
Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

Talk about the mentality and lifestyle of young people after 1995.

I recently met two post-95 friends, a '95 guy and a '96 girl.

Let's start with the boys.

Male degree bachelor degree, occupation is a well-known video company programmer, monthly salary of 2.5W.

The place where he works is a new first-tier city in the south, and the average price of local houses is 3.8W.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

At present, he has not bought a house, and he does not have many plans to buy a house.

He said a word:

"When I can buy a house with my savings, I'll think about it."

He now has about 300,000 savings, and he is still in the prime of his career, and he should be able to earn more.

I am 28 years old at the new year, and I am not in a hurry to get married.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

I talked about my girlfriend in college, and after graduation, the girl returned to her hometown, and the two naturally broke up.

After work, there was no longer love, and there was no sign of marriage.

Someone helped him calculate an account:

Monthly salary of 25,000, work for six years, how to save 300,000 ah?

It is reasonable to say that even if you have a low salary when you first work, the programmer is much more expensive than the average person, and you will not save such a little money.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

The boy showed us his "collectibles":

All kinds of electronics, games, models, sneakers... It occupies almost an entire wall.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

He had three computers, two assembled desktops, and a notebook.

He proudly said:

"The graphics card in this console, I bought it for thirteen thousand!" Now the price has gone up! ”

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

Incomplete statistics:

All these collections add up, and the total price may have to be more than 100,000!

Others said they couldn't understand:

You have the money, why don't you buy a house?

The boy asked:

"Why do you have to buy a house?"

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

Bought a house,

The next step is to get married.

Once married, the next step is to have a baby.

The meaning of life is occupied and corrupted little by little.

And their hobbies, interests, and things they want are all driven aside, which is too boring.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

Look at the girl from '96.

Girls also work in first-tier cities, operate in an Internet company, and earn more than 10,000 yuan a month.

Last year, her parents urged the marriage to be frightened.

The old couple pondered at home for more than half a year, and finally came to a conclusion:

The biggest reason why the daughter is delayed in getting married is that she is not around her parents, so she is disobedient.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

So it took a lot of energy to find someone to help her get a position (non-establishment) in a public institution in her hometown.

A question of two thousand and five per month.

The girl laughed dumbly: "Two thousand and five? Don't fuel my car enough. ”

The parents said angrily, "The unit is so close to home, what kind of car to drive", and the girl replied:

"Mommy and Daddy, just the bag I bought a few days ago is worth the salary of three months of this work."

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

This girl is a person with a wide range of interests, and usually likes baking, painting, watching exhibitions and traveling.

The circle of friends is eager to update ten times a day, and it can be seen that she is a girl with a rich life and an interesting soul.

Her daily chats with her parents are as follows:

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

"At this age, I am not married, and it will be more and more difficult to find a partner in the future!"

"If you can't find it, don't look for it."

"Don't get married, don't have children, and when you're old, you'll be miserable!"

"It doesn't matter, I just look at the moment. Just relax and enjoy now. ”

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

Seeing the screenshot of the chat she posted with her parents in the circle of friends, as a friend, I can't help but sigh:

Now after the 95th Five-Year Plan, I have no need to argue with my parents about the use of getting married and having a baby.

Two generations, looking at the problem from different positions, will surely come to completely opposite conclusions.

With different positions, it is difficult for the three views to be consistent, and no one can convince anyone, so why bother torturing each other.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

There's an interesting question on the web:

Why are young people now less and less eager to start a family, get married and have children?

To figure this out, we score two lines of thought.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

First, the deterioration of the workplace environment

The former post-80s and post-90s are still struggling with the "35-year-old persuasion phenomenon" in the workplace, and the workplace environment after 95-year-old is not much better.

Some time ago, a workplace survey showed:

"College students who expect a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan account for only 10%.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

Previous fresh graduates didn't think that way.

For example, in the first six years, when the development of the mobile Internet was at its hottest, the expected monthly salary of fresh graduates was 15,000, 20,000, or even 30,000.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

And now:

In the face of 9.09 million competitors who graduated in the same period, the post-95s have hidden their own high expectations.

Instead, a monthly salary of 5,000 to 8,000 is required, and this goal may be easier to achieve.

Perhaps, the first step to becoming an adult is four words: to give up fantasies.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

In such a workplace environment, those who are in high positions and take several times, or even dozens of times, the wages of ordinary employees have vested interests,

For example, company executives, company bosses, etc., in turn, teach young people after the 95-year plan:

"Why aren't the salaries enough to spend?" It's not because you spend too much. ”

"Why are wages low? It's not because you're not trying hard enough. ”

"You think that four thousand a month is not enough to live on, so why don't you eat a few meals and sleep less?"

This kind of workplace environment has to be said to disappoint and despair young people.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

Fear and distrust of marriage.

Just after New Year's Day in 2022, an article blew up the Internet:

"You can't just ask for divorce on the grounds of "cheating""

This article is actually an interpretation of a regulation, and there are cases attached.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

If the husband cheats on the opposite sex outside of marriage, but does not live with the other party for a long time and steadily, it cannot be considered cohabitation.

Since cohabitation cannot be found, it cannot be a ground for divorce, much less a basis for claiming damages.

This statement really challenges the public's three views!

Netizen God Comments:

Although it is also said in the later article, the purpose of this regulation is to reduce people's rash divorce.

But at the same time, how not to think about it in reverse, this provision is difficult not to understand like this:

Since divorce is so difficult, why not get married from the beginning?

Finally, it can be eaten with this news and has a better flavor:

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

In a southern city in December, a wedding is in full swing.

The bride turned her back on the bridesmaids and threw her bouquet backwards with force, while shouting happily:

"If you receive a bouquet of flowers, you can marry out next year!"

The moment it was thrown out, all the bridesmaids dodged...

The bouquet of flowers smashed facelessly on the ground, alone.

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married

The comment under this video goes something like this:

"Bridesmaid Heart: I was kind enough to help, but you cursed me like this."

Contemporary post-95s: save money for tourism, buy brand-name bags, buy 10,000 yuan graphics cards, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married


Now after part of the ninety-five-year plan, tourism to buy bags to buy electronic products spend a lot of money, that is, do not buy a house and do not get married, what do you think of this phenomenon?

Welcome to share in the comments section.

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