
In extramarital relationships, men do not all like young and beautiful, but more love women with three characteristics


When many people mention a man's extramarital feelings, they will always think that he is blinded by the fox spirit outside, so he will do such a stupid thing.

The general perception is that a man who finds an extramarital woman outside must be because he has a young and beautiful appearance of an extramarital woman.

Although this is indeed a common phenomenon, in extramarital relationships, men do not all like young and beautiful, they prefer women with three qualities.

In extramarital relationships, men do not all like young and beautiful, but more love women with three characteristics


The first: a woman with a scheming heart.

In a marriage, many couples will still carefully maintain the marriage at the beginning of the marriage, and when doing anything, they will also consider each other's feelings more and will try to make each other feel happy.

But with the passage of time, after a few years, there is no such caution between the two people, too familiar with each other, there will be no worries when talking, the original woman is still quite clever, at this time, when talking to each other at home, it will not think more than the original, but will not say it directly.

Sometimes doing so inadvertently hurts the other person, and she herself is not aware of the fact that she has inadvertently hurt her husband.

This will definitely affect the feelings of husband and wife over time.

In extramarital relationships, men do not all like young and beautiful, but more love women with three characteristics

In such a situation, if there is a woman with a heart, even if this woman is not a young and beautiful one, it will attract the attention of men.

Because instead of saying some big truths from time to time, not knowing how to care about his feelings, and not pandering to his wife at all, a woman with a heart will make him more comfortable to get along with.

Because when a woman with a heart is interested in him, she will say and do things according to his preferences.

In order to win his favor, the woman with the heart will even say something against his heart to cater to him. This is in stark contrast to his wife, which will make him more comfortable, you can imagine.

Moreover, compared with those simple women, these clever women tend to be more measured, more attractive, and more attractive to men's eyes.

In extramarital relationships, men do not all like young and beautiful, but more love women with three characteristics

In such a relationship, a simple woman may still follow her temper when she knows that she is an extramarital woman, and she will still be clingy when she should be clingy, and she will still be unreasonable when she should be unreasonable, and she will not be too concerned about the man's situation or thoughts.

But a woman with a heart, she will think more when she knows that she is an extramarital woman. She will observe the color, will not do things that make men embarrassed, but also know how to take measures, so that men feel particularly comfortable to get along with, and can make men more and more obsessed with her, and then achieve their own goals.

Although many men say that they prefer simple women, in fact, especially in extramarital relationships, women who still have intentions are more attractive to men.

Therefore, in a marriage, women should not only be wary of those young and beautiful girls, those women who look average and are not very young should not be underestimated.

Instead of being wary of these women who may have an extramarital relationship with their husbands, the most important thing wives should do is to prevent problems before they occur, and cut off this possibility from the root.

Therefore, women should not be too free of themselves after marriage, the heart is still to have, do not say those hurtful words when they are angry, and run the marriage well, and the marriage that both parties feel comfortable is a good marriage.

In extramarital relationships, men do not all like young and beautiful, but more love women with three characteristics


The second: empathetic women.

In fact, whether before or after marriage, men prefer empathetic women.

Men may see more external things like looks and temperament when they are in love, but when it comes to marriage, or when looking for women outside of marriage after marriage, their first choice is still those women who are empathetic.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand.

When a man is in a marital relationship, it is inevitable that there will always be those miscellaneous things in life that upset you.

In such a situation, if the wife is understanding, willing to share more, and emotional stability is good, if the wife is the kind of person who looks for you as soon as there is something, everything is counting on you, and then explodes once at a time, then the man may already be on the verge of collapse.

At this time, if there is an understanding woman who greets you with a cold greeting, it will also help you at work, so that even if this woman is a little less than the wife at home, she is slightly inferior to the young and beautiful point, and it will also make the man have a different mind.

After all, who doesn't like empathetic people, even women prefer empathetic men.

This is a nature engraved in the genes, and when such a person suddenly appears in a dull and unchanging life, he will certainly be attracted.

Therefore, women should remember that if you want a happy marriage, then don't lose the empathetic qualities of you after marriage, know that this is the key to a happy marriage, if you lose it, your husband will be attracted to another understanding woman the probability will be much higher.

In extramarital relationships, men do not all like young and beautiful, but more love women with three characteristics


The third kind: a woman who can understand the hardships of men.

After marriage, women tend to treat men as their own possessions, become very casual when treating him, and take it for granted that men earn money to support their families and take care of her.

And when men feel stressed, or have problems in their careers or work, wives tend to become anxious, and then become irritable because of anxiety, and then sprinkle this gas on their husbands.

Although it is understood that this is also caused by the excessive pressure of the wife, men often have a sense of frustration at such times.

He will feel that he is a failure as a person, obviously for this family, he is desperately working outside every day, but the wife at home is not at all distressed, and blames himself for being useless and not giving them a better life.

Therefore, at this time, men are easily attracted to women who can understand men's hard work.

After all, men also have psychological needs, they need someone to be distressed, need to be affirmed, need to be cared for.

And when the wife at home can't meet these psychological needs of his, his heart will definitely run out.

At this time, the woman he needs outside is not young and beautiful, he needs the kind of woman who understands the hardships of men, such a woman will look at him with pain on her face, will say a warm word from time to time, and will care whether he is tired, whether he has eaten, whether he has slept well.

At this time, his heart will become more and more inclined to the women outside, so that he may still have the idea of divorce.

Therefore, women should understand the hardships of men in marriage.

Although sometimes I feel wronged when I think about it, is it easier for me to be than him? Do more yourself, just be rude to him.

You can think like this, but if you want to maintain this marriage, you better learn to understand each other, understand each other's hardships, and understand his difficulties.

When you sincerely hurt the other party and understand his hardships, he will definitely hurt you.

Any feeling is mutual, you understand me, I understand you, don't count gains and losses from the beginning, calculate who pays more, learn to give first, then in the end you will get more.

In extramarital relationships, men do not all like young and beautiful, but more love women with three characteristics


In short, women should understand that sometimes men develop extramarital feelings, not because women outside are younger and more beautiful, but because they are looking for traits that they cannot feel in their wives.

A woman with this trait may occasionally appear around him to attract his attention, or it may be the result of men deliberately looking for it.

But no matter how they appear, they can always attract men's eyes and capture men's hearts.

In such a situation, the status of the wife in the family in the man's heart will certainly be lower and lower.

Therefore, women must understand this before marriage, know how to prevent it before it happens, know how to manage marriage, and fundamentally eliminate such a situation.

I think that as long as a woman is willing, she can become a woman who is scheming, understanding, and understands the hardships of men. I believe that with a wife doing just that, a man will no longer be attracted to a woman out there who has these traits.


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