.

The old class teacher said: When the school starts, such children are in school, easy to be bullied, and parents should pay attention to it!

Summary: In fact, whether the child has a good life in school, in addition to some problems existing in the child itself, it is inseparable from the education of our parents, so parents must do a good job in the cultivation of the above points in their ordinary lives, so that the child will not be bullied by others. Life at school will also be smoother.

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