
Yelling at your child can make him introverted and timid, and there are a few remedies you can try

Yelling at your child can make him introverted and timid, and there are a few remedies you can try

Parents who have been yelling at their children for a long time have unconsciously developed a habit, which is actually a bad habit. Because most parents will have a sense of regret after yelling at their children. Moreover, there will be an idea that wants to make up for the child's feelings. Some parents believe that it has become a habit and there is no way to remedy it. In fact, even if the child is yelled at for a long time, it can be remedied.

The harm of parents yelling at their children for a long time?

Parents yell at their children, which can easily lead to children not being respected for a long time, and their hearts are full of fear, emotional instability, and lead to children's inability to receive effective education, so that children grow into a cowardly, timid, introverted, grumpy, and lonely person. Parents should never think that if they yell at their child, he will be able to listen well, the opposite is true. The less well the parents talk, the less the child will learn well.

Yelling at your child can make him introverted and timid, and there are a few remedies you can try

How to remedy the harm to the child?

1. Parents can appropriately lower their requirements for their children and be patient with their children.

2. Learn to respect children and know how to think differently

3, even if the child has unrealistic ideas, parents should respect the child's ideas and do not dictate the child's affairs.

4. If you find that it is wrong to yell at your child, you also feel regretful and can formally apologize to your child.

5. Give them the right to make their own decisions and change the order to a choice

Yelling at your child can make him introverted and timid, and there are a few remedies you can try

In fact, yelling children is not terrible, what is terrible is to turn yelling children into a habit again and again. If the child grows up in this environment, he will certainly not be happy. As a parent, it is necessary to communicate with the child more, so that you can better understand the child. At the same time, avoid making things one-sided because they are not well considered or handled improperly, and regret it afterwards.

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