
In marriage, the feelings between husband and wife are good or not, which can be seen from these 4 details when eating!

Everyone longs to have a warm little home and be accompanied by someone who knows the cold and the hot, but it is not easy to realize this simple wish.

Regardless of whether two people get married because of love, if they don't care about business after marriage, most of them will end in divorce, or they will "look at each other and hate each other", and no one will feel happy.

If you want to have a good relationship between husband and wife, you must pay attention to some details in life and don't let the details ruin your family. Couples with really good feelings will try to avoid looking at mobile phones when eating, they will put more eyes on their lovers, even if they don't speak, just watch each other eat, they will feel a great happiness. In marriage, the feelings between husband and wife are good or not, which can be seen from these 4 details when eating!

In marriage, the feelings between husband and wife are good or not, which can be seen from these 4 details when eating!

1. Whether to pick vegetables for each other when eating

When we eat out, we generally do not help the people around us to pick vegetables, we will also be a little reluctant to let others clip their own dishes, unless the other party uses public chopsticks, we will feel that it is a very unhygienic behavior to sandwich dishes with each other.

But if it is a husband and wife, there is no need to have such concerns, if your object uses this as an excuse to avoid you from sandwiching dishes with each other during meals, it means that you are actually just an outsider in the eyes of the other party. Couples with really good feelings will take the initiative to give each other favorite dishes when eating, and always hope that the other party can eat more.

In marriage, the feelings between husband and wife are good or not, which can be seen from these 4 details when eating!

2. Whether there is communication during meals

Many people are very busy now, sometimes they don't have time to sit down and have a good chat all day. At this time, if there is still something between husband and wife that pays attention to "food without words", it shows that the feelings between two people are very bad. They didn't want to have any communication with each other at all, and the reason why they sat and ate together was just to maintain a superficial peace.

Couples with really good feelings will communicate when eating, they will talk to each other about their own things, sometimes talk about the gossip of the people around them, and they will not eat with their heads down.

In marriage, the feelings between husband and wife are good or not, which can be seen from these 4 details when eating!

3. Whether to clean up together after eating

Many people think that cleaning up the table after a meal should be done by women, so men generally leave directly after eating, and even the residue of their own food is not willing to deal with it.

Maybe in the beginning, no one will think that this is a big problem, but after a long time, women will feel very tired, feel like a nanny, and gradually feel unbalanced. Couples with really good feelings, even if the man does not wash the dishes, will also start to clean up, at least will bring their own dishes to the sink, will not let the wife busy alone.

In marriage, the feelings between husband and wife are good or not, which can be seen from these 4 details when eating!

4, when ordering, will not order the other party's favorite meals

In a marriage, if you love each other, then you must know each other's tastes and preferences very well, and sometimes you know each other better than each other.

When the loving couple goes out to eat, when ordering, each will think and consider each other, will meet each other's preferences, order the dishes that the other party likes to eat, if you go out to eat, there will be such a performance, then, obviously, you all have each other in your heart, so when you order, you will think of each other and consider each other.

And if there is no feeling between two people, then, even if they are still living together, but when they go out to eat, they will expose the degree of affection between you, because you have no other in your hearts, so when ordering, you will only order what you like to eat, and you will not take into account each other's tastes at all.

In marriage, the feelings between husband and wife are good or not, which can be seen from these 4 details when eating!

Get along with husband and wife, and don't let your marriage fail in trivial details.

It is said that the of a thousand miles, collapsed in the ant nest, some small details, it seems inconspicuous, but if you do not pay attention, it will often lead to big problems in the feelings between two people. Now that you have decided to build a love nest together, don't let your marriage be defeated by some small things.

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