
Giving children the quality of independence is the greatest obligation of parents!

Giving children the quality of independence is the greatest obligation of parents!

Brushing a video on the Internet is very shocking.

A 12-year-old boy, flying alone, flew home from Madrid, Spain.

During the 20-hour journey, he not only did not have the slightest impatience, but also completed many procedures from boarding, customs clearance, declaration to testing, etc., all of which were completed alone.

But also always keep in mind the advice of parents, insist on wearing a mask to fly the whole distance.

Giving children the quality of independence is the greatest obligation of parents!

This series of complicated procedures, even for adults, is tricky, but he flew back to China safely and smoothly by his own ability.

In this process, the calm and resolute action embodied in him are what parents want to see in their children.

As stated in the book "21 Tricks, Let Children Be Independent":

"The ultimate goal of raising children is to give them enough ability to leave us."

Poor parents in the world, all hope that their children can have a better life.

However, we cannot accompany our children for a lifetime, so it is crucial to cultivate their children's independent ability at this time.

After all, only those independent children will not be afraid of the wind and rain of the road ahead, hold the weapons in their hands, and go all the way!

Knock on the blackboard! Scratch the point!

A truly good education is never made of materials, but with a loving attitude, giving children the ability to explore the world independently.

In the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film "Sandpiper", there is such a story:

In the short film, there is a small sandpiper bird, together with its mother, foraging on the beach.

Mom struggled to find delicious food, and the little sandpiper instinctively opened its mouth and waited for its mother to feed it.

Giving children the quality of independence is the greatest obligation of parents!

I thought that life would go on like this, but suddenly one day, my mother, who had always been gentle and loving, pushed it to the beach with her wings and let it forage alone.

At first, the little sandpiper was terrified, and the waves wet its feathers, making it shiver with cold.

But under the mother's fierce letting go and encouragement, it finally took the first brave step, not only found food, but also witnessed a different scenery.

Giving children the quality of independence is the greatest obligation of parents!

Think about it:

If the little sandpiper has been hiding under its mother's wings and never exploring the outside world, how can it face the wind and waves of life independently and see the wider world?

To put it bluntly, parents who do not know how to let go will never be able to raise independent children.

They will get used to the love and spoiling of the greenhouse, lack the ability to face life alone, and once they encounter setbacks, they will be easily knocked down by the wind and waves.

Therefore, as parents, we must remember to let our children explore the world, so that children can be invincible in the future society.

However, many parents will feel:

Children's independence and ability to explore are very important, but in the end it is still a vain thing, how to cultivate it?

In fact, it is also very simple

Encourage children to explore the world independently.

I have always agreed with a sentence: the biggest confidence of children is the encouragement from their parents.

With the positive attitude and encouraging words of parents, children will have greater courage to explore the unknown world, and then continue to enrich their personality.

Take more babies to see the heavens and the earth and feel the nature.

It is said that "on paper, you will eventually feel shallow, and you will never know that this matter must be done", many times, children's cognition of things comes from books or oral accounts from parents.

Giving children the quality of independence is the greatest obligation of parents!

But if you don't climb the mountain, how can you see the vastness of the mountains and rivers, only by truly exploring and feeling it, can you have a broad heart, look at the world, and look forward to a bigger stage of life!

Therefore, in terms of cultivating children's independent personality and exploration, parents' letting go, encouragement and seeing the world are indispensable, so as to give them a good growth boost.

Source: Homeschooling

Producer: Mao Yaming

The copyright belongs to the original author, please contact us if there is any infringement

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