
Abdominal pain case Liu Duzhou medical case: Zhang ×, female, 32 years old. Whenever you feel pain in the abdomen in the afternoon, when the pain occurs, you feel that your abdominal muscles are pumping inwards. Diet and stool are basically normal, but menstruation is delayed,

author:Hanging pot enlightenment

Abdominal pain case Liu Duzhou medical case:

Zhang ×, female, 32 years old. Whenever you feel pain in the abdomen in the afternoon, when the pain occurs, you feel that your abdominal muscles are pumping inwards. Diet and stool are basically normal, but menstruation is delayed, each menstruation takes about 10 days, the menstrual color is black and purple, and there are blood clots. The veins are as thin as a knife blade, the tongue is purple, and the moss is thin and white. The evidence belongs to the spleen and blood discord, and the liver wood reverses the spleen soil. It is advisable to calm the liver and adjust the qi and blood.  

 【Prescription】 10 grams of guizhi 30 grams of white peony 10 grams of ginger 12 pieces of jujube 10 grams of licorice. Take six doses in a row, the abdominal pain is stopped, and the restraint is urgently relieved. Turn to the prescription with angelica peony medicine to heal.   

【Commentary】 Ke Yunbo called Guizhi Tang the kui of the Zhongjing group, which is the general formula for nourishing yin and yang, reconciling camp guards, and relieving muscle sweating. The reason why guizhi soup can nourish yin and yang and reconcile camp guards is first of all that it can reconcile the qi of the spleen and stomach. As we all know, the camp sanitation is formed in the water valley, and the water valley is transferred to the spleen and stomach, so if the spleen and stomach are strong, the source of camp hygiene is sufficient. The camp guard and the tune of qi, blood, yin and yang are also harmonized. From the perspective of the five-flavor medicine of the Guizhi soup group, guizhi, ginger, jujube, and hot licorice have all been commonly used spices in the kitchen since ancient times, with a healthy spleen and appetizer, promoting the effect of appetite, so guizhi soup is actually good at toning the spleen and stomach, by tonifying the spleen and stomach, and then achieving the purpose of qihuayuan, nourishing the camp guard, improving qi and blood, and Mingyang. Only by understanding this truth. Then you can learn about the treatment of this case. Reuse white peony to make it. Can and spleen and yin, blood veins, but also soft liver to relieve pain, clinically where there is abdominal full pain, lower sharp, tongue red, moss thin white and fine pulse strings, mostly spleen and stomach qi and blood yin and yang loss, choose this prescription treatment, each can take effect.

Abdominal pain case Liu Duzhou medical case: Zhang ×, female, 32 years old. Whenever you feel pain in the abdomen in the afternoon, when the pain occurs, you feel that your abdominal muscles are pumping inwards. Diet and stool are basically normal, but menstruation is delayed,

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