
Spring Festival is coming, don't let these injuries endanger your child's health

Top News Henan Business Daily reporter Yang Yiying

The winter vacation has arrived, and it coincides with the Spring Festival, and it is the children's favorite season. Children can not only take the red packet, but also have a variety of gourmet sweets to enjoy.

However, the holiday period is also a time of high incidence of various accidents. Parents and friends should take precautions early to help their children stay away from the following dangers.

Spring Festival is coming, don't let these injuries endanger your child's health

High incidence of foreign bodies in the airways

Every holiday is a time for relatives and friends to gather, and it is also a time for the high incidence of foreign bodies in children's airways.

Why do children have a higher incidence of airway foreign bodies during the holidays?

"During the holiday season, parents tend to buy nuts, candy and other foods, and children have more opportunities to be exposed to such snacks; and family reunions become more, and the chances of young children being teased during reunions become more, and foreign body swallowing often occurs when children are laughed at or crying when they have hard food in their mouths." Zhu Zhijie, attending physician of the Second Department of Respiratory Medicine of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, said.

What should I do if I suspect a foreign body in my child's airway?

Zhu Zhijie reminded parents not to panic, stabilize their emotions and their children's emotions, and try to encourage their children to cough out foreign bodies through coughing.

If there is no effect, the child's breathing is laborious, hoarse, red or even blue and purple, please call 120 immediately, and use the following methods to deal with emergency treatment.

Heimlich First Aid: It is mainly a first aid method that uses the air flow formed by residual gas in the lungs to flush out foreign bodies in the trachea. During the specific operation, the rescuer should use a single arm to surround the child's waist and abdomen from behind, and then hold a fist with one hand and press the middle of his navel and ribs; put the other hand on the prepared fist at the same time, and squeeze the child's body inward and upward with both hands at the same time, and continue to operate repeatedly until the obstruction is spit out.

Pushing the abdomen: during the operation, the child should lie on his back on the table or a hard flat object, and the rescuer should stick one hand between the child's abdomen umbilicus and the saber process, and at the same time apply appropriate pressure upwards; At this time, the other hand should be placed on the chest wall to pressurize, repeatedly pressurize the chest cavity many times, and insist on the operation until the foreign body coughs up.

Back slapping method: let the child take a position, the rescuer stands behind the side of the child, one of the arms is placed around the child's chest, and the root of the other hand is placed on the spine position of the child's interscapular area, and the rapid, continuous, and powerful pat on this part can also promote the discharge of foreign bodies in the trachea.

Through these first aid methods, most foreign bodies will be coughed up, and the child's life can be saved, at least to give the medical staff to rush to the rescue and win valuable time.

Children ride accidents

During the Chinese New Year, parents often take their children out to visit relatives and friends. When children ride in the car, it is also a time when the incidence of various accidents is high.

Compared with adults, the proportion of children's heads is larger, resulting in greater stress on the neck. When encountering sharp brakes, children's necks are extremely susceptible to excessive inertial impulses, causing injury. Therefore, when driving, prepare a child-specific safety seat for the child, install it in the back seat, and fasten the seat belt.

Some parents are accustomed to carrying their children in the car, but they do not know that a child's momentum in a high-speed impact accident is equivalent to the weight of an elephant. In this case, instead of being able to react to protect the child, the parent may squeeze the child, and in severe cases, it may lead to bleeding from the child's internal organs.

Children are lively and active by nature, poor sense of self-protection, in the process of rapid driving of the car, if the child mistakenly opens the door, he will be thrown out of the car, and the danger is fraught with danger. Therefore, parents should carefully check and lock the child lock before leaving.

In addition, the child's self-control and control are poor, when the window is opened, he will unconsciously stretch out the limbs out of the car, easy to be scratched by roadside trees, fences, and may even encounter rear overtaking. This also reminds parents not to open the window lock at will, and try not to let the child sit in the window position.

When the car passes through uneven sections or emergency braking, snacks may be inhaled into the child's airway by mistake, causing airway obstruction and suffocation. Ma Wanyan, chief physician of the Second Ward of the Department of Neurology of the Third People's Hospital of Zhengzhou City, advised parents: "In the car, do not provide children with granular foods such as jelly, candy, and small biscuits." If your child is choked by mistake, give first aid immediately to Heimlich First Aid. ”

It is not appropriate to place or hang hard and sharp objects in the car, and children cannot hold sharp objects such as lollipops, toy knives and guns in their hands.

In the event of an emergency brake or sudden acceleration, these objects can poke the child, especially the face. Ma Wanyan suggested that only plush toys should be provided to children in the car.

Prevent myopia during the holidays

Many children can't do without electronic products as soon as they arrive at the holidays, resulting in prominent vision problems.

Zhang Yujuan, attending physician of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Third People's Hospital of Zhengzhou City, introduced that the decline in vision of adolescents is mainly due to excessive use of the eyes, the Internet access, watching TV for too long, especially the holidays, many children do not have strong self-control, play games on the Internet for a long time, after the holidays, the vision decline is particularly obvious.

How should children protect their eyesight during winter vacation? Zhang Yujuan gave the following suggestions:

Usually must pay attention to develop good eye habits, after learning for a period of time, we must pay attention to relax the eyes, you can look at more green plants, or distant objects, such as buildings, trees, etc., immediately after seeing clearly, look at your fingers, and then look at the distance, repeat several times, you can exercise your focal length;

You can use warm water to relieve eye fatigue, but it should be noted that the water temperature should not be too high, so as not to burn the skin of the eyes;

You can relax your eyes by turning your eyes, close your eyes and turn your eyes 60 times clockwise and counterclockwise, which can effectively relieve the fatigue of extraocular muscles.

In addition, Zhang Yujuan suggested that parents and friends should take their children to review their vision and optometry at least once every six months, grasp the development of myopia in time, and change glasses if necessary. If parents find that their children blink frequently, rub their eyes, are photophobic, squint at things, etc., they should go to the hospital for review in time.

(Edited by Wang Hongchun)

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