
Have your wallet ready? 2022 has a huge number of blockbuster new cars coming!

The sales results of 2021 prove the vigorous vitality of the domestic automobile market. Deeply affected by the epidemic overseas, and deeply troubled by the chip crisis and rubber crisis in China, China's auto market has instead shown new growth. Moreover, the emergence of a large number of new cars fully proves to us the creativity of major automobile manufacturers in the era of intelligence.

When the time quietly enters 2022, especially after the path of electrification and intelligent development is further clarified, which new players will compete in the competition? In this regard, we have sorted out some of the known and heavy models to share with you. BYD Destroyer 05

Have your wallet ready? 2022 has a huge number of blockbuster new cars coming!

After the Dynasty series and the Ocean series, BYD launched the warship series, and the Destroyer 05 was the first model of the series. The model was first unveiled at the Guangzhou Auto Show, which caused a lot of discussion at that time. On the one hand, because the price range of the car is not high, only 150,000 yuan, and equipped with DM-i super hybrid system; on the other hand, because the owner of the home and practical, people can not help but have doubts, when the price and positioning and the Dynasty series have a high overlap, how to differentiate the warship series models? WEY Dreams Come True

Have your wallet ready? 2022 has a huge number of blockbuster new cars coming!

"Strange car name + retro shape" made Great Wall Motors eat enough sweetness, but it obviously wants more than this, and the emergence of this model is the best example. Previously, the Great Wall has always demanded itself as "China's SUV leader", so it is almost in a state of abandonment for the sedan field. The emergence of today's dream not only symbolizes that Great Wall Motors has begun to focus on the field of cars, but also firmly adheres to the retro development route. Interestingly, the dream is not a retro style from the inside out, but a more modern interior design style, a strong design contrast coupled with the Great Wall's self-developed DHT hybrid technology, which can't help but make people look forward to it a little more. NIO ET5

Have your wallet ready? 2022 has a huge number of blockbuster new cars coming!

From the perspective of order volume, Weilai ET7 is a success, and the succession of Weilai ET5 can be regarded as having a good foundation and premise. Although the new car is currently only equipped with a 100kWh battery pack, the official endurance can still reach more than 700km, at least at present, it belongs to the first echelon level. Therefore, for Weilai, the final focus may be on production capacity and subsequent delivery issues. 2022 is destined to be a year of huge cost and supply chain pressure, whether Weilai can withstand the pressure and let Weilai ET5 and Weilai ET7 open the market has become the top priority. BMW X5L

Have your wallet ready? 2022 has a huge number of blockbuster new cars coming!

Domestically, the BBA has almost always been in a state of "infighting". But BMW has not been the most active one, until the emergence of BMW X5L, making BMW the first domestic model in the BBA's medium and large SUVs. From its own sales point of view, BMW X5 has certain advantages, first of all, after the domestic production, BMW X5L is not only larger in size, stronger in product force and the price is bound to further explore, then the competitiveness of BMW X5L will open the gap with other two brands, it is really curious. Mercedes-Benz GRC

Have your wallet ready? 2022 has a huge number of blockbuster new cars coming!

If the competition for medium and large SUVs is the superstructure, far from most consumers, then the mid-size SUV market competition between Mercedes-Benz GRC, BMW X3 and Audi Q5L is extremely fierce. At the same time, the three models are also very close in sales, so in order to enhance their competitiveness, the three models are updated from time to time, such as this year will usher in the replacement of the Mercedes-Benz GLC. The new generation of Mercedes-Benz GLC has an updated design language, the interior cockpit will be further improved, in simple terms, the value will continue to dominate the same level, for its intended consumers, it is undoubtedly more attractive. Lantu Dreamer

Have your wallet ready? 2022 has a huge number of blockbuster new cars coming!

At present, for the cultivation of pure electricity, most car companies will focus on cars and SUVs, but it is precisely because of this strategy that the MPV market has become a blue ocean in the pure electricity market. Lantu's dreamers are undoubtedly aiming at this point, trying to preemptively occupy this market through two power schemes of pure electricity and extended range. Compared with cars and SUVs, MPV mostly exists as the second car in the family, and the use scenarios are more concentrated in urban areas and suburbs, so with the support of two power schemes, it is believed that consumers' battery life anxiety can be further alleviated. SAIC Maxus MIFA9

Have your wallet ready? 2022 has a huge number of blockbuster new cars coming!

MIFA 9 came earlier than the Dreamer, with an entry price of $269,900 and a higher configuration as its main selling points. From the perspective of positioning, MIFA 9 does not focus on the home field, but takes the Buick GL8 IKEA IKEA business road. From the perspective of the development of fuel MPV, such a line of thinking is certainly flattering, at best it can attract consumers with different needs, but in fact, the addition of commercial attributes has invisibly rejected some home users. Now that the new car will be delivered in May this year, we will be able to know whether it is good or bad.

Writing in the end, there is no doubt that the models introduced today will only be the tip of the iceberg in the new cars of 2022. It is foreseeable that in the new year, there will be more interesting, powerful and highly intelligent models waiting for us. There's only one thing I want to say about that – is your wallet ready?

(Image source network, invasion and deletion)

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