
"China's first lazy man" Yang Suo: burning furniture for heating, planing pits to go to the toilet, 23-year-old lazy dead at home

Many parents understand the importance of independence for their children, but in real life, it is not difficult to find that most children seem to have a hard time truly being independent.

This has also led to more and more "giant babies" in life, these "giant babies" not only can not complete a certain thing independently, but even when leaving their parents, even survival is a problem.

"China's first lazy man" Yang Suo: burning furniture for heating, planing pits to go to the toilet, 23-year-old lazy dead at home

If you hear others say that some people will be "lazy", I believe that many people will feel joking, after all, this is an era of extremely rich materials.

However, there are really people in this world who are lazy to death, and he is because of laziness, he is starved to death at home by Yang Suo, the "first lazy person in China".

It is understood that Yang Suo never got off the ground before he was 8 years old, and he relied on his parents to pick him up in a basket every day.

"China's first lazy man" Yang Suo: burning furniture for heating, planing pits to go to the toilet, 23-year-old lazy dead at home

His parents' doting on him can be described as deep in the marrow, and even he was afraid that he was too heavy in school and refused to give him homework, even if Yang Suo wanted to help the family work, he was blocked by his parents.

Unfortunately, after Yang Suo's parents died of illness one after another, Yang Suo lost someone who could help him do everything.

Because he lacked the ability to survive alone, he first split the furniture in the house and burned it for warmth, burned the furniture and clothes, and sold the valuable objects in the home for food.

"China's first lazy man" Yang Suo: burning furniture for heating, planing pits to go to the toilet, 23-year-old lazy dead at home

In addition, if he wants to go to the toilet, he will dig a hole in the room of the house to solve it. In this way, a young man with sound limbs but lack of self-care was finally starved to death at home when he was 23 years old.

It can be seen from this that parents doting on their children hurt their children, and it is urgent to cultivate children's independence and self-care ability.

"China's first lazy man" Yang Suo: burning furniture for heating, planing pits to go to the toilet, 23-year-old lazy dead at home

How can parents cultivate their children's ability to take care of themselves?

1. Learn to let go

As a parent, you will always worry about your child making mistakes and not doing well, so no matter what you do, you will make decisions for your child, not knowing that the excessive protection of your parents on your child will often lead to your child becoming more and more dependent on your parents, and eventually you will only become a qualified "giant baby".

Therefore, in the process of their children's growth, parents must learn to let go, let the children make decisions on their own affairs, and let the children deal with their own affairs.

"China's first lazy man" Yang Suo: burning furniture for heating, planing pits to go to the toilet, 23-year-old lazy dead at home

2. Let the child do what he can

If parents take the initiative to help their children do everything well, then the child will only become a "giant baby", for which parents should learn to guide their children to do something within their reach from life, such as letting children help parents work.

How to develop your child's problem-solving skills?

1. Try to let the children solve problems on their own

Children will always have a variety of problems on the road to growth, some parents find that their children have problems, without saying a word, they will begin to solve for their children, children living in such an environment for a long time, will not be able to obtain the ability to solve problems.

"China's first lazy man" Yang Suo: burning furniture for heating, planing pits to go to the toilet, 23-year-old lazy dead at home

2. Give children independent space

Some parents want to intervene no matter what their children do, and eventually "children do things" often evolve into "parents do things", which is also one of the important factors that lead to children's inability to be independent and lack of problem-solving ability.

Parents will undoubtedly want to let us bear more for our children, so that children can be free from the "pain of flesh and skin", but the facts tell us that children often cannot grow up without real growth while being free from the "pain of skin and flesh".

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