
The most aggrieved thing about pregnancy is these internal organs, it is almost taken away from the territory, and it is only after reading that the greatness of women is known

Women's bodies will undergo greater changes after pregnancy, and external changes may be visible at a glance, but few people understand the internal changes, and even cannot imagine that there will be so many changes.

When the cousin was pregnant with the first child, she did not have any experience, and when she was in the third trimester of pregnancy, there was a frequent urinary urgency, everyone knows that this is also a normal situation, and her mother-in-law also told her so, but she felt that she urinated extra frequently, would it be a problem such as inflammation of the urethra? She fidgeted at the thought of this, afraid that these symptoms would affect the fetus.

The most aggrieved thing about pregnancy is these internal organs, it is almost taken away from the territory, and it is only after reading that the greatness of women is known

So let me accompany to the hospital for examination, and then in the obstetric examination she also asked the doctor, the doctor listened to the smile, said "you are such a pregnant woman is really a lot, pregnancy must not do homework, you think, the uterus becomes larger after the space of other organs is also occupied, the most aggrieved of which is the bladder, because its position of the ion uterus is recent, so after the uterus is enlarged, its capacity becomes smaller, urinary frequency and urgency is also normal." ”

But the cousin still felt that her symptoms were more serious than others, insisted on doing a urethral examination to see if there was an inflammatory problem, the doctor took her no way, gave a test. After the test results came out, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and the cousin put her mind at ease. The doctor explained again, "You feel that your symptoms are more serious than others, that is because your bladder storage is already small, and your uterus is swollen more, so it will cause you to urinate more frequently, but these are normal conditions, don't pay too much attention to it." ”

The most aggrieved thing about pregnancy is these internal organs, it is almost taken away from the territory, and it is only after reading that the greatness of women is known

Hearing this, the cousin was completely relieved. In fact, many female friends have similar doubts after pregnancy, of course, the starting point of all this is for the consideration of the fetal baby in the belly, afraid of being unfavorable to them, which is also understandable.

As the doctor explained, the bladder can be said to be the most aggrieved organ, because after pregnancy, the uterus slowly enlarges, squeezing the space that originally belongs to the bladder, in this case, the bladder's urine storage naturally becomes smaller, which is why frequent urination occurs in the third trimester. In addition to the bladder, other organs affected by pregnancy are not small.

The most aggrieved thing about pregnancy is these internal organs, it is almost taken away from the territory, and it is only after reading that the greatness of women is known

After pregnancy, these organs suffered a lot of grievances

Take the intestine, we all know that pregnant women are most likely to have constipation symptoms, which is also because with the slow expansion of the uterus, squeezing the space of the intestine, coupled with changes in the hormones of the pregnant woman's body, all aspects of the comprehensive action, the digestive function of the intestine becomes poor, then the diet slightly inattentive may cause constipation.

There is also the stomach, which is affected by hormonal changes in the body in the first trimester, and first there will be a larger reaction, such as morning sickness, acid reflux and so on. Entering the second trimester is still better, but in the third trimester, the appetite of many pregnant mothers will also become smaller, this is because part of the space of the stomach is also occupied, and the uterus also puts the stomach up, pregnant mothers will naturally feel uncomfortable.

The most aggrieved thing about pregnancy is these internal organs, it is almost taken away from the territory, and it is only after reading that the greatness of women is known

To address these issues, pregnant mothers can exercise appropriately during pregnancy because exercise can improve these conditions. Not only can it help promote digestion, but it can also regulate body functions, so that hormones gradually tend to a stable state, which is very beneficial for pregnant women in all aspects of regulation.

In addition, pregnant mothers' lungs will also be greatly affected, because the uterus will slowly enlarge, which will compress the chest, thus making the space in the lungs smaller, which is why the late pregnancy often feels that breathing is not smooth. In addition, changes in progesterone can also cause muscle relaxation in the lungs, increasing the difficulty of breathing.

The most aggrieved thing about pregnancy is these internal organs, it is almost taken away from the territory, and it is only after reading that the greatness of women is known

How can I minimize the impact?

Since pregnancy can cause so many symptoms, what can pregnant mothers do to mitigate the effects? First of all, just like the exercise problem we mentioned above, maintain more than three times of exercise a week, no more than five times, three to five times is the best, and you can not carry out exercise that is too intense, otherwise it may cause symptoms of pseudo-contractions, and it will really be too much to lose.

Pregnant mothers' diet should also pay attention to conditioning, as far as possible to eat some of the existing nutrients, while not easy to cause indigestion and other problems of food, so as to reduce the burden of the stomach and intestines, pregnant mothers themselves can also feel better, not to be plagued by gastrointestinal problems all day.

The most aggrieved thing about pregnancy is these internal organs, it is almost taken away from the territory, and it is only after reading that the greatness of women is known

At the same time, it is also necessary to adjust the sleep schedule, because after pregnancy itself will lead to a large change in the body hormones, then only the work and rest can be adjusted well, in order to minimize the hormonal changes, not to the body discomfort.

Emotional stability of pregnant mothers is also key, because long-term negative emotional state will lead to poor body immune system and other functions, resulting in a series of physical reactions, which is not only psychologically uncomfortable, but also physiologically uncomfortable.

Conclusion: Pregnancy is very difficult, family members should understand the difficulty of pregnant mothers, as far as possible to do all the preparations, to help them more adapt to the life of pregnancy.

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