
The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

author:Green pea mom delicacies

The types of breakfast are diverse, everyone likes to have different, our family generally likes to cook porridge to drink in the morning, because there are old people and children at home, porridge is simple and nutritious, the types of porridge are also diverse, you can change the pattern every day, the family prepares some grains, the types of grains are very many, every day with it, don't worry about eating greasy, and more nutritious and healthier;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

Usually our family likes to eat black rice porridge, black rice nutrition is also very rich, with the "king of rice" reputation, rich in anthocyanins, vitamin C, carotene, manganese, zinc, copper and other elements, eat more black rice not only has anti-aging effects, but also can improve the body's immunity and cold resistance, very suitable for winter;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

Black rice porridge has many benefits, but many friends can not cook a good black rice porridge, want to cook black rice porridge soft rotten thick, is skilled, boiling black rice porridge can not be directly boiled to drink, black rice clean directly boiled, cooked out of the taste is not good, so cook black rice porridge before to do one more step, that is soaking, because the shell of black rice is relatively hard, not how to absorb water, after soaking black rice suck enough water, can be easier to cook rotten, cooked out of the taste will be better, this and red beans, The principle of soaking mung beans and other grains before cooking is the same;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge
The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

Want to cook out of the black rice porridge soft glutinous thick, but also need to add the same ingredients, that is, glutinous rice, because the starch content in the black rice is relatively small, added to the starch content of the glutinous rice cooked together, starch will gelatinize after heating, so the black rice porridge with glutinous rice boiled out is not only thick, but also soft rotten, know these 2 tips, you can cook a delicious black rice porridge at home;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

Black rice porridge collocation is also diverse, today and share with you a black rice oatmeal porridge method, the use of black rice, rice, glutinous rice, oat rice, raw oatmeal and the right amount of red dates, no matter what porridge is cooked in winter, I like to add some red dates, red dates can replenish blood and qi, very suitable for winter consumption, with these ingredients cooked out of the black rice porridge is not only nutritious, but also soft glutinous thick, like friends can try!

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

【Raw materials】30g of black rice, 30g of rice, 30g of glutinous rice, 30g of oat rice, 30g of oatmeal, red dates;

【Preparation of black rice oatmeal】

1, the need for ingredients to prepare first, here a total of 150g of ingredients, such a portion is about enough for 3-4 people, you can make a decision according to the actual situation at home;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

2, the prepared ingredients are poured into the pot, these ingredients are relatively hard, in addition to the red dates other ingredients in the pot after cleaning, add water to soak for more than 2 hours, it is now winter, the temperature is relatively low, you can soak one night in advance, so that it is more convenient to get up in the morning; black rice will appear after soaking, do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

3, in the morning, you can directly put the ingredients after soaking into the electric pressure cooker, add red dates, cover the lid, you can choose "boil porridge key" or "multigrain porridge", the porridge can be cooked;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

4, the time to come, out of the pot to put the bowl, thick and soft black rice oatmeal porridge is cooked, if you like sweet, you can add a little brown sugar after the pot, you can also drink the original flavor directly, or with some porridge side dishes, the taste is very good;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge
The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

5, winter hot to come to the night, simple and nutritious;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge
The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

Summary of the practice of black rice oatmeal:

1, the proportion of ingredients for cooking porridge is not specified, you can come according to your preferences;

2, winter boiled porridge can also add some sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, pumpkin, yam, etc.;

The correct way to cook black rice porridge, add a step before cooking, add one more ingredient, better than eight treasure porridge

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