
In 1931, a candidate in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was admitted to the History Department of Tsinghua University with a score of 99 points in Chinese language and a full score in history. Who knows, the next day he applied to transfer to the physics department, old

author:Strait Shinkansen

In 1931, a candidate in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was admitted to the History Department of Tsinghua University with a score of 99 points in Chinese language and a full score in history. Who knows, the next day he applied to transfer to the physics department, and the teacher was shocked: a science idiot who only scored 5 points in physics, 9 points in mathematics, and 11 points in chemistry, why did he make such a request?

This person is Qian Weichang, a genius in the liberal arts, why did he suddenly change his department and study his weakest science? The reason is worth pondering!

At that time, the day after being admitted, the outbreak of the September 18 Incident made Qian Weichang change his mind overnight.

When China was in the weak position of being bullied by the great powers, a powerful force pushed him to the road of abandoning literature, and he decided to study physics because he knew that if the country wanted to stand up, young people should have the ambition to learn science, learn to build tanks and cannons to save the country.

However, Wu Youxun, the head of the physics department, resolutely refused to allow him to change departments, because his science results were too bad. Later, I really couldn't stand Qian Weichang's soft grinding and hard bubbles, and finally relaxed: "First try to study in the physics department for one year, and the three main courses (chemistry, physics, and mathematics) must score more than 70 points." ”

Since then, in addition to eating and sleeping, Qian Weichang has devoted all his time and energy to physics and mathematics, and every morning at 5 o'clock to the science museum to endorse books, go to the toilet with books.... Four years later, he was one of 8 students who successfully graduated, and his grades were the best.

Then, he studied abroad to "master Yi to control Yi", together with Qian Xuesen, Lin Jiaqiao, Guo Yonghuai, under the guidance of Professor Feng Carmen, the father of missiles in the world, engaged in postdoctoral research in the field of aerospace, participated in rocket and missile experiments, and achieved outstanding results in the field of solid mechanics and fluid mechanics.

In July 1946, just when Qian Weichang's career in the United States was in full swing, he quietly returned to the motherland and engaged in scientific research under difficult conditions, making great contributions to the development of new China's scientific and technological undertakings.

He believes that as long as he can teach the advanced technology he learned from abroad to the next generation of Chinese, even if he is tired and tired, it is worth it.

Under his cooperation with other scientists, the scientific and technological development of New China has made a series of achievements, such as submarine keel design, aircraft flutter, chemical pipe plate design, large motor parts design, high-energy battery and many other application research. He has made outstanding contributions in many fields such as scientific and technological research and technology application, and is known as a "universal scientist".

Looking at Qian Weichang's achievements, all over science, politics, education and other professions, in this regard, his own statement is: "I have no profession, the needs of the motherland are my profession." ”

The years passed in a hurry, and on July 30, 2010, Qian Weichang, a generation of "scientific superstars" and the "father of mechanics" in modern China, died in Shanghai at the age of 98.

Looking back on his life, we have to say that the simple four words of "scientific power" have been implemented in the depths of Qian Weichang's soul.

Seeing this, we are both relieved and sad. How many chinese youth today care about what talents the country needs?

Perhaps they never thought about this problem, but are spending a lot of energy and money on how to make "ABC" clear........ In this regard, many patriots cried out bitterly: "Giving up physics is equivalent to giving up the future of the country!" ”

At present, China currently has less than 1% of the world's top physicists, such as Huawei, which has more than a thousand mathematical, physical and chemical experts, but most of them are foreigners.

Fortunately, China has discovered this problem! The Ministry of Education issued a statement: "Strengthen the proportion of physics examinations, and students around the first grade have begun to formally study science-related (physics prototype) courses." ”

This is completely different from the previous way of attaching importance to bilingual teaching, and in the future, English will gradually be weakened in children's entrance examinations, and science will be improved. Not only that, in the future, if children do not learn physics well, they may lose the qualifications of many 985 and 211 colleges and universities, and rub shoulders with famous schools.

In order to make the country rich and the people strong, mathematics, physics and chemistry are the top priority, and only by doing a good job of fundamental education and teaching can we cultivate scientific and technological talents.

To this end, CCTV's "First Time" actively responded to the call of the state and recommended a set of popular science comics "This is Physics" for parents across the country, especially for children aged 5 to 12, and was recognized and praised by the education department.

"This Is Physics" has sold more than 5 million copies, and it has been selected as the "Best Reference Book" for foreign school libraries. After this set of books was introduced into China, Professor Zhou Liwei, an academician and physicist of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Dr. Jin Song, a researcher at the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a special review recommendation to ensure the combination of content and local teaching materials.

A total of 10 volumes cover 10 important physics topics that must be learned in primary and secondary schools in China (more than 85% of which are secondary school physics examination points): from gravity, magnetism, energy, sound, to photoelectric heat and moving material structure, etc., from shallow to deep, to build a perfect physical knowledge system and logical thinking methods for children.

Unlike traditional physics books, it does not talk about theorems and does not memorize formulas, but combines children's favorite cartoons with obscure physics knowledge. Let the children laugh and learn knowledge, cultivate scientific thinking in play, and are very suitable for 5-12 year old children for physical enlightenment.

Like what:

When every child is a child, it is "100,000 whys" and always asks some strange questions!

Why is the sky blue?

Why did I jump so hard that I finally had to get back on the ground?


It is to put the common physical knowledge in life, with interesting cartoons, concise sentences, vivid and lively to tell out, easy to understand, full of fun, naturally attract children's attention.

Physics is an obscure subject, a good book is more conducive to improving children's interest in reading, so that children can learn simple physics knowledge as soon as possible, in order to lay a solid foundation for the future junior high school, high school, not to be pulled apart points, win on the starting line.

Now the event offers, 10 books as long as 79 yuan!

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In 1931, a candidate in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was admitted to the History Department of Tsinghua University with a score of 99 points in Chinese language and a full score in history. Who knows, the next day he applied to transfer to the physics department, old
In 1931, a candidate in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was admitted to the History Department of Tsinghua University with a score of 99 points in Chinese language and a full score in history. Who knows, the next day he applied to transfer to the physics department, old
In 1931, a candidate in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was admitted to the History Department of Tsinghua University with a score of 99 points in Chinese language and a full score in history. Who knows, the next day he applied to transfer to the physics department, old
In 1931, a candidate in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was admitted to the History Department of Tsinghua University with a score of 99 points in Chinese language and a full score in history. Who knows, the next day he applied to transfer to the physics department, old
In 1931, a candidate in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was admitted to the History Department of Tsinghua University with a score of 99 points in Chinese language and a full score in history. Who knows, the next day he applied to transfer to the physics department, old

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