
Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

In the new year, the baby is one year older, and many parents are thinking about the problem of their children entering the kindergarten.

The state recommends that the age of entering the kindergarten is 2.5-3 years old, coupled with the influence of the idea of "hoping for a child to become a dragon, hoping for a girl to become a phoenix", many parents send their children to kindergarten early in order not to let their children lose at the starting line.

However, the fungus should say that age is not the criterion for judging whether a child can enter the kindergarten.

If your baby has reached the age of 3 but is significantly behind in self-care, expression and motor skills, or has severe separation anxiety, it is recommended that your baby enter kindergarten six months or 1 year later.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

If the baby is forcibly sent to kindergarten at this time, it may be counterproductive.

Children are more likely to get sick

Babies' immune systems are not yet fully developed, and they are more likely to get sick due to cross infection in kindergartens.

Hinders the establishment of a baby's sense of security

The younger the child, the stronger the anxiety about separation from their parents.

If the child already has severe separation anxiety at this time, forcibly separating from the parents into an unfamiliar environment will be more detrimental to the establishment of the child's sense of security.

Affects your baby's motivation to learn

When the child's self-care ability, expression ability and athletic ability are obviously lagging behind their peers, forcing the baby to integrate into the group will not only not let the child progress, but will greatly discourage the baby's enthusiasm for learning.

Image source: Network

Some parents will ask, since age is not the criterion for judging whether the baby can enter the kindergarten, what is the best time for the child to enter the kindergarten?


When the child enters the kindergarten

The most suitable?

Although the national recommendation age is 2.5-3 years old, the most important reference for whether you can go to kindergarten is whether the baby can adapt to the life of kindergarten.

When the baby meets the following 3 points, parents will consider whether to send the child to kindergarten.

◆ The baby can correctly express the needs

Kindergarten is a collective, the teacher can not guarantee that every moment can take care of each baby, at this time, whether the child can correctly express their needs is very important.

When the baby can use language to correctly express his needs, such as "pulling stink", "peeing", "drinking water", etc., he can better adapt to the collective life of the kindergarten.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

◆ The baby has the ability to eat independently

Children in kindergarten basically eat by themselves, if the child does not have the ability to eat independently, it will be difficult to adapt to the life of kindergarten.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

◆ Baby has developed the habit of sleeping on time

Kindergarten class time is early, nap time is fixed, which requires the baby to have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early and taking a regular lunch break.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

Therefore, learning to go to the toilet, being able to eat independently, being able to communicate simply, having a certain sense of social skills and a sense of rules are all indispensable abilities before children enter kindergarten.

And when the child's ability to prepare better, the psychological pressure of the transition time into the kindergarten will be smaller, and the child's anxiety will be reduced.

So, how to cultivate children's ability to enter kindergarten?


I want my baby to be in the park

Six skills are prepared six months in advance

◆ Help children reduce their fear of kindergarten

It is normal to have a sense of fear before entering a completely unfamiliar environment, and all we parents have to do is help our children eliminate this fear.

Parents can use various forms to familiarize their babies with kindergartens, such as: visiting the neighborhood, asking brothers and sisters to tell the story of kindergarten, and so on.

In short, let the child slowly become familiar with the concept of "kindergarten" and what kindergarten looks like.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

◆ Cultivate children's regular work and rest

Kindergartens have a fixed schedule, so babies also need to develop regular schedules.

Before the child enters the kindergarten, parents can imitate the kindergarten schedule in advance, so that the child can slowly adapt to this lifestyle, such as eating on time, getting up early, napping and so on.

When cultivating children's nap habits, you can first create a sleeping environment, pull the curtains, make white noise, play quiet games, and then let the baby fall asleep obediently.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

◆ Cultivate good eating habits

In kindergarten, babies need to eat by themselves, can't run around, and can only leave the table after eating.

Therefore, the first step in cultivating good eating habits for babies is to let go of your hands and not feed, which is also the most important step.

In addition, you can also prepare some tableware for your child to enjoy, make food into a shape that children are interested in, and so on.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

◆ Learn basic self-care skills

In kindergarten, children need to put on and undress themselves and pack up their toys.

Therefore, before entering the kindergarten, children need to have the most basic self-care ability.

Parents can use the help method to cultivate their baby's self-care ability, such as:

Pretend to ask the baby for help: "Mommy has a stomachache, can you help Mom set up a stool?" ”

You can also use the laws of nature: it is hot, guide the baby to take off his coat and so on.

Be sure to remember to praise him afterwards to increase your baby's sense of accomplishment.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

◆ Learn simple expression skills

Expression skills are necessary for every baby before entering the kindergarten, and the teacher can only help if he perceives the baby's needs.

Parents can usually tell more stories to the baby, enrich the baby's vocabulary, and also let the baby repeat the story or tell what happened today to exercise the child's expression ability.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

◆ Master the necessary social skills

Your baby's ability to respect others, express their own ideas and listen carefully to the opinions of others is an important ability to integrate into the kindergarten.

2-year-old babies have strong social needs, and this is the best time to cultivate your baby's social skills.

The mother needs to let the child know that "the toy is no longer yours, and your sister also needs to play" or slowly put forward suggestions such as "Is it good for you to play together".

In life, we must also say "no" to the child, so that he knows how to seek the opinions of others, and also understands that others have the right to agree and refuse.

Of course, we must also let the child know that they also have the right to refuse the unreasonable demands of others.

Do I have to enter the park at the age of 3? NO! Didn't prepare these 6 abilities = bad baby!

Home is the warmest harbor for children, don't push your children out too early.

For children, family education is also very important, if conditions permit, or do not send children to kindergarten too early, if you can, please give children more time.

After all, the time that children can really spend with their parents is also very short.

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