
The prices of vegetables and meat fell as a whole, and the prices of eggs fell slightly丨The price of vegetables in Xinfadi for a week

author:Beijing News Food Chain
The prices of vegetables and meat fell as a whole, and the prices of eggs fell slightly丨The price of vegetables in Xinfadi for a week
The prices of vegetables and meat fell as a whole, and the prices of eggs fell slightly丨The price of vegetables in Xinfadi for a week

The data in this column is summarized by the Xinfadi wholesale market data statistics department after daily statistics of hundreds of merchants in Xinfadi, which is exclusively published in Green Squirrel and reported to the Market Information Department of the Ministry of Agriculture at the same time.

White Pig Price Trend

In the early part of last week (May 11-May 17), the average wholesale price of white pigs fell slightly, rebounded in the later part of the week, and the price basically showed a trend of first declining and then rising during the week.

On May 17, the average wholesale price of white pigs in Xinfadi market was 18.90 yuan/kg, up 6.18% from 17.80 yuan/kg in the same period last week (May 10); up 5.59% from 17.90 yuan/kg in the same period last month (April 17); 16.31% higher than 16.25 yuan/kg in the same period last year. Week-on-week rose sharply; Month-on-month increase was significant; Significant year-on-year increases. At the end of last week, the price rose by 6.91% year-on-year, and the year-on-year increase at the end of last week was significantly magnified.

Last week, the average daily market volume of pork in Xinfadi was 1549.14 heads, an increase of 2.89% from 1505.57 heads last week (May 4-10), and in the same period last year, the average daily market volume of white pigs was 1758.71 heads, a year-on-year decrease of 11.92%. Last week, the average price of white pig wholesale continued to fluctuate and adjust, and there was an upward trend in repeated fluctuations.

There are two main reasons for the obvious increase in meat prices week-on-week: one is that the price of hairy pigs has been in the process of repeated adjustment in the near future, and the price has shown signs of fluctuating upward. The price fluctuation is upward, mainly because the farms have a resistance to low prices, and there is a phenomenon of reluctance to sell. This phenomenon is reflected in the single weight of hairy pigs, that is, large white pigs account for a relatively large proportion of white pigs on the market. From the point of view of the single weight of white pigs in Xinfadi market, the single weight is generally concentrated in about 100 kg/head, and the proportion of large-sized white pigs is relatively large, and most of these large-size white pigs are hairy pigs that are delayed for more than 1 month; One is that there are also large fluctuations in the daily entry trading volume of slaughterhouses, and there are often slaughterhouses that cannot enter the transaction on time. Judging from the background of the fluctuation of the price in the Xinfadi market last week, once a slaughterhouse is absent and does not enter the market, the wholesale price of white pigs will definitely rebound on the same day. The absence of slaughterhouses late in the week led to increased volatility in meat prices later in the week and pushed prices higher amid the volatility.

If from a slightly longer period of time, the number of sows that can reproduce is still in a more reasonable range, there is no shortage of pig supply, the supply capacity is still in a relatively abundant state, a short period of delay in slaughter, after all, it is still necessary to enter the market, the state of sufficient supply of pigs is still difficult to change, and the price will eventually fall back in a short time. Therefore, the postponement of slaughter is mainly the expected effect, and can not fundamentally change the trend of meat prices, and the results of meat price control in the last cycle are predictable.

Subsequently, there will be some fluctuations in meat prices, which are not trending for the time being, and are just repeated price adjustments.

Egg price movements

In the early part of last week, egg prices fell slightly, and continued to rebound in the latter part of the week.

On May 17, the average wholesale price of eggs in Xinfadi market was 8.20 yuan/kg, an increase of 10.96% from 7.39 yuan/kg in the same period last week (May 10); up 11.72% from 7.34 yuan/kg in the same period last month (April 17); 9.79% lower than 9.09 yuan/kg in the same period last year (May 17). Week-on-week rose sharply; Month-on-month increase slightly; Significant year-on-year decline. Last week, the year-on-year decline was 22.78%, and the year-on-year decline narrowed significantly last week.

