
Visionary parents cultivate their children from these "four hearts"

Visionary parents cultivate their children from these "four hearts"

What can parents do besides ensuring their children's food, clothing, shelter and transportation?

Visionary parents will shape their children to become people with hearts!


A sense of responsibility is the main factor for children to do everything well.

Responsible children, with strong self-needs and self-discipline, look at everything conscientiously and make people feel reliable.

Children without a sense of responsibility shirk their responsibilities when they encounter things, do things indecisively, always evade at any time and anywhere, and change their minds.

To cultivate children to become responsible people, start from the following aspects:

First, shape your child's self-control

When the child is young, the child needs to constantly shape his or her ability to operate.

Start with something meaningful.

You can also purposefully assign some housework to your child to exercise your child's ability to operate.

Second, parents should be faithful in what they say and teach their children to be cautious and committed

Parents promise their children that things need to be done, and things that can't be guaranteed don't be promised arbitrarily.

Parents teach their children to do what they want, and when children make commitments, parents should supervise them to fulfill their commitments on time.

Third, let children learn to bear the adverse effects of personal behavior

When a child encounters difficulties and falls into a desperate situation, parents do not have to immediately help their children deal with it and solve it for them.

Only by giving children the opportunity to be responsible can they master the methods and learn lessons in their daily lives.


Reverence is the wisdom necessary to face people and things.

Children with a reverent heart not only know how to respect every life, abide by discipline in daily life, be humble and courteous to the elderly, and do things in accordance with their own standards.

On the other hand, children without reverence, not only arrogant at home, but even violating laws and discipline in society, enter the road of no return.

Parents should start from the following aspects:

First, distinguish between right and wrong and make rules for your child

Parents should shape their children's reverence in their daily lives, so that they can tell them that everything in heaven and earth has life, and they cannot be persecuted casually; help children distinguish between good and evil, and let them have a reasonable moral concept.

Visionary parents cultivate their children from these "four hearts"

Not only should children understand the law and abide by the law, but also appropriately correct their daily personal behavior.

Second, appropriate punishment to let the child remember sex for a long time

It is very common for young and ignorant children to make mistakes, and parents should be tolerant, but they must not let it go.

If problems are found, the child should be immediately educated, guided to the right path, and punished appropriately if necessary.

Third, parents set an example for their children

The words and deeds of parents, children imitate learning unconsciously.

Therefore, parents should ensure that they abide by discipline and law, protect the environment, respect the elderly and love children, and be civilized and polite.


Enterprising is the intrinsic motivation for children to move forward.

Enterprising children will study hard, develop good habits, and be tenacious and kind as necessities.

Unenterprising kids always leave those things behind, put their own comfort first, and see things well.

Lack of initiative can jeopardize not only a child's current academic performance, but also the direction of the child's development.

Parents should start from the following aspects:

The first is to improve children's sense of satisfaction

Parents should help their children set personal goals during each period.

In the process of operation, they can not only recognize the child's current level, but also help the child to succeed, so that the child has the confidence to eventually sprint to a higher overall goal, and the enterprising spirit will be greatly improved.

The second is to be proactive with the child

A child's cognitive abilities usually come from comments from parents and teachers.

In daily life, care more about children, no doubt support and affirmation of all the diligence and small development of children.

Then cultivate their initiative.

The third is moderate market competition to stimulate children's initiative

In the child's growth stage, self-identity is also slowly improving.

At this moment, parents can find a child-like partner to compete in the appropriate market.

Remember not to let your child blindly compare.


Gratitude is the driving force behind the development of a person's kindness.

Grateful children are not only reasonable, but also know how to treat others with sincerity.

Children who have no gratitude only know how to blindly take, selfish, and gradually alienated by everyone.

The happiest thing for mom and dad is to shape a child who learns to be grateful.

Parents should start from the following aspects:

First, gratitude education is given to children during the festive phase

China's traditional festivals are a good opportunity for children to be grateful, such as the Spring Festival, parents' birthdays, Mother's Day, Teachers' Day, such as the Qingming Ancestor Worship, the remembrance of revolutionary martyrs, and a good way to shape children's gratitude.

Second, the sense of ceremony is important

Parents can encourage their children to write essays or diaries, which can help children improve their cognitive abilities of gratitude and shape their children's new ideas.

When the home is filled with an atmosphere of gratitude, children can turn gratitude into a good habit of spontaneous gratitude.

Third, learn to think in a different position and help others

Let children encounter things in their daily lives, think independently from the perspective of others, and understand others.

Encourage your child to help those in need.

When children help others, they will feel the practical meaning of gratitude more deeply, and their concept of gratitude will be strengthened.

Enterprising, awe, responsibility and gratitude, if you have children, please let him have these four hearts.

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Some of the content is illustrated / originated from the Network Invasion and Deletion

Visionary parents cultivate their children from these "four hearts"

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