
Judge whether a family is auspicious or not, just look at this!

Judge whether a family is auspicious or not, just look at this!

Editor / GuoxueJun Diagram / Network

This article originates from the network, and the copyright belongs to the original author

Confucius once said: "Abandoning the old and taking the young is also ominous." ”

It is said that the whole family takes care of the children, while ignoring the elderly, is an unknown family.

Today's China, most of them are only children, which makes this situation more serious.

Mom and Dad, grandparents, grandparents, six people around a child, the child is everyone's baby knot, everything is child-centered.

Eat the best, wear the best, use the best, and some even go to kindergarten for tens of thousands of dollars a month.

A while ago, a parent complained that the monthly salary of thirty thousand could not support a child's summer vacation, summer vacation to study, to go to tutoring classes, to travel, and so on, etc., the child has long become the most important expenditure of the family.

At the same time, everyone is becoming less and less concerned about the elderly.

Judge whether a family is auspicious or not, just look at this!

There is a real example around me, the old man has worked hard all his life, saved a sum of money to buy a house for his son, and then the son went to the big city to buy a house and settle down, married and had children, the son is usually busy with work, and he does not come back for a few months.

The old man became a veritable empty nester.

At the same time, many elderly people can't stand this loneliness and can only move into nursing homes, and young people also feel that it is convenient and happy to see it.

In the past, it was said that filial piety and filial piety were made by children and grandchildren to the elderly, but now it is completely reversed, and it is the old man who turns upside down to give unconditionally to his children and grandchildren.

Confucius said, "Abandoning the old and taking the young" is an ominous omen of the family, and if a family comes to this step, it is rarely happy and happy.

A child's personality is spoiled from an early age, and when he grows up, he generally belongs to the type of solipsism in heaven and earth, self, arrogance and selfishness.

Judge whether a family is auspicious or not, just look at this!

When the country first opened the second child, many children actually threatened their parents with suicide, asking their parents to go to the hospital to beat up their younger siblings.

Others ask their parents to write a letter of guarantee to ensure that after the younger siblings are born, they will only love themselves.

How will such a child get along with others in the future when he goes to society? Do you want the earth to revolve around him?

The child's character and character are the child's fate, even if his education is high, the character and character cannot be said, and it will eventually fail.

Judge whether a family is auspicious or not, just look at this!

We say that a family is a big tree, grandparents are the roots of a big tree, parents are branches and leaves, and children are fruits.

Growers fertilize the roots and spray the fruits!

Only by fertilizing the roots can the fruit have sufficient nutrients. Spray the fruit to prevent the fruit from growing bugs.

We should care more for the elderly and educate our children.

When a person is filial to his parents, his children also look in the eyes, and the parents lead by example and honor the elders, which is the best example of the growth of children.

Children know filial piety through the actions of their parents.

In a family, if the parents are filial to the elderly, then the children will be filial to the parents, and the family can be harmonious and beautiful.

Judge whether a family is auspicious or not, just look at this!

Chinese often said that filial piety comes first.

Filial piety is the first step to kindness, a person to maintain gratitude to their parents, learn to love them, on this basis can further love others.

If a person does not even love his own parents and relatives, then this person will never be kind to others.

Filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and it is the first step in cultivating morality and learning kindness in all Chinese.

Filial piety is the origin of goodness, the root of virtue, without filial piety, this family is not far from the fall.


∞ article source: Journal of Chinese Studies ∞

∞ the graphics and texts originate from the Internet, if there is infringement, inform the deletion ∞

∞ Executive Editor: Zhang Bobo Producer: Winter Sunshine ∞

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