In the early part of last week, egg prices continued to fall slowly in the latter part of last week, but in the middle of the week, egg prices began to rise steadily, and the increase was more obvious, making the week-on-week increase of more than 10%, and the pace of rise has not stopped. Such a significant increase was unexpected by many people, and it also caught some chicken farms by surprise, and prompted some chicken farms to start preparing for the new chicken supplement. It is reported that due to the recent increase in egg prices, the chick supplement has begun to be hot, and the orders for chick hatcheries have increased significantly, and the purchase of chicks needs to wait in line.

For this wave of egg price rise, some people attribute it to the pull of futures. Because recently, egg prices are relatively low, low prices have a certain stimulating effect on demand, the sales speed of eggs is accelerated, but the sales speed has not led to a shortage of eggs, the supply of eggs is still sufficient, and there is no basis for a continuous rebound in egg prices. Therefore, some people believe that some time ago, the continuous rainfall and high temperature in the south affected the local egg production, some egg merchants increased the purchase of eggs in the north, and the northern egg was transported south, which promoted the rise in egg prices in the northern producing areas. Some people also reported that in the process of transporting eggs from the north to the south, the price of eggs in the north has not only increased, but also caused the price of eggs in the south to decline due to a large number of eggs entering the southern market, and the egg price in some areas has even been inverted.

In short, the foundation of this round of egg price rise is not solid, and if you look at it in a slightly longer period of time, it is only a fluctuation in egg prices.

Vegetable price movements

In the early part of last week, the overall price of vegetables declined, and rebounded and fell back in the latter part of the week.

On May 17, the weighted average price of vegetables in Xinfadi market was 2.94 yuan/kg, down 2.65% from 3.02 yuan/kg in the same period last week (May 10); down 8.41% from 3.21 yuan/kg in the same period last year. Week-on-week slight decline; There was a significant year-on-year decline. At the end of last week, prices fell by 8.76% year-on-year, and the year-on-year decline narrowed slightly last week.

Last week, the overall price of vegetables showed a fluctuating downward trend, and the seasonal decline was more obvious. The main reason for the seasonal decline is that the production area continues to move northward, and the main supply of fresh and tender vegetables has moved north to Beijing and the south of Beijing, especially in the central and southern regions of Hebei, which has become the main supplier of vegetables in the Beijing market, the distance is close, and the cost of transportation and preservation is reduced, which provides objective favorable conditions for the decline of vegetable prices; At the same time, due to the successive formation of batch listing conditions for this crop of vegetables, the supply capacity is sufficient, which provides a favorable foundation for the decline of vegetable prices.

Since the beginning of spring this year, due to the impact of low temperature, rain and snow in the early stage, some vegetables in the growth period have reduced yield; There are also some vegetables that have been forced to postpone the planting period, resulting in the seasonal decline in vegetable prices in the early stage. After entering last week, the production area moved north to Beijing and the south of Beijing, some postponed vegetables began to be listed last week, and the output is gradually increasing, the impact of low temperature in February on the supply of vegetables in the Beijing market has been significantly weakened or even eliminated, making the overall supply situation of vegetables good.

Until last week, the price of fresh and tender small varieties of vegetables has slipped to the bottom as a whole, and the price of eggplant vegetables has been stable and declining as a whole, among which the price of cucumber has fallen into a trough due to the centralized listing of cucumbers in Hebei, and the prices of round eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes are also slowly declining with the increase of subsequent production; The price of carob vegetables in central and southern Hebei and Shandong has also entered the stage of centralized listing, and the price of carob vegetables has declined as a whole, falling to the lowest point this year; The prices of celery, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, baby cabbage and other leafy vegetables in Beijing and surrounding areas are also bottoming out. The price of a variety of vegetables fell at the same time, making the overall price of vegetables show a fluctuating downward trend, and the price has fallen to the low point of this year last week.

Subsequently, the main supply of vegetables in Beijing will continue to stay in Beijing and the south of Beijing for a period of time, the output of vegetables in this region will continue to maintain sufficient supply, and the price will continue to maintain a low state and there is room for continued decline. However, there are also a small number of vegetable prices will rebound, especially some of the prices have fallen to the bottom of the vegetables, farmers have the phenomenon of early removal and planting the next crop of vegetables, but the overall price of vegetables will still show a fluctuating downward trend.

Xinfadi Market Statistics Department Contributed Editor / Liu Huan

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