
"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

Many parents say that I don't expect my child to succeed in the future, I only hope that he will be healthy and safe in life. I believe this is the truest thought in the minds of parents. From the moment the child is born, parents have unlimited expectations for them, expecting them to be smart and healthy, expecting them to be obedient, and hoping that they will succeed in their studies in the future.

But there are many sudden disasters, just when children with low IQ are born, they will not find problems, and they will find out when they grow up. Facing such a child will not only bring a heavy burden to the whole family, but also affect the child's life.

These behaviors by a one-year-old boy and a four-year-old boy indicate that he may have an intellectual disability, and by the time his parents find out, it is too late

There is a 4-year-old boy named Zhuangzhuang in the community, who is a boy with a special handsomeness, but this handsome boy always has some abnormal behavior. He often stole toys from other children, whether he knew it or not, as long as he saw them. Except for this, you can't call mom, you can only smirk. We all know that strong and normal children are not the same, and there is a problem with the brain. Even such a strong mother can only comfort herself that the child is still young.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

Children have a low IQ and have five special signals from an early age. Parents should not be careless

1. Dyslexia

Generally speaking, 2-month-old children will have smiling expressions and movements, and will laugh more and more as the month increases, that is, use laughter to express their emotions and communicate with their families in depth. If the child does not laugh anyway, or laughs late, it is likely that it is because of a low IQ.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

2. Movement disorders

When the child climbs and when he walks, it is regular. Even if the child grows slower than his peers, the time gap will not be too long. On the contrary, if the child does not master this large-scale motor skill for a long time, it is an abnormal performance. In other words, if the child's physical movements are not coordinated, it may be a behavioral problem caused by mental retardation.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

3. Scream when you encounter something

Crying is one of the normal reactions in babies. They cry when they're hungry, and they cry when they can't find their mother. Crying varies greatly from situation to situation. However, children with intellectual disabilities basically do not cry, only scream when things happen, or overreact to external stimuli, which is different from the abnormal performance of ordinary children. Children with low IQs are not like normal children and are insensitive to outside sounds. They are often immersed in their own world.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

4. There is a disorder in the eye

You know, the newborn's eyes can not see anything, can only use hearing and smell to distinguish the mother, but as the month increases, the eyes gradually mature, three months can see the surrounding environment, more curious about the things of interest. Children with intellectual disabilities are not interested in their surroundings, characters or toys, they only pay attention to their own small world.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

5. Eating disorders

Eating is an innate ability of children. Children with mental retardation tend to behave earlier. They cannot actively milk or suck. They lack chewing energy and even often vomit, nausea and suffocation. If babies are born with this behavior, parents should diagnose and treat the child in a timely manner.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

When children are found to be behaving strangely, it is very important for parents to do these things well

In life, it is inevitable that there will be some careless parents, who will always find the difference in their children's time. In addition, parents who are new mothers do not have enough parenting experience and are more likely to miss the best time for treatment. Therefore, we must be careful when taking children, and the sooner we find abnormal phenomena that are unfavorable to children.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

If you find that your child has abnormalities, do not panic, observe carefully, and then go to the hospital for consultation. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to maintain a positive mental state and cooperate with the doctor to complete rehabilitation treatment, which has an important impact on future children.

Without the encouragement, play and interaction of parents, children's intellectual development is impossible to achieve, which is an important way to promote children's intellectual development and promote the healthy development of the brain. Each child's personal development will be limited by age, because parents can not pull out seedlings to promote growth, everything must pay attention to coordinate time, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

Every child is a parent's baby. If the child has some problems, parents should seek medical attention in time. If the child is normal in all aspects, parents will usually interact with their children and play more games, which is also conducive to the development and improvement of children's intelligence.

This set of thinking training game books, "Crazy Brain Thinking Training Camp", can help children aged 3-7 develop smart brains during the critical period of growth.

400 classic exercises and nearly 30 rich questions

This set of books is composed of 10 volumes and 10 theme scenes, covering more than 20 kinds of question types, with rich question types and comprehensive question types. The purpose is to exercise the child's sense of numbers, calculations, reasoning and spatial concepts in an all-round way. It's flexible, informative, and fun, making it easy for kids to get started.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

Multidisciplinary integration helps children build a three-dimensional knowledge network from an early age

In the thinking training game, there is also a wealth of knowledge, involving machinery, world-famous buildings, animals and plants and many other common sense. Children not only broaden their horizons and exercise their thinking, but also form a more scientific and rigorous knowledge network.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

These questions in each book can be completed with children for 10 minutes at home every day. For parents, it is targeted learning and practice, but for children, it is a happy learning game.

This book draws on the theoretical system of Piaget, a famous child psychologist, a pioneer of cognitive development theory, and the founder of contemporary cognitive constructivism. It has been recognized by Bai Xue, an expert in child development psychology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and follows the proposition of brain development characteristics of children aged 3-7 years.

"Low IQ" children, there are 5 special signals on the body, parents should carefully observe

There are many similar application problems in primary school mathematics learning, and it is much easier for children to learn it flexibly.


Children can gradually improve their IQ through play and develop good reading habits. Although the games in the book are of a bit high quality in our eyes, the children enjoyed it and had a lot of fun every time. The books we choose for our children are their favorites. As parents, we should choose this game for our children to play.

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