
Henan "lazy man" Yang Suo, when his parents died, was 18 years old and could not wash and cook, what happened later?

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Doting, soul flying away. - "Empty Youth Endowment"

Just as the so-called "son does not teach, the father's fault", the family is the first enlightenment place for children's growth, and the family environment plays an important role in the child's growth process. Parents' education is too strict, it is easy for children to fall into a state of self-doubt, children will become cautious, inferior and even fragile; and parents' education is too loose, it is easy for children to develop a personality that has no one in sight, and there are no rules to speak of. Therefore, whether children can grow up physically and mentally healthily depends on whether the balance of family education is balanced. In life, we have no shortage of examples of parents doting on their children and causing problems in their children's education, for example, there is a famous "lazy king" Yang Suo in Henan, who was 18 years old when his parents died, and he actually could not wash and cook.

Henan "lazy man" Yang Suo, when his parents died, was 18 years old and could not wash and cook, what happened later?

Yang Suo is a celebrity in Xinyang, Henan, but the reason for this fame is not very honorable. How absurd is it that he is extremely lazy, and has not personally done a single thing since he was born? Born in 1986, he was doted on by his parents, because when he was born, Yang Suo was entangled in the umbilical cord and almost died, but he only recovered a life under the efforts of doctors. He is also a male doll, and the generations in the family are single-handed, and after this disaster, his parents hold him in the palm of their hands and take very careful care of him.

Henan "lazy man" Yang Suo, when his parents died, was 18 years old and could not wash and cook, what happened later?

The reason why he was named Yang Suo was to protect him and lock him around his parents. Therefore, the people in the family are circling around this young master, and they cannot bear the slightest grievance, and the treatment is comparable to that of the young master. Their family is not rich, but their parents are still willing to give everything they can to love him, but they have reached the point of coddling. When Yang Suo was two years old, he clamored for candy, because he was afraid that he would sneak out of the house by himself and be abducted, so his parents ran to the market every morning to buy sugar, and for this reason they also missed the crop sowing.

Henan "lazy man" Yang Suo, when his parents died, was 18 years old and could not wash and cook, what happened later?

Because they loved this son too much, even the villagers could not see it anymore, and they advised them to look at this matter correctly, but no matter what others said, this was also the Yang family's own business, and as outsiders, they could only remind it kindly. Some villagers went to his house as a guest and saw that Yang Suo ate meat every meal, while his parents only pickled vegetables and rice. What's even more bizarre is that Yang Suo can't walk until he is two years old, his parents said so, there are many potholes in the rural dirt roads, afraid of falling on him. So when Yang Suo was very old, he went out to ask his parents to carry it with a dustpan, and he couldn't walk on his own when he was eight years old.

Henan "lazy man" Yang Suo, when his parents died, was 18 years old and could not wash and cook, what happened later?

At the age of eight, it was time to go to school, when the village elementary school also came to recruit students, and Yang Suo was also sent to the school, but he only took one day to make the school a miasma. After the school teacher assigned homework, where he was willing to do it, at home he was a little emperor, everything was arranged by his parents, he would only enjoy, this school should be instructed by the teacher, how could he bear it. Arrogant and domineering at home, where there is no polite saying. The next day he did not want to go to school, and after a few times his parents went by him. He also claimed that he was not the material for reading, and he would work part-time when he grew up.

Henan "lazy man" Yang Suo, when his parents died, was 18 years old and could not wash and cook, what happened later?

When he was 13 years old, Yang Suo's father died, the family suddenly collapsed half of the sky, and his busy mother also began to let him do things. But this Yang Suo has been spoiled since he was a child, very lazy, how can he help his mother to do things? The work in the farmland was hard and tiring, and his mother pitied that he could not bear this suffering, and then begged someone to take him to learn to do small work, but where he could bear it, he stopped working in two days. Born poor, extremely lazy, and without self-awareness, what is the way out of this future?

Henan "lazy man" Yang Suo, when his parents died, was 18 years old and could not wash and cook, what happened later?

None of his relatives were willing to help their family, so he was the only one who raised him, and when he was 18 years old, her mother died. On his deathbed, he appeared very sluggish, the only person who sheltered him was about to die, and his mother prayed at the bedside that his relatives would take care of him in the future and reward him with food, which was also a difficult choice for relatives. Raising an idle person for no reason, it is impossible to say whose home it is. He was briefly taken in by his cousin's family, but when his cousin got married, he had to return to his home.


Yang Suo, who was alone at home, still refused to do his own thing, and the villagers would send him some fruits and vegetables when they saw him pitiful, but he could not cook at all. I don't bother to take care of myself, I can't wash my clothes, and my whole body emits a foul smell. In the winter of 2009, he was found frozen to death at home, but no one was surprised. And the tragic origin of everything has to be attributed to the parents' family education.

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