
Why is there no money for the New Year? Bao Mom shared the "robbery" trick, and the child had no point left

This article is original 丨 good mother

Spring Festival may be the richest time of the year for children, China pays attention to the New Year to give pressure money, grandparents, grandparents and other elders will prepare red envelopes for children in advance to press the age, which is both a traditional custom and an opportunity to enhance communication with juniors.

However, not all the money is in the child's pocket, the vast majority of them will be "handed in" for the mother to save, and then there is no then... Of course, there are also children who are smart and want to keep their favorite toys and snacks, but the ending is all falling into the mother's "robbery".

Why is there no money for the New Year? Bao Mom shared the "robbery" trick, and the child had no point left

Why is there no money for the New Year? Bao Mom shared the "robbery" trick, and the child had no point left

The cousin's younger son is 6 years old, and he is smart enough to be liked by his grandmother and grandfather, but this year he returned to his mother's house with his mother, and he gained more than 2,000 years of money, and the little guy happily showed off everywhere.

The whole day hid the money in her arms, the mother was afraid that he would lose it and wanted to take it, but how to give it, helplessly could only take advantage of the son's sleep to steal it, the result of the son cried a lot, 3 days did not talk to himself.

Why is there no money for the New Year? Bao Mom shared the "robbery" trick, and the child had no point left

Mom shared this matter in the bao mama group, did not expect to resonate with the mothers, everyone have shared the "robbery" magic trick!

Bao'er Mama: My family's TV yesterday was 500 yuan an episode, I love to watch it or not.

Dongdong Mom: I urged my son to write his homework, and my son took the money to buy freedom.

LingLing's mother: My daughter-in-law looks at the mobile phone 100 once, and the time cannot be too long.

Compared with the cousin and the son to break up, the vast majority of parents have learned to be smart, like bandits with the way of "robbery" to suppress the old money, not only can successfully let the child hand over the pressure money, but also will not remember the revenge to affect the relationship between mother and child, and finally the child is 1 penny left in the pocket.

In fact, mothers work so hard to press the old money, not to look at the child's little money, but to press the amount of old money is relatively large, and it is too easy to come, it is easy to waste in the hands of the children, and it is more secure and reliable to be kept by adults.

Why is there no money for the New Year? Bao Mom shared the "robbery" trick, and the child had no point left

After the child presses the old money to "collect", the parents do this, which can cultivate the child's high financial quotient!

From a certain point of view, pressing the old money is also an exchange between adults, you give my child, I give your child, on the surface it seems to be for the child, but in fact it is a project for the face of the other party.

Therefore, the pressure money is also the money given by the parents, whether it is stolen or plundered, the pressure money collected by the parents has another purpose, that is, to cultivate the child's high financial quotient.

1/ Teach children to understand the meaning of pressing old money

For children, pressing the old age money is like a "pie" falling from the sky, and when they get together with other children, who will have more money than they press the age? Whose grandfather gave more and so on.

A little careless, the pressure of the old money will affect the child's mood, parents should tell the child early, the pressure of the old money is only the interaction between parents and relatives, and does not represent love, even if there is no pressure on the old money, there are parents who love him.

Why is there no money for the New Year? Bao Mom shared the "robbery" trick, and the child had no point left

2/ Use the money to teach children to dispose of money

In ordinary families, children may not have pocket money a day, or they may only have 10 yuan, and suddenly they harvest hundreds of thousands of years of money in one day, which is easy to spend lavishly.

Parents should take this opportunity to cultivate their children's financial quotients, warn their children about the correct use of money, such as: take their children to the supermarket once, let the children choose and check out by themselves, teach the children to check and find change, and so on.

Why is there no money for the New Year? Bao Mom shared the "robbery" trick, and the child had no point left

3/ Let the child learn to save money

Savings are what most families need, illness, travel, house purchases, etc. all need to use savings property, and pressing the old age money is a good time for parents to teach their children to save.

For example: leave a part of the money for the child, tell the child what stationery needs to be bought after the winter vacation starts, let the child estimate the amount of each item, and then leave a part to buy snacks and toys, and the rest needs to be saved for emergencies.

Why is there no money for the New Year? Bao Mom shared the "robbery" trick, and the child had no point left

Ps: The pictures in this article are from the Internet, and infringement can be deleted.

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