
Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

On January 1, 2022, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education came into effect.

All along, the relevant departments have no restrictions on the field of family education, after all, this involves ethics and morality, and many situations are not easy for outsiders to intervene, but it is precisely in this way that more and more children are hurt.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

Because many parents still regard their children as their own products, they can often hear that I am the father of the child, and Lao Tzu teaches the child to be righteous. This is definitely a manifestation of ignorance.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! Novice moms looked over

The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education is the first special decree on family education in China.

Two key words of legislation: "guidance" and "empowerment"

In this decree, the relevant departments put forward two important concepts, one is guidance and the other is empowerment.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

What is a guideline? It is to eliminate literacy and clear the cognitive blind spots of family education in the minds of parents. The law refines scientific parenting into each chapter, and when parents are overwhelmed, they can find the direction of education by flipping through the law.

What is empowerment? It's reinforcements. When parents find it difficult to cope with their own strength in the process of scientific education, or even when their own donkey skills are poor, parents can seek help from relevant departments.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

Either you can get an increase in theoretical knowledge, or you can get practical material help. Basically, you can respond to every need and become a strong backing for parents.

Nor will legislation impose interference in every family

Although this decree has many restrictions and constraints on the behavior of parents, the autonomy of educating children will still be left to the parents.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

After all, parents are the guardians of their children, and daily management still depends on the wishes of parents. Each child's situation is different, and it is impossible to find a uniform standard answer to judge.

Coupled with the fact that the purpose of the legislation is to put family education on the right track, it is a constraint on the bad behavior of parents and a guidance for novice parents who are overwhelmed. Parents must not take it out of context and resist it!

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot
Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

In the face of this decree, the attitudes of the parent group are different

From a family affair to a state affair, parents will feel depressed

The state is made up of countless small families, each with its own lifestyle, and there will be no two identical families, nor two identical children.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

Even if it is a child who grows up in a family environment, there will be a big difference in temperament. It is precisely because of this individual difference that a rich and colorful life is formed.

However, now that the corresponding decrees have been introduced, many parents have become jealous in their hearts, do they have to act strictly in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations every day? Such dogma made everyone unhappy.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

And does it mean that it will be more and more difficult to bring with children in the future? If it were true, few parents might meet the requirements.

After all, those parents who are really good for their children's future development will not feel any fear and uneasiness, do not do things that harm their children, and are not afraid of the intervention of relevant departments.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

Instead, those parents who misbehave should stop the loss in time. They must start by changing their concepts, treating the baby equally, and respecting the baby is the first meaning.

Having a law to rely on is a kind of psychological comfort

We live in a society governed by the rule of law, and it has become the norm for the public to protect ourselves and make decisions for ourselves with the law. And the law must cover all aspects in order to make there are fewer and fewer dark places.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

Moreover, this law can also become a learning treasure book for novice mothers. Before raising children, if you study and understand them thoroughly in advance, you will also make your mind clearer, and you can not be in a hurry when dealing with your child's bad behavior.

Moreover, in the face of different stages of the baby, many parents will always feel helpless, if because of their own improper handling and serious consequences, will not be guilty of self-blame for a lifetime.

Chinese parents have entered the era of "bringing babies according to law"! New moms look over and help you a lot

But now that there is a decree, parents can seek help from the relevant departments, even if there is no immediate solution, at least this heart-warming approach can make parents grateful for a long time.

Alpaca mom has something to say:

The promulgation of the new decree is unlikely to satisfy all parents, and when dealing with some actual situations, it is not possible to achieve complete idealism, and after the deviation, how parents adjust their mentality is also a tricky thing.

However, the attitude of parents should still be more cooperative, more positive as well. And from the baby's 2-year-old rule sensitivity period, it is necessary to instill legal awareness in the little ones, even if they can't really understand and apply it, but the awareness of advanced education is still very useful.

Today's Topic:

What do you think about this decree, and is it a good thing or a bad thing for the public?

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