
"Beep—toot—" The kitchen knife touched the cutting board and made an orderly sound. "Whoops—whoops—" It was Grandpa washing vegetables in the pool next to it, "Sauerkraut, delicious!" "He's talking to me

author:Munchkiki with powdered sugar

"Beep—toot—" The kitchen knife touched the cutting board and made an orderly sound.

"Whoops—whoops—" It was Grandpa washing vegetables in the pool next to it, "Sauerkraut, delicious!" He was talking to me, "You wait and cut, to do this, cut horizontally..."

"Okay, okay." I cut the tofu and nodded casually, which is something I have to experience every day when I go home this month. I made chinese dinner, and my grandfather gave me a hand. He would prepare all the dishes, wash them, put them in a basket, serve them, and just turn them around in the kitchen. Sometimes he would guide me, and when he was in a hurry, he would grab my kitchen knife and say, "Wrong, wrong, not cut like this", but he was already in his eighties, his hands were still shaking, and I didn't want to give it to him.

At this time he would smile and take a half step back, and look at me with a look of disobedience to the old man, as if I were an ignorant child, and he wanted me.

But he couldn't sit idle, and in half a minute, he went to find something to do. Go and open all the pots, one by one, and see, what's in it? What was cooked? There was a pot with yam in it, and he asked why there were no bones, he should take the bones and put them in the pot, and when he turned around and was about to turn over the refrigerator, I stopped him: "Grandpa, Grandpa!" Here it is! The bones are here too! Didn't I say that? I'm salting bones! To be flavored!! ”

"Quick! Put it in! ”

I held out five fingers and said, "Wait, wait 5 minutes!" ”

Grandpa bent down and his ears came over, "What? Hold on? How do you cook without putting it? Where are you going to put it? ”

"Put! Wait a minute! 5 minutes! ”


"5 minutes—" I yelled in my throat so he could hear it, but he disagreed, staring at the pot in pieces. Similar things are repeated every day, every day to pull the throat shouting, this month has spent a package of golden throat throat pieces. Because not only Grandpa, sometimes even her mother had to shout at her throat, she came out of other people's chat piles.

That's why I wanted to leave home.

In fact, I can complete the preparation of a meal alone, faster than grandpa is around to help, so once I kicked grandpa out, let him not bother me here, the old man should cook and wait for the meal to be cooked.

"Well," he spread his hands, like a child, still with a smile on his face and no sad expression, "you don't think you need me, then I'll wait to eat." Alas, that's hard work for granddaughters. ”

He moved his steps, stepped out of the doorway, staggered, his back was slumped, I don't think I was wrong, he was so old, don't worry so much, and the weather is so cold, the water is so ice, it takes so much effort? How nice it is to chat with other little old men.

Despite this, I convinced myself, but after the frying, I was still worried and uneasy, while I was annoyed that I couldn't hold my breath, while thinking about whether my grandfather would be angry, I heard that the old man could not be angry, and it was easy to get angry. So I went to ask him to eat with mixed feelings, and as a result, people were driving a small sun in the room and listening to Cantonese Cantonese opera.

I tapped him on the shoulder and made a gesture to eat, and he came back to me, is it okay to eat, I bowed my head and said yes in his ear.

I carefully observed his expression, very normal, not a trace of displeasure, or a happy mood, and even heard that I could eat and was a little impatient to get out of bed and put on my shoes.

I also wanted my grandfather's bosom to be quite big, so the next day he returned to his old ways, washed the dishes around me, then washed the dishes, washed the dishes, washed the pots, washed everything that could be washed, and continued to ask me where the pig bones were, and then I would answer the same as the day before yesterday.

The conversation in the kitchen can be heard on three floors, and this time I didn't drive Grandpa away, he did whatever he liked. Because I know that after driving away today, he will still work for the next meal, just like he takes the phone to let us tune his voice every day, turn off the ringtone, teach him how to use the touch screen phone, and then the next day it will be like formatting and forgetting. I asked him to use the previous button mobile phone, he was not happy, see others have tablets, he also went to buy one, others have he also wants to have. If you can't use it, just put it, put it away, and forget where to put it.

Speaking of him, he would just laugh it off. Know it's wrong, next time dare.

Time is like a train, the speed is very fast, Grandpa can only grab the tail and wrap it around his waist, so that he will not be left behind. He stubbornly uses a smart phone, because the family has one hand, everyone who gets together during the festival takes out his mobile phone, and he will also show off his own show off. Everyone was trying to persuade him not to work, he didn't, he had to prove that he could still do it, not old.

I once asked him why he had to rush to do something with me, and he said that only then did someone talk to him and not see anyone at any other time.

Think about it this way, in fact, Grandpa willfully buy some products that he will not use, just want to be out of touch with the younger generation, have a topic to talk about, do not give up on them because they are the elderly, let them enjoy the "life that the elderly should have" alone.

I was thinking, the old man has been running to us very hard, almost finished 99 steps, should I reply to them, come to a two-way rush?

"Wait, Grandpa, what did you put in?"

I looked back, the old man's back obscuring the rice cooker, his hand shaking, pouring something into it. He obviously didn't hear what I was saying, so I had to pull his arm and say it again loudly: "What did you put in?" ”


"I'm making chicken soup!"

"I know, there's so little chicken!" A little more ribs! Grandpa stirred the soup, the spoon tapping on the edges, shaking clean, and satisfactorily closing the lid.

"Okay, my own grandfather, kneel down and spoil it." High-decibel conversations came intermittently from the kitchen until it was time for dinner. It's just a bit of a mouthful. #写小说 #

"Beep—toot—" The kitchen knife touched the cutting board and made an orderly sound. "Whoops—whoops—" It was Grandpa washing vegetables in the pool next to it, "Sauerkraut, delicious!" "He's talking to me

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