
The medicine king Sun Simiao, the medical skill of the theosophy, but the doctor does not self-medicate, he was 99 years old, he suffered from a strange disease, long cured, the medicine king thinks that the limit has arrived. I didn't expect to have a trip to Fang Langzhong, after looking at it,

author:How easy to solve the worries

The medicine king Sun Simiao, the medical skill of the theosophy, but the doctor does not self-medicate, he was 99 years old, he suffered from a strange disease, long cured, the medicine king thinks that the limit has arrived. I didn't expect that there was a trip to Fang Langzhong, after looking at it, he said wildly: Great joy, great joy, you are pregnant with Liujia, and you are old and have children!

Sun Simiao jumped up in anger to drive away this You Fang Langzhong, you said that pregnancy at least depends on age and gender, right? I am 99 years old, although there is a technique for staying in the face, it is also an old man, how to get pregnant? Purely unlearned quacks, it simply disgraced the reputation of my generation.

There is not much description of Sun Simiao in the New Book of Tang, in fact, if he did not like to study medicine, Sun Simiao may have become a generation of well-known courtiers. He grew up reading poetry and books, especially obsessed with studying scriptures. However, because he had a minor illness once in his youth, he ended up scattering his family wealth in order to cure the disease, which made him have the desire to learn medicine to save people.

After the completion of medical skills, Sun Simiao has the ability to revive the dead, it is said that during Sun Simiao's travels, he encountered a family crying and crying, and it turned out that the hostess of the family died. After Sun Simiao knew, he heard that it was not long after he passed, so he went to see the corpse. Then he shouted back: Don't cry, this man is still saved. He said that he took the needle and began acupuncture, and sure enough, after a while, he wore the hostess's cough. Everyone thought it was a resurrection from the dead, and they all said that they had met a divine doctor.

Sun Simiao is the founding father of Chinese clinical medicine, and his disciples and disciples are all over the world, and the number of people who have been treated is innumerable. He created "A Thousand Golden Fangs", which is the first clinical medical encyclopedia in Chinese history, and is revered by foreign scholars as "the most precious treasure of mankind".

Who could have imagined that at the age of 99, Sun Simiao, who has always been healthy, got a strange disease, limb weakness, dizziness and swelling, he diagnosed it himself, there was no effect, not to say, but also more and more serious, seeing that even getting up became a problem. The disciple said: The healer does not heal himself, so it is better to let the apprentices show the master. Sun Simiao thought about it too, these disciples also got their own true transmission, maybe there is one who can look after his illness.

The apprentices were very filial piety, collectively gave the master a diagnosis and treatment, and finally had a serious discussion together, and concluded that the master was just a common cold, good to eat and drink, and then prescribed a few pairs of cold medicines, the master was old, the amount of medicine should be light, and it could be cured in ten and a half days.

The medicine king looked at the disciple and solemnly said that it was a mild cold, and let himself eat and drink well, thinking whether his limit had arrived, and time was running out. Therefore, the psychological pressure was greater, the power of the medicine stone was very small, and after a few days, Sun Simiao became more and more serious, and he could not get out of bed.

There was a trip to Fang Lang, who knew that the medicine king had been ill for many days, and volunteered to come to the rescue, claiming that the medicine had been eliminated. When the demon king's disciples saw that this person was dressed in shabby clothes and carrying the banner of medicine to get rid of his illness, he thought he was a charlatan and drove him away. You Fanglangzhong smiled and said: Medicine does not kill people, I do not shoot, I am afraid that your ancestors will be difficult to cross this disaster, there is a way to be a Buddha, since you are not willing to save the medicine king, then I will leave, but don't regret it?

When the Great Disciple of the Medicine King heard the noise outside, he came out to check and understand the beginning and end of the matter, and said: There are people outside the people, there is a sky outside the sky, there is no diamond diamond, how dare they get an axe? Maybe people are just a real person who doesn't show their faces, so they quickly invite them to come in and see the master!

The great disciple of the Medicine King told this you Fang Langzhong of the medicine king's condition, and Lang Zhong said: "Don't worry, I guarantee that he can heal without medicine and eat on the same day."

The disciple of the Medicine King asked him when he wanted to hear and ask About Che, and You Fang Langzhong smiled and said: "Wangwen Qi Qi is a small way, today I want to use a suspension silk to diagnose the pulse!"

The disciples of the Medicine King were amazed one after another, and sure enough, they were high-ranking people, and even the master's suspension silk diagnosis pulse would be masterful. The disciple of the Medicine King put a silk thread on Sun Simiao's wrist and asked Lang Zhong to treat it. Sun Simiao heard that there was a divine doctor outside who was hanging silk to diagnose the pulse, and listened to the diagnosis of the divine doctor's colleagues. Only to hear Lang Zhong say: Gentlemen, Lingshi is very happy, pregnant with Liujia, and is going to have a child!

Sun Simiao was listening to it, and when he got up from the bed, he spat out thick phlegm in anger and angrily scolded: Throw this quack doctor out of me. I'm 99 years old and an old man giving birth to a child?

You Fang Langzhong said: Shi is also lucky, no need to send it, I will go by myself, and we will see each other in three days. Finished talking and left.

The Medicine King disciple looked back at the house and exclaimed, "Master, how can you get up?" Sun Simiao took a look, eh, but it wasn't well, he was angry with the quack doctor, and this was actually angry. After standing for a while, I felt hungry, and then I remembered that I hadn't eaten for a few days. Immediately let people prepare meals.

Three days later, You Fanglangzhong came as promised with the bell, and Sun Simiao personally greeted him at the door when he heard the bell, and said: Mr. Wang can indeed heal without medicine, thank you mr. Skillful Hand rejuvenation. Dare to ask how sir came up with such a treatment?

Lang Zhongdao: The doctor always thinks of the disease in a bad way, because you are medically advanced, think too complicated about your wind and cold disease, and all the bad results are thought of, resulting in depression in the chest and cannot be discharged, so I pretend to be crazy to cause you to be angry, pneumatic is bloody, bloody is scattered, and Mr.'s illness is naturally good.

This You Fang Langzhong is also a famous doctor, named Liu Shanfang, who is the forgotten friend of Sun Yaowang, and like countless doctors, his reputation is hidden under the Yaowang.

In ancient times, the hope and smell cut, the suspense wire pulse diagnosis, and even the medicine healed, and now when it comes to the hospital, there is no various examinations, and the doctor is almost helpless. Thousands of years of Traditional Chinese medicine heritage, can we also inherit and carry forward it?

#I'm going to make micro headlines##History##中医 #

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