
Mengniu entered the Paris Olympics to convey the spirit of "born to be strong" to the world

author:Beijing News Food Chain

On May 19, Gao Fei, President of Mengniu Group, met with Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, in Shanghai to discuss topics related to jointly promoting global sports and sustainable development. At the Paris Olympic Qualification Series held on the same day, Bach and Gao Fei visited the Mengniu Group's Olympic booth and interacted with Liao Zhi, a key ambassador of the Mengniu Olympic Games.

As a global partner of the Olympic Games, Mengniu has spent 25 years to achieve the leap from "grassland cattle" to "world cattle", and the brand spirit of "born to be strong" has the same background as the Olympic spirit. With the Paris Olympics just around the corner, Mengniu will convey the spirit of strength to the world, show the image of China's dairy industry to the outside world, and convey the concept of nutrition and health and national sports.

Mengniu entered the Paris Olympics to convey the spirit of "born to be strong" to the world

Gao Fei, President of Mengniu Group, and Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, met in Shanghai. Courtesy of the company

Mengniu President Gao Fei met with IOC President Thomas Bach

In his meeting with Goofy, Bach said: "We are very pleased to have a long-term cooperation with Mengniu. In the process of cooperation, we deeply feel that Mengniu's enterprise spirit of 'born to be strong' resonates with the Olympic spirit. Mengniu has provided healthy and delicious products to consumers around the world, and has achieved remarkable results in Ulan Bu and desert management, especially in the management of Ulan Bu and deserts, which is highly compatible with the 'Olympic Forest Network' program." In the future, we look forward to working hand in hand with Mengniu to make greater contributions to building a peaceful and better world." ”

"Our products and sports can bring health and happiness to people. The Olympic Games is a world-class sports event where the spirit of sportsmanship and humanity shines, and the Olympic motto of 'Faster, Higher, Stronger, More United' is a precious concept that has been passed down to this day, which has a lot in common with Mengniu's spirit of 'Be Strong', which is also the driving force for Mengniu to adhere to long-termism and support the global Olympic cause. "As a global partner of the Olympic Games, Mengniu will work hand in hand with the IOC and Olympic organizations around the world to jointly promote the development and popularization of the Olympic Movement around the world." ”

During the meeting, Goofy presented Bach with a special gift - a beautiful Mongolian folk instrument, the horse-head qin. The matouqin is a traditional Mongolian musical instrument, representing free-spirited, broad-minded and firm strength. Bach improvised a "playing" of the matouqin on the spot and said that he was grateful for this precious gift and felt the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture. In the future, we look forward to working with Mengniu to promote the development of sports and let more people feel the charm and power of the Olympic Games.

Mengniu entered the Paris Olympics to convey the spirit of "born to be strong" to the world

Gao Fei presented Bach with a Mongolian characteristic national musical instrument, the horse-head fiddle. Courtesy of the company

The Olympic Global Partnership (TOP) is the highest-level partner selected by the IOC worldwide, covering the Olympic Games, Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Paralympic Winter Games, Youth Olympic Games, Winter Youth Olympic Games and other Olympic events. Mengniu said that becoming a TOP partner is not only a high recognition of the Mengniu brand by the IOC, but also an affirmation of Mengniu's long-term support for the Olympic cause.

In recent years, Mengniu has focused on the field of sports and carried out all-round brand activities, so that the brand proposition of "born to be strong" is integrated with the spirit of sportsmanship. Mengniu has carried out long-term cooperation with the FIFA World Cup and has become the official global sponsor of the two consecutive World Cups in Russia and Qatar. In 2022, Mengniu took the lead in announcing a reward of 10 million yuan when the Chinese Women's Asian Cup won the championship, and joined hands with spokesperson Gu Ailing to cheer on the ice and snow field. Mengniu is also a supporter of Chinese national teams at all levels and Chinese youth football.

"Prosthetic Dancer" Liao Zhi served as a powerful ambassador of the Mengniu Olympics

On the afternoon of May 19, when the Paris Olympic Qualification Series was held in Huangpu Riverside, Shanghai, Bach and Gao Fei visited the Mengniu Group's Olympic theme booth and interacted with Liao Zhi, the "prosthetic dancer", a key ambassador of the Mengniu Olympic Games, and presented gifts. After learning that Mengniu had invited Liao Zhi to the Paris Olympics, Bach said he looked forward to meeting her again in Paris.

Mengniu entered the Paris Olympics to convey the spirit of "born to be strong" to the world

Bach and Mengniu Olympics should be strong enough for Liao Zhi to interact. Courtesy of the company

Liao Zhi, a dancer who lost his legs in the earthquake, uses his perseverance and love of dance to convey a strong character and hope for life, which has the same background as Mengniu's excellent product quality, the brand spirit of "born to be strong" and the Olympic spirit. With the Paris Olympics just around the corner, Mengniu and Liao Zhi will join hands to cheer for the Olympic athletes and convey the strong spirit of the Chinese people to the world.

Outside of the arena, Mengniu also brings the Olympic spirit to everyday life. Before the opening of the Olympic preliminaries, the brand slogan of "Mengniu Olympic Global Partner, Also Your Sports Partner" was officially released. Mengniu deeply integrates competitive sports into daily life, promotes sports for all, advocates healthy life, provides nutritional support for consumers, and is committed to becoming a partner of consumers in sports and life. Since becoming a global partner of the Olympic Games in 2019, Mengniu has promoted cooperation in key areas such as equality, inclusion, environmental sustainability and social impact to support the development of the Olympic Movement.

Mengniu said that Mengniu will not only provide support for the Olympic movement, but also contribute more to inheriting and carrying forward the Olympic spirit, and continuously expand the global influence of Chinese brands. In the future, Mengniu will uphold the Olympic spirit, give full play to its resource advantages, create world-class products and services, and convey the brand concept of health, quality and nutrition to global consumers, so that the world can know Chinese enterprises, understand Chinese brands and fall in love with Chinese products.

Text/Guo Tie

Edited by Li Yan

Proofread by Zhao Lin

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