
He was China's number one slacker, starving to death at home at the age of 23, and his body was stiff for many days before he was discovered

Hello everyone, I take the time out of my busy schedule today to bring you the following article, welcome to taste it together!


The diligent man is the master of time, and the lazy man is the slave of time— anonymity

With the development of society, people's pressure is also increasing, living, working and family and other kinds of pressure, pressure people are breathless. Under the influence of this environment, modern young people have become more and more lazy, and the purpose they have always advocated is "to lie down and never stand, to sit and never to stand." When it comes to rest time, they will basically stay in bed all day, and there are even many new products specially designed for lazy people.

He was China's number one slacker, starving to death at home at the age of 23, and his body was stiff for many days before he was discovered

Of course, when the work intensity is high, it is also a good choice to relax the mood with appropriate laziness. There is no one in this world who can maintain a lot of energy at all times, so the combination of work and leisure is also very suitable. But this kind of lazy thinking, for children, should be eliminated from an early age, and this lazy habit cannot be developed. Many parents may be too doting on their children, always thinking that their children are still young and can be taught slowly, but they do not know that such misconceptions will ruin their children's lives.

"China's first lazy man" - Yang Suo

In China, there is a lazy man, who is called "China's first lazy man". At the age of 23, I can't wash and cook, even the simplest instant noodles, and I have to feed my parents to my mouth to eat, which really responds to the sentence "clothes to reach out, food to open my mouth" life. This lazy man, named Yang Suo, was born in an ordinary small mountain village, and the family conditions were not very good. As the only son in the family, he is also very pampered.

Yang Suo was very smart when he was a child, and he could always make his parents laugh happily, which made his parents more doting on him. As long as it is what he wants, his parents will buy him when they smash the pot and sell iron, and sooner or later such doting will have problems, and they will also lay hidden dangers for the future. It is said that the children of poor families have long been in charge, but Yang Suo has no self-care ability under the protection of his parents. All along, he has relied on his parents to take care of everything, eat by feeding, going out on their backs, and when other children are on the tree to catch birds, he is still a "baby" who does not know anything.

He was China's number one slacker, starving to death at home at the age of 23, and his body was stiff for many days before he was discovered

I thought that as I grew older, he would improve a little, understand things a little, but I didn't think that my parents still treated him as a child. Staying at home alone all day, waiting for the service of my parents, and no playmates. Children his age can already go to school shoulder to shoulder with his friends, while he sits on his father's shoulder and is sent to school. In the face of such a situation, people in the same village often advise the Yang family's parents, but they still go their own way, do not take the advice of the same village in their eyes at all, or let their children live the life of the eldest young master as always.

Dropping out of school is pampered at home

Under the influence of such an environment, Yang Suo felt that he should be held. Although he is very smart, he does not have a little studious mind, always fails to complete his homework, and is often scolded by veterans. After a long time, Yang Suo felt bored, like dropping out of school at home. What is even more infuriating is that Yang Father did not find mistakes from his son, and also ran to the school to find the teacher's theory, and the teacher's bitter advice was ignored by Yang Father, who still felt that the teacher could not understand the pain of being a parent.

He was China's number one slacker, starving to death at home at the age of 23, and his body was stiff for many days before he was discovered

After returning home, his parents let Yang Suo stay at home and live the life of the young master. Under the high pressure, the father's age also increased, and finally the burden of not being able to support the family fell. When Yang Suo was 13 years old, his father died of illness, which brought a great blow to the family that was not rich. But even so, Yang Suo still did not want to share the obligation for the family, for this, his mother not only did not teach him, but also let him do nothing, just rely on his brothers to support, which also made him form a habit, and finally even bothered to go.

Yang Suo starved to death at home

After her mother fell ill, she lay in bed unable to take care of herself, which made her regretful. Even if he now verbally teaches his children to learn to do their own things, it is too late, and years of spoiling have also created his selfish and cold nature, and Yang Suo, who has cultivated the character of a great young master, will even punch and kick his mother.

He was China's number one slacker, starving to death at home at the age of 23, and his body was stiff for many days before he was discovered

After the death of his mother, Yang Suo came to the home of his cousin Yang Deyu, who pitied his brother, lost his parents, feared that he would not have anyone to take care of him, so he took him to his home, and even took him to work in the team. But he did not think that the mentality that Yang Suo had cultivated since childhood had been determined, he would not do anything, as soon as his temper came up, he felt that the work was too bitter and tired, and let others serve him, and within a few days, he was expelled.

He didn't work, had no financial resources, and was forced to sell everything of value in his family because of his livelihood. When he was hungry, he went to the village to beg for food, and his clothes were dirty and he did not wash them, so he lived in the world. Sometimes some kind villagers would give him their own food, but he was too lazy to reach out and wait for the food to be spoiled.

He was China's number one slacker, starving to death at home at the age of 23, and his body was stiff for many days before he was discovered

According to the villagers, Yang Suo at home eats, sleeps, and eats, and when he is hungry, he goes to the street to beg for food. When it is cold, even the stool is too lazy to go out, and it is done directly to dig a pit in the ground of the house and cover it with soil. In order to keep warm, he even burned everything he could burn in the house, and finally starved to death at the age of 23. Cousin Yang Deyu originally went to see him with his meal, but found that he had lost his breath at home, and sighed on the spot, never seen such a lazy child.

Adapted into a documentary, it is a wake-up call to the world

After the news of Yang Suo's death spread, it caused a lot of people to discuss. Villagers also said that this child just let his parents get used to it, and when he grows up, he doesn't know anything and won't do anything. If he works hard for his career, then he will definitely have a lot of achievements. After all, he was the handsomest and smartest of his cousins, but he was also the laziest, preferring to freeze to death and starve to death rather than work. After this time was transmitted to the Internet, yang suo was also used as a prototype to adapt a documentary "Sin and Love" to try to wake up the world. Although Yang Suo's matter is extreme, it is very representative.

He was China's number one slacker, starving to death at home at the age of 23, and his body was stiff for many days before he was discovered

In the "Analects of Discourse and Discourse", it is mentioned that those who are good should be chosen and followed, and those who are not good should be changed

We must use Yang Suo's story to spur ourselves on, not to be a useless waste to society. Especially parents, for the education of their children, we must start from an early age, and do not raise children like raising giant pandas. After reading the story of Yang Suo, everyone must take it as a warning. We want to share this true story with all parents, as well as friends who are about to become fathers and mothers, do not spoil their children, establish correct values and outlook on life for them from an early age, and do not wait until they cannot be saved to regret it.

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