
After middle-aged and elderly, these 5 parts can not be neglected, to do a good job of maintenance, or can maintain good health

After reaching a certain age, the function of various organs in the body will decline, which also means that the human body is about to enter a state of aging.

Especially 60 years old, is the transition from middle age to old age, if you do a good job of maintenance measures can escort health, especially the 5 parts mentioned below, must focus on maintenance.

After middle-aged and elderly, these 5 parts can not be neglected, to do a good job of maintenance, or can maintain good health

1. Bones

Bone is the most important part of the human body, it not only has a supporting role, but also can be flexible operation, so as to facilitate the usual work.

However, after entering the middle-aged and elderly stage, the rate of calcium loss accelerates, and if it is not replenished in time, it is easy to have osteoporosis and even fractures.

After middle-aged and elderly, these 5 parts can not be neglected, to do a good job of maintenance, or can maintain good health

Especially office workers, often have a long-term sedentary habit, so that the cervical spine, lumbar spine muscles for a long time in a state of tension, in the long run will have stiff aging performance.

At this time, if you want to prevent unexpected situations, you must pay attention to maintenance, first eat more foods with calcium supplementation, such as shrimp skin, milk, eggs.

The second is moderate exercise, especially when the sun is full, exercise can synthesize more vitamin D, which in turn accelerates calcium absorption.

After middle-aged and elderly, these 5 parts can not be neglected, to do a good job of maintenance, or can maintain good health

2. Brain

Relevant studies have found that with age, the number of brain neurons will indeed become less, which is easy to reduce brain function and affect memory, so we need to do a good job of protecting the brain.

For example, eat some walnuts, pine nuts, milk, eggs, etc., because these foods contain more protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which play a role in repairing cell membranes.

At the same time, we must ensure adequate sleep time, normally, every day before 11:00 to fall asleep, and sleep enough for 7 to 8 hours.

After middle-aged and elderly, these 5 parts can not be neglected, to do a good job of maintenance, or can maintain good health

3. Intestines

After entering the middle-aged and elderly stage, the ability of the stomach and intestines to digest declines, and if there is no maintenance measures, it is impossible to absorb the nutrients in the food, which will cause the problem of weak resistance.

Therefore, everyone should maintain the habit of balanced three meals, and the appropriate intake of foods with gastrointestinal peristalsis effect, such as oats, corn and other coarse grains.

After middle-aged and elderly, these 5 parts can not be neglected, to do a good job of maintenance, or can maintain good health

4. Blood vessels

As the name suggests, blood vessels refer to the pipes that transport blood, and only when the blood vessels are unobstructed can nutrients and blood oxygen be transported to the brain, lungs, liver and other parts.

However, with the continuous aging of the blood vessels, it is inevitable that the blood vessels will harden or narrow, which will hinder blood circulation.

At this time, if you want to improve this problem, you should insist on exercise, drink more water and eat some blood vessel-unblocking foods, such as onions, tomatoes, etc., especially onions, which contain a substance called prostaglandin a, which helps to dilate blood vessels.

After middle-aged and elderly, these 5 parts can not be neglected, to do a good job of maintenance, or can maintain good health

5. Lungs

As we all know, the lungs are the respiratory organs of the human body, only the lungs can maintain physiological operation, can enter the middle and old age stage, lung capacity may be reduced, so it is easy to have breathing difficulties, chest tightness and other problems.

In order to prevent problems before they occur, we need to insist on exercise, such as jogging, tai chi, etc., which can enhance cardiopulmonary function.

After middle-aged and elderly, these 5 parts can not be neglected, to do a good job of maintenance, or can maintain good health

All in all, after entering the old age stage, the degradation of human organs is indeed a normal physiological manifestation, but it does not mean that there is no way to slow down the aging rate.

Therefore, I hope that everyone will master the correct method to maintain the internal organs, such as insisting on exercise, regular work and rest, balanced diet, long-term adherence can play a role in protecting the intestines, lungs, blood vessels and brains and other important parts of the effect.

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