
Children are prone to anger when things happen, and parents scolding has a great impact on children, which is more effective

Some time ago, when a friend brought his child to play in our house, he and I complained that his child had a bigger temper during this period, and when he went out, he didn't know how to get along with other children, and every time he played with children, he would often bully others, and he didn't know how to respect the people around him. At this time, my friend was more distressed, and did not know how to make the child's temper better, and after listening to what he said, I felt that our children were the same.

Children are prone to anger when things happen, and parents scolding has a great impact on children, which is more effective

Later, when I asked my friend what to do with the situation of his child, he said that once he encountered a child who lost his temper or did not know how to respect others, he would often take the form of scolding to educate him. Because in the eyes of friends, such a way can indeed play a certain effect, at that time, in fact, I also used this way to educate children, but in the process of educating children, although the children did not cry or make trouble at that time, but later found that the children were getting farther and farther away from themselves, as if they were unwilling to talk to themselves.

Children are prone to anger when things happen, and parents scolding has a great impact on children, which is more effective

Over time, it will affect the relationship between parents and children, and I hope that all parents will not use this way to educate their children when they face their children's tantrums. This way has a greater impact on children, and even makes children more and more distant from their parental relationships. So what kind of educational methods should be adopted in the face of such children? First of all, I hope that parents must think about this matter from the perspective of their children, only in this way can they achieve symbiosis.

Children are prone to anger when things happen, and parents scolding has a great impact on children, which is more effective

In the process of getting along with the child in the usual way, if the child faces these things, I hope that the parents will not only think from their own point of view, but must look at this matter from the child's point of view, only in this way can the child not misunderstand himself. When you want to educate your child, you must first understand why your child loses his temper and why he does not respect other children, only in this way can he fundamentally solve this problem of children.

Children are prone to anger when things happen, and parents scolding has a great impact on children, which is more effective

The second is that parents in the face of tantrums of the child must buy him calm, time in the child's tantrums, then the emotions between the child and the parents are actually not so calm, people in the emotional situation is not calm, it is particularly easy to make some incorrect behavior, must give the child calm time, let both people have a good reflection, this is a way to belong to the symbiotic effect. The second is to communicate with the child with an equal attitude, do not use the parent's point of view, only in this way will the child speak out of his inner feelings.

